You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
To the person that said there should be a 65-mph speed limit sign on Pennsylvania Avenue, wow! You’re probably the one that is driving 65 instead of 55 and not being a safe driver.
I live in Campville and I was wondering who to contact to get a children at play sign put on my road or one removed from above that’s covered in bushes. The children are no longer living there. Thank you.
Say, what a beautiful job the folks have done on the house on the corner of Front and upper Front Street, with the natural wood doors. So well done, I hope the natural wood stays.
I’ve lived in this country my whole life and it always amazes me the people who drive 70 miles an hour in the middle of the night during deer season. There are deer everywhere! If I’m not going fast it’s because I can’t afford to hit a deer again. Please don’t tailgate me.
What happened to all those sentences we first learned? Thank you, please, and excuse me? We just don’t hear that much anymore.
The police report the tickets and what they do each week in the paper. I think the dogcatcher and the code enforcement should do the same. I have called the dogcatcher a couple of times because I was worried about a few dogs being in the street, chasing vehicles. I don’t know if anything was ever done. The dog is still running around. I don’t want to see it get hurt. I think it would be a great idea to see reports in the paper from dog control and code enforcement.
I was driving through Harford in Tioga County and stopped to look at a small World War II Memorial Marker with a red, white, and blue flag flying right behind it. There’s a small cemetery that I don’t remember seeing any flags flying in. I was hoping that this would be recognized since it is a part of Tioga County also.
Last week there was a letter to the editor from a runner who participated in a 5K in Owego. He was 74 and was disappointed that by the time he had crossed the finish line everybody had packed up and was gone. I just want to say that I agree with his point of view. That is actually not good race etiquette. You should at least stay put and cheer on all the way to the very last runner. I thought his perspective was great.
Most readers surely know that Tioga County, New York is under strong Republican control. A prevalent party narrative is that renewable energy wind and solar systems are a net loss. The systems supposedly don’t produce energy / climate benefits over their lifespan. And yet if you are a homeowner in Tioga County and install rooftop solar, expect to see a significant increase in your property taxes, erasing all your savings from installing the system. How do the Republicans justify punishing these homeowners with higher property values and property taxes for installing systems that they claim are worthless?
Hooray! The Albany Czar was somehow convinced to delay the “congestion fee” to enter New York City. Now if she would only take a pay cut, support New York State’s brave police and fire departments, and put criminals in jail, we would ALL be a lot safer and better off!
On the subject of the NEW Town of Newark Valley Camper Law, 1-2024; why is the Inspector wasting his or her time inspecting campers and not doing something about all the trashy properties in Newark Valley. I have lived in the Valley for over 50 years. It has always been a clean, quiet, and neat place to live. Lately the homes and properties are looking trashy and are bringing down the value of the properties around them. It’s bad enough that the economy is going down the tubes; the Valley doesn’t have to go down because homeowners are Lazy.
Welcome one and all to the continuing and exciting Apalachin USA, Pennsylvania Avenue Drag strip. Come see and thrill to the many exciting vehicles accelerating from 30mph to 80mph and more in seconds flat as they pass the slower ones, only to get behind another slower one. But fear not, as those brazen daredevils ignore double yellow lines, blind curves and intersections as they race on faster and faster to a destination unknown. These are the true American heroes; the ones who flaunt the law, thumb their noses at authority and let us know, laws are for losers.
To get rid of chipmunks, adopt a cat! Gail’s Tails has kitties that need homes featured in this publication every week. They do not eat them if you keep the kitty fed, but kill them very efficiently, cleanly, and quickly. Take the cat outside and sit with it for 15-20 minutes at dusk, or when your chipmunks are active. Kitties are relatively inexpensive to feed, and Gail’s kitties are already neutered, have their shots, and a once a day 2-minute scooping of their box (plus snuggles) are about all they require.
National Political Viewpoints
Not only do Democrats rig elections, but also they rigged the outcome of trials. I mean, are you serious? You want to talk about Election interference. They couldn’t get him off the ballot, so now they’re going to try to put him in jail. Well, guess what? For all you liberals out there, it’s not going to work. This is just making us angrier, and it’s going to make it a bigger landslide in November. Got it?
The crybaby, whiner Trumpsters, well, guess what? Your man was found guilty on all 34-felony counts. I’m sure you’ll put your head up your butt and not face the facts. There are none so bad as those who will not see. So let’s see what Trump gets, probably just a little slap on the wrist. You know how justice is in this country, or lack of it.
If Trump does not go to jail, I’m sick of this BS, I am not going to obey the laws of this land. Why should I? Politicians don’t. We need a new government. I’m waiting for Trump to get sent to jail just like I would go to jail. But if he doesn’t, well, I think you’re going to have problems in this country.
