Letter: Where is her agenda?

Dear Editor,

Something that VP Harris hasn’t done or is unable to lay out is her agenda for American voters.  President Trump, in his second term IF elected, has vowed that on Day 1, “I will approve new drilling, new pipelines, new refineries, new power plants, new reactors, and we will slash the red tape.” He also would “terminate” the “Green New Scam,” rescinding unspent funds okayed in Harris-Biden’s price-hiking Inflation Reduction Act. 

Trump says that he plans on scrapping ten on-the-books regulations for every new one; Create a “sovereign wealth fund” built largely from tariff collections (foreign trade) to invest in infrastructure, defense, and medical research. Set up a government-efficiency task force, headed by Elon Musk, to “audit” all federal operations and recommend “drastic reforms.” “Eliminating” the deficit using wealth-fund money and increased tax revenue from a stronger economy and spending cuts. 

Make his 2018 tax cuts permanent, eliminating taxes on tips and Social Security benefits, and lowering the tax rate for companies that operate in America to 15%, from Biden/Harris’s 21%. 

Trump says he’d couple all this with a bid to “restore the rule of law” in America as a top priority, after years of Democrat “speech censoring” and “weaponizing the justice system.”  

Similarly, he’d crack down on the onslaught of illegal migrants (his signature issue) that is costing American jobs and taxpayers “hundreds of billions.” 

True, Trump may be unable to meet all those lofty goals, especially if Democrats control Congress. And this is where your vote for OUR NOW Republican Congressman counts. It’s the majority in Congress who appropriates or re-appropriates funds for the Presidents’ agenda. 

Congressman Representative Marc Molinaro, in our 19th District, will need your support with your vote.


Florence Alpert

Candor, N.Y.

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