Loftus Announces Run for Town of Owego Supervisor; Former Mayor sees an opportunity for growth

Loftus Announces Run for Town of Owego Supervisor; Former Mayor sees an opportunity for growthPictured is Candidate John Loftus. Provided photo.

Owego, N.Y. – Former Village of Owego Mayor John Loftus announced his candidacy for Town of Owego Supervisor on Jan. 10, 2025 at the Baker Fireman’s Fountain in the Courthouse Square, Owego. Loftus is seeking the Republican nomination for the four-year term replacing incumbent Don Castellucci who is retiring.

“I have unique experiences and talents in public service over the years that can help propel the Town forward,” said candidate Loftus, a Republican from the Village of Owego. 

Loftus continued, “We need to maximize partnerships across the board (Village, Town, County, State, Federal) to continue Owego’s growth as a whole.”  

Loftus Announces Run for Town of Owego Supervisor; Former Mayor sees an opportunity for growth

Pictured, Candidate John Loftus interviewed by Fox News. Provided photo.

Loftus served as Village of Owego Mayor from 2006-2008 with major accomplishments that included north bank stabilization of the Susquehanna River behind the Front Street business district known as “Riverow.” Not only did the project stop erosion along the river’s edge, preserving the businesses along the river, it added the much-used “Riverwalk” connecting Ahwaga and Draper Parks for recreational purposes. 

Loftus stated, “Everyone sees and enjoys the Riverwalk today, but the real drive to get that project done was bank stabilization for the businesses on Front Street. We had to coordinate with sixteen landowners of twenty-one different land parcels to get the job done. It was not an easy task, but we did it.”      

A volunteer and Life Member with the Owego Fire Department’s (OFD) Croton Hose Company #3, Loftus also serves as Treasurer of the Owego Hose Teams. The Hose Team has raised and invested over $500,000 of non-taxpayer funds for the Baker Fireman’s Fountain restoration, the 1866 Amoskeag Steam Fire Engine repair, and the construction of its Steamer House on North Avenue in the heart of Owego. 

No stranger to big projects, Loftus oversaw repairs to the historic Owego Central Fire Station in the late 1980s as the Village of Owego Deputy Mayor and Fire Commissioner. His service to the Owego community also extends to Owego Little League, Knights of Columbus, and the Owego Strawberry Festival Committee as Parade Chair. He is currently employed as a manager at Innovation Associates (iA) with a career history dating back to Lockheed Martin in the early 1990s.  

Loftus lives with wife Mary on the Flats in the Village of Owego. 

The Class of 1975 Owego Free Academy graduate wants to bring fiscal transparency and efficiency to the job. 

Loftus stated, “The Town Supervisor is a key position, and I believe I have the right qualifications to best serve the people in that position.” 

Loftus is running as a Republican in the June 24 primary. He will be circulating petitions for ballot status from Feb. 25 to April 3. 

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