I need the Democratic Party to understand one thing from me. I’ve been a Democrat for over 40 years. Never, ever have I ever seen such a sham as I did in New York City. That’s the biggest disgrace I’ve ever seen come out of my party. I’m leaving this party only because it disgusts me and breaks my heart to watch. The illegal nonsense, the sham they pulled, because you can’t be a man at the office? Are you kidding me with the mail-in ballots? Because you’re not doing your job, it doesn’t mean you twist the law, you bend the law, and you break the rules to support your actions. It’s disgusting. Come November I’m voting for Donald Trump, whether you like it or not.
If you Democrats don’t understand what a fix, what a sham, and what a threat to democracy this trial in New York was, well then, you’re dumber than I thought. And that’s pretty dumb.
I had to laugh. I just watched a Paul McCartney video on my phone dancing and singing and conversing and laughing, and guess what? Paul McCartney is 81 years old, the same age as Joe Biden. So age isn’t the factor in this election, it is mentality, capability of putting a sentence together. Sorry, Democrats, you can lie to yourself all you want. Open your eyes.
Fifty percent of the people in this country now know that the U.S. legal system has been weaponized and used as a political tool. The other 50% live in a fantasy world and in denial, and are called Democrats.
This message goes out to Alex Soros. You may control the governor, you may control all the DA’s, and for Trump I really don’t care. I’m not a Trump fan, but I can tell you one thing, Mr. Soros, your money doesn’t mean crap to me. You don’t own me. I’m a voter and you know what? I’m going to vote for Trump. I don’t care, and there are a lot of people in New York who are going to vote for Trump.
President Trump’s trial certainly worked against the Democrats. The Trump campaign raised over $54 million in just a very short time after the verdict was read, and they are all small donations. What is that saying? So what’s next? I’m anxious to watch the show. I cannot imagine what the Democrats have in their bag of tricks. Nothing can stop Trump from winning in November, and it can’t get here soon enough.
Why are they going to waste people’s time and money on the Hunter Biden gun trial? We all know he’s going to be found not guilty.
The Democrats have sunk to a new low when they convicted Donald Trump in that sham trial and when Governor Kathy Hochul and Kirsten Gillibrand declared no one is above the law. Oh really? Well, they’re above the law because they’re Democrats. They’re going to get theirs in the next election. Just wait and see.
Alvin Bragg, you should be found guilty of not doing your job and of wasting taxpayer dollars.
So after leaving 12 million undocumented criminals in the country, Joe and the White House are going to put in some executive orders to slow down the migrants, the same executive orders that they got rid of the day that they came in office. It’s too late, Joe. You succeeded in your purpose to let all these people in our country, and now you think we’re dumb enough to think that you care by putting in some executive orders? It’s too late.
I think the Republicans around here better change their name from the Republican Party to the party of felons. It seems like they support convicted criminals now, and Donald Trump is probably the worst that’s ever been around that is running for president by far. And, by the way, do they all think they’re above the law and that the law doesn’t apply to Republicans? If they do, this country’s in for some sad times. Why in the world are they supporting a convicted felon? What hold does he have on you people?
I’m asking for your vote because I’m running for president. Excellent pay to do nothing, know nothing, and ruin America. I can do that.
I’m waiting to see if President Trump will invite Judge Juan Merchan to the White House as his guest to thank him for winning him a second term at the White House.
A short true story; I graduated from high school on the Dean’s list, went onto college for two years, majoring in public relations, was on top of the class again, and then landed a very good job on TV being a reporter. Good pay and great benefits. First day I went it went very well, I thought. Got to work on the second day and the boss said I wasn’t needed anymore. Reason was, I didn’t lie enough. Yep, you guessed it; the station was CNN.
Last week the Republican candidate for president was found guilty of 34 felony counts in his former hometown of New York City. How does this not disqualify him from running for president? A vote for him is a vote for a criminal.
One out of three Biden supports are just as stupid as the other two. — Mama Gump
Why are the Trumpsters going after Dr. Fauci? It wasn’t him that said this virus will magically disappear and it wasn’t him that said gargle with Clorox. Come on, you know who did. Mr. Trump.
I’m curious if somebody has an answer. Has the Republican Party become absolutely brain damaged? They make accusations that Biden is a criminal and all this; well, maybe you need to take a look at Trump and remember that he’s been charged with 34 criminal counts of felony charges because, oh yeah, he is a crook. I cannot believe that the lawmakers continue to spew his crap and how you ought to change your mind and pay attention, find out some true facts and maybe you’ll see what he really is.
