You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any messages.
If you are struggling with drinking during the holidays, AA is always available to help. Call the AA Hotline in Tioga County, N.Y. at 1-800-307-4285
The Apalachin Lions would like to thank the community for the hundreds of winter coats donated to those in need. Blessed Trinity at St. Margaret Mary’s, the Apalachin Library, Johnson’s Pools & Spas in Apalachin, and the Methodist Church on Pennsylvania Avenue collected the coats, while the Open-Door Mission Outreach distributed them in 2024.
This is regarding the new traffic signs that were installed on Tuesday. There is one on Cady, but why was one placed on Dean? It’s a very short and flat street, but a street that has seven homes. Dean has a few more. There is no reason for a three-way stop sign at this small junction in Nichols. It seems quite unnecessary. Many people are wondering why the town spent money on these unnecessary signs. How many of us will forget to stop and end up getting a ticket? Is this just a way to generate revenue? It’s unlikely for cars to speed on such a short street, so why install a sign?
To all the good community members that are getting their annual vaccine to keep our country and our communities and our citizens safe. Just look at the numbers at the hospital. The numbers are rising for respiratory illnesses related to flu, COVID, RSV, and pneumonia. Don’t do it for yourself, do it for your loved ones because if you get sick, you may survive it, but you may have somebody in your family who ends up with permanent issues because they’re getting an illness that’s all preventable. Thank you, good citizens, for doing your part to keep our community safe. God bless you, and you have a Merry Christmas.
I was just calling to comment on the students from Waverly High School who have done the murals in the village that are amazing. Why can’t Owego do something like that? Please, before next Christmas, get some new flags and some new wreaths.
Might someone find an AI that could sing John Denver’s “Country Roads” into a local version mentioning Catskill Roads, West New York, Susquehanna River?
It looks like the same code man comes along that’s pestering everybody who acts like he’s law enforcement, and he’s doing the same thing in the town of Barton to the Amish. It is way out of hand, folks. You get all your relatives, all your friends, anybody that deals with you, get together and I’ll get you the time and the place. When time is up for reelection on all the board seats, clean house and vote them all out, the whole state of New York! It’s time to remove them from office because it’s never going to change. Just ask people in California. New York State is following that moron’s footsteps. And people, it’s only going to get worse unless we start voting these people the hell out of these positions!
Can someone explain to me how these solar farms are working? We are witnessing an increase in the number of solar farms being built; however, my electric bill continues to rise. Can someone tell me why?
I think the village of Owego, as long as they’re doing away with the traffic light at Church and Main Street in the village by the theater, they should also do this at the other end, at Church Street and Front Street. Also, we really don’t need the traffic light at John Street and Front Street, nor do we need one at Academy Street and Main Street. Thank you.
This message is for all the people who have received tickets from the code man from the town of Chemung at $100 each. Listen people, this is the only way you’re going to fix this. You need to consult with a lawyer. The code man is neither a law enforcement official nor a police officer. This is a scam for $100. This is the biggest hoax I’ve ever seen, and they’re telling you that because the cars are in front of a licensed garage in New York State, he has the right to give you a parking ticket. You have the legal right to obtain a lawyer for yourself. He’s threatening people that if they don’t appear in court, he will issue a warrant for their arrest.
I totally agree with the person’s comment on the Dollar General in Campville. They are terrific, and I really enjoyed it, and it’s a delight to visit.
If you want to see a very nice Christmas display of lights, go to East Berkshire at the corner of Hartwell and Barnes Hill. You’ll be surprised, and the kids will absolutely love them. Don’t forget to blow your horn to let them know that you enjoyed their Christmas display!
There are some more KIND people in Owego who are definitely appreciated: Stacy at the Open Door Mission, Beverly at Visions Credit Union, Lindsey the Mail Carrier, and Fritz Rudin.
When inquiring with the NYS about their delay in publishing specific data, it was extremely challenging to communicate with a human being. One NYS response read, “There is no obligation to provide this data by a specific date.” This suggests NYS civil servants have no obligation to do anything whatsoever! Furthermore, there was a restriction on sharing this correspondence with taxpayers, the press, or others seeking the same data. To restrict dissemination and threaten legal prosecution is illegal and an abuse of law by the government! It contained phrases like “may contain information protected by Law [what law is that?].” And “disclosing, copying, distributing, or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited [by whom]?.” In our nation today, it is the government that places itself above the law. Is it the obligation of an email recipient to determine what can or cannot be disseminated, OR DOES SUCH RESPONSIBILITY BELONG TO THE DISSEMINATOR (NYS)? If that is the case, then the disseminator should be sent to jail.
