Dear Editor,
On Sept. 5, 2012, when the Democratic National Convention (DNC) platform-drafting committee met, there was a motion to remove the word “GOD” from the party platform in reference to a statement to be incorporated on their platform referencing Jerusalem and Israel and be replaced with a secular humanist notion of “self”.
The Chair needed a two-thirds majority to pass in order to present a more political and middle-America-friendly platform. The amendment was placed before the delegates to voice an Aye or Nay vocal vote. The “Aye” votes had a healthy group of cheers. When asked for the “Nays” all hell broke loose.
It was then put up a second time with the same response. It then was put up for the third time with a reminder to the secularists and anti-Israel groups that the whole world is watching.
And yet again, an equal amount of more “Nays” filled the DNC hall. Not to look like a fool in front of America or those who pressed for the new wording into the party platform, the Chair took liberty and passed the amendment with a room full of Boos and Jeers from the arguable majority.
Even with “the world is watching” it did not change the majority response, despite their paying lip service here and there to the Christian and Jewish GOD. The current 2024 Donkey Party has been anti-GOD in many of its positions. The party that calls anti-abortionists “anti-women”, etc.
They’ve been doing it for years, but it was on Sept. 5, 2012 when Democrats finally came out on record and expressed what they felt about GOD. The amendment was written in their DNC platform, yet the sentiment of the majority of the legislating Democrats have not changed. What they present on a platform is not how they legislate in D.C. Chicago 2024 will be a tell of how little has changed in 12 years.
Florence Alpert
Candor, N.Y.
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