I really hate to say it, but our justice system has turned into a real joke. The rich people have a different standard of what everybody else does. Look at Trump on Jan. 6; three and a half years ago, he led a riot against our own Congress. It was on TV and everybody saw it. Everybody knows what happened. They’re trying to cover it up and he still hasn’t gone to trial for it. What is wrong with our justice system? The judges should all be kicked out, especially in the Supreme Court. And then you’ve got Hunter Biden, he just got arrested six months ago for a gun charge, which was a very minor gun charge, and we’ve got that Trump guy. He’s trying to kick our government out, take over the government in a coup attempt, and he’s still walking around free! I really hope they lock him up for the max.
We now know that Donald Trump committed 34 crimes to win the 2016 election. Trump is now planning his next crime; we just don’t know the details yet. Maybe Trump’s next crime will be to seek Russian help again for his upcoming election, as he did in the last election. Why are Republicans against democracy, and supporting Trump?
I’m curious. All I hear out of Trump’s mouth is a whole lot of anger, hatred, and a bunch of ridiculousness. I don’t hear anything about any policies he has, so I guess that just goes to prove that he isn’t smart enough to have any, and neither is the Republican Party. All they want to do is just try and lock up everybody and kill everybody. And the problem is that Trump is the one that needs to be locked up because he’s the most crooked individual in the United States.
In four different cases and four different jurisdictions, grand juries determined there was enough evidence against Donald Trump for the cases to go to trial. A separate trial of 12 jurors who were all vetted by Trump’s attorneys to be impartial, heard enough verifiable evidence over five weeks of testimony to convict him. The justice system worked as it was designed to, but, like the guilty verdicts against Trump University (before he was elected president), The Trump Foundation, and The Trump Organization for fraud, he insisted ALL the juries and ALL the judges were biased against him. See a pattern here? The most disturbing thing is that he’s convinced millions of Americans he’s somehow the victim.
A jury deliberated, decided and found a guilty verdict was warranted. You don’t debate it; you accept it. We have laws and rules in this country.
President Trump said the 2020 election was rigged. He said also the hush money trial was rigged. You have do over’s because you didn’t like the results. The big one will be 2024; what if he doesn’t get the results he wants?
As a result of a jury selected with bias and with approval by prosecution, presiding judge, and the biased rulings convicted ex-President in State Court using Federal guidelines. Done with the sole intent that Biden can now present his opponent, ex-President Trump, a convicted Felon. Now in the same category as were Vaclav Havel, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, St. Thomas More, and Joan of Arc, who all were also “convicted felons” by persecution by their oppositionists. At least for now and until the New York State Court of Appeals finds that New York City Judge and Prosecution misused jurisprudence and neglected oversight of procedures. Those who possess any type of common sense and a functional brain can see that Biden weaponized our justice system to go after his opponent for the presidential election that he is losing his prior voters to. The outcome, post-conviction and within 72 hours post-verdict, was that $200 million was donated to Trump, made up of 70% first time donations with a count of 3.7 million donors.
We need another option for the upcoming Presidential Elections, None of the above. The choices we are being given are an embarrassment; they are not the future, they are the past.
It’s time to save America and put a felon in the white house. — Mama Gump
In the words of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
Who exactly is the “wannabe dictator”? Could it be the person (or those holding his puppet strings) whose party is using progressively obvious and asinine methods to eliminate their only competition (blatant election interference)?
Just because you are a Democrat, you think you can do anything!
Pertaining to the Letter to the Editor on June 2, Chuck Schumer is the consummate politician, spinning untruths and so called facts. The actual truth is yes, there may be currently a declining birth rate, but we still have DOUBLE the population in this country than we did during the “baby boom” years, post WWII. We shouldn’t need more workers. And to work where, exactly, when nearly all the manufacturing, call center and “customer service” jobs are now located in other countries? I noticed a great deal of produce isn’t even grown here. Seems there were many more filled jobs, especially manufacturing, when the country’s population was half of what it is now; of course that’s before NOT having a job was so lucrative. Thus the need for workers who will actually work?
I read 1 line of the first “national politics” section,, holy cow, not sure if it came from a liar or someone very misinformed.
Cohen went to prison for the case someone is calling an illegal prosecution.
Cohen went to prison WHILE trump was in the Oval Office.
I do not understand how or why, maga are so uninformed when we all have an encyclopedia in our phones.,,, TYPE,, anything i say into the encyclopedia in your phone,,I.E..
Intelligence caught over 140 contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russians during the 2016 campaign.
Please explain, fox paid 3 quarters of a billion dollars for knowingly and maliciously lying about the 2020 election,, not MSNBC or CNN,, maga,,why do you choose to ignore the truth and believe liars who paid,$787,500,000.00 for knowingly and MALICIOUSLY lying about the 2020 election. That is as far from patriotic as it gets.
I want to thank the person/people who have put in and maintained the beautiful flowers on the southside of Owego near the Halstead development. They are lovely! All your hard work is appreciated!