Thank you, Owego Pennysaver, for being a wonderful local newspaper. While many small local Pennysavers and newspapers are closing, you continue to thrive and stay essential. Your reporting of local events and “happenings” in our tri-state area is excellent. Even if we can’t attend an event, we can absorb the excitement from your writing. You are truly a “local” paper, with local stories about local people; you are the best. Thanks to all the advertisers who invest in reaching those who support this paper. You have even begun publishing local obituaries for individuals we all knew but may have missed in an out-of-town newspaper. Thank you. What would we do without you?
National Political Viewpoints
I’d like to say how happy I was to see that the national political comments were back, but at the same time, how sad I was to see how many people are still paying attention to the legacy news, which is basically the propaganda division of the Democrat Party. There is nothing truthful about those networks. Before believing what you hear or see, take the time to verify the facts and statements. You would notice a significant contrast.
I am curious about how people perceive the current federal government, led by Joe Biden, having no knowledge about the unidentified drones flying over New Jersey and Long Island. There have been well over 7,000 sightings, last Sunday alone there were over 50 sightings, but the Department of Defense, the FBI, none of them have any idea what they are. There is uncertainty about whether these drones are espionage devices from China, Iran, or Russia, and the authorities seem reluctant to investigate further.
I could be wrong, but I was thinking about how many people who are citizens of this country would be really comfortable with finding out that a neighbor or even a couple blocks away, was found guilty of raping multiple young children, or of murdering and raping a young woman, or even of grand theft or any other thing. We’re living in a time when governors and mayors want to protect people who do those things who aren’t citizens. They really believe that it’s okay for non-citizens to stay here when they’ve been convicted of crimes, but it’s okay for citizens to be put in jail or anything else or receive any kind of penalty for doing the same things.
All his campaign messages kept stating, “I will not cut Medicare, and I will not extend the time before you can retire.” He’s not even in the office yet and all the Republicans are talking about is how to cut Medicare and make people work longer. This is not an entitlement program. This is money that the American people have worked for and put aside. Congratulations to everybody who voted for it that way. Again, you listen to the lies and you believe them. Now we have to endure four more years of stupidity instead of the progress and the moving forward and the positive attitudes we’ve had for the last four years. Congratulations to everybody who’s trying to destroy America. It’s getting very scary.
I wonder what percentage of the Republicans voted for Trump. Now they’re going to lose the most because they need their health insurance. One thing you can be sure of is that they also aim to privatize Medicare, so essentially you will be hung out to dry. People will never, ever learn that Trump and Republicans do nothing but want to get richer and richer. They want the rich to get richer and they want The Hunger Games. Watch The Hunger Games sometime. Be sure to watch that movie.
What do you think of Governor Hochul giving all state employees another big raise? They’re already making more money than the regular taxpayer who’s paying their wages. The only thing Governor Hochul is giving the taxpayers is higher taxes, more rules, regulations, more laws. I’m not just saying the governor, I’m saying from the governor’s office all the way down to these towns because take a look at the waste. There’s so much waste out there, it’s disgusting. Do you realize the state doesn’t even pave the roads? It’s subcontracted out! So why do we need all those state employees? I’m surprised they’re not subcontracting plowing the roads. Think about it, people. Why are they making such big money when they don’t even pave the roads and have them subcontracted out to another company? Something’s wrong. It’s time to remove these people and put someone in that cares about the people.
The truth is finally coming out. Trump admitted that he can do nothing about prices on items after he campaigned on that. Well, all you folks who voted for him because you thought he was going to be your miracle worker. So now we’re finding out that he can’t, nor does he really care, and you better be prepared because your prices are going to go up. You sure as hell cannot blame Biden and the Democrats for it because it’s all Republican in Washington. I hope you guys are proud of yourselves because you’re in for a rough, bumpy road for the next four years.
Republicans only believe in elections if they win, which means they don’t believe in democracy. Now they must also worship Donald Trump. Trump has destroyed independent thinking. It is now a cult.
Donald Trump intends to reward those who engaged in political violence on his behalf with freedom from jail after having been convicted of crimes of trying to overthrow an election. What a travesty of justice!
Unused border wall materials are being moved to a site in Arizona and will be auctioned off before Christmas from the hateful Biden administration and to President Trump to hinder completion of the border wall. That’s a prime example of the diabolical Biden legacy.
Pardon me, is what Luzerne County Judge Carnahan said to the big guy, Biden, who subsequently issued approximately 1,500, get that, 1,500 pardons. Carnahan was serving a 15-year sentence for receiving about $2 million in bribes for a kids for cash scheme from a so-called child retraining and reform facility. Democrats should hide their heads in shame, but their ignorance is infinite.
It appears that Trump is transforming our government into Fox News by hiring over 14 Fox TV personalities. Trump should just leave our democracy alone and get a job with his personal propaganda network. .
Well, congratulations to Kamala; she was right for a change. She was right when she said the campaign was full of joy and freedom. It sure was joyful when President Trump was reelected and freedom from the devastating Democrats and all their failed policies. Yep, we got joy and we got freedom.
Being pro-democracy makes me anti-Trump.
When President Trump was at Arlington National Cemetery with General Kelly, whose son was killed in military service, he spoke of the suckers and losers, not understanding why they would do that. Of course, the suckers are the people that buy into his philosophy. They buy the garbage he’s selling. They listened to his lies and they believed him. He couldn’t care less about the little guy. We are the people that are going to suffer. If you want to be in his cabinet, you have to contribute $1 million or more. You need to have little or no knowledge of the government and just kiss up to him. That’s what our government is going to be. So we are the losers, and as far as getting the price of groceries, he’s already saying this is going to be very hard to do. However, the grocery store chains got huge benefits from his tax bills. So I guess the suckers and losers are the American public once again.
Contrary to what Mr. Trump has been saying for years, illegal immigrants are not smuggling fentanyl into this country. Authorities have shown that 85-90% of all fentanyl is being smuggled into the U.S. by its own citizens through existing legal border crossings. Also, contrary to what he says daily about an immigrant crime wave, a Texas Department of Public Safety study and multiple other reputable sources show that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and 1/4 the rate for property crimes. Also, overall in the U.S. the crime rate has decreased, not increased, since 2020. Yet another falsehood he continues to spread. He does this because he knows some people will believe him no matter what he says.
Mr. Kennedy is against the polio vaccine. He likely does not recall the time before vaccines or know anyone who had contracted polio at that time. Individuals with polio experienced different forms of paralysis, and many, including a family friend, had to rely on an “iron lung”. If you are unfamiliar with what that is, you should search for it on the internet. By the way, the polio vaccination was developed under Republican Dwight Eisenhower, not the Democrats.
Finally, climate change that everybody can believe in. Political climate change! On Nov. 5, 2024, thanks to voting people of all demographics who came out to halt the left’s continuing destruction of America’s moral and respectable ways of life, the Red Wave tsunami was able to sweep ashore and begin the process to save our country. God bless every one of those voters. Liberal Kamala Harris – 226 electoral votes. Conservative Donald Trump – 312 electoral votes. Leaders worldwide are already recognizing Trump as the strong leader he is, while Biden, the destroyer, is quickly fading into the shameful and dangerous mistake he once was. Get ready for the Trump train to once again bring renewed prosperity and respect to the United States. To quote an aphorism, John F. Kennedy once said, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” To quote the mantra, Donald J. Trump said, “Drill, baby, drill.” God bless America! — Ponytail Scott
This week, a reader wrote in asking for “one” person to write in and say “they would NOT pardon their child.” I hope many will write in and say, “No, I would NOT pardon my child if he were a thief.” It’s interesting how this same reader, in the same message, rants about greedy millionaires. Two generations of career politicians leaving office as wealthy men. What part of poor parenting do we see here? “Like father, like son.” If we see our child stealing money for his own personal advantage, I have to say, ”No more. My son, you are guilty of a crime and need to be punished.”
Why doesn’t Trump’s billionaires’ club go to help the flooded North Carolinians? Where are big businesses and their record profits? We’ll see how much Trump helps them in January. Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great,” not “Make Americans Great.”
“I have never killed anyone, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.” – Clarence Darrow.
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