You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
Wanted: A person one time to weedeat a small area and move one bird feeder across the road from my building on Dean Street in Owego. Will pay; call (607) 687-5620.
Jeff, you were godsend. Maybe you’ll get 100 special blessings for what you did for me.
I had a 6-foot lightweight-folding ladder I used all the time and somebody came on my property and took it out of my shed. If you’re reading this and you have it, please bring it back. No questions asked. This one I really need. By the way, I live in Nichols.
This goes out to the person that doesn’t believe that code enforcement was fining people over tire pressure. Well let me tell you something. I live in the town of Chemung and I want you to print this. We have one of those code enforcers writing parking tickets like he is a cop! We want to know why this clown got these tickets. We’ve got a judge that enforces this crap. It’s against the constitution and this judge should be disrobed! He’s got no jurisdiction to write tickets, but the judge lets that happen because nobody does anything.
I’d like to send a big shout out to Dale and Donna for beautifying our sign coming into Owego. It looks great once again this year and your kindness does not go unnoticed. You make our beautiful town more beautiful every year. Thank you.
People shouldn’t worry about other people feeding stray cats, especially when they go to the expense. We feed them because we know they cannot survive on their own. You are very ignorant; don’t worry about what we’re taking care of. Worry about yourself. Thank you very much.
If you would like to study the Bible through the mail, call the Discover Bible School at (607) 687-3078.
I agree with the person who said junk cars and tractors are not a problem exactly. The garbage I understand, but the neighbors should have enough courtesy not to have garbage around to affect their neighbors. Where I live there’s a bunch of people that have stuff all over their yards, but they don’t have garbage. We don’t tell them how to live. They don’t tell us how to live. That’s wonderful. It’s just a beautiful place to live! Some have cars, some have tractors, some have wagons, but we don’t care. We don’t want this stupid code crap around here. But I agree with the garbage, you should not have to deal with rodents and animals from garbage lying around. It should be taken care of.
I went to Tioga Cemetery over Memorial weekend and the grounds are beautiful. I don’t know who did the caretaking this year, but it is just so nice. We went in the morning and everything was just so perfect. It’s the best I’ve seen in the last couple of years. What a beautiful job they did putting up Memorial Day flags, all for our veterans, my brother included. So anyway, I want to thank whoever took care of it. It’s really, really nice.
My name is Barbara and I live in Waverly, N.Y. I had a cousin that was in the Korean Conflict. He was very to me and I can remember the day we got a notice that he was taken prisoner and turned over. I was taken to my grandmother’s, Jim was very close to me. I can remember the day he got released and we got the notice. Nothing was told about the Korean Conflict. It wasn’t a conflict, however, it was a war. They had no help when they got out, no counseling, nothing. They were turned loose. He did get back to the United States and they gave him a train ticket to come home. Something’s got to be done to remind people of The Korean Conflict. If there are any veterans alive that were in it, it wasn’t a conflict. I was in the Army, I had a daughter in the Army, I had a daughter in the Air Force, I had a son in the Marines, Afghanistan and Iraq, and I have a grandson that is in the Navy. So I have a right to complain about them not doing anything. No history, no talk, nothing about the Korean Conflict.
All over the United States parents are fighting to keep 5G cell towers away from school grounds. You know that in Owego there are three cell towers that are being installed on Hill Street in the Flats? A block from the school grounds in a neighborhood of families and kids. We need to fight that!
This is for the New York State DOT, why is there a passing lane in both directions on Route 434 between Bud’s Place and Taylor Garbage? The hedgerows in the field, you cannot see to pass safely. Either get rid of the hedgerows or put a double solid line in the middle of the road.
I was wondering if anybody had any ideas or remedies to get rid of chipmunks? Thank you.
Thank you, Candor voters. Kudos to the small handful who voted no, as I did, and shame on you people that voted yes for the new school buses for Candor School. Do any of you realize, number one, we quit picking up the children on these dead-end back roads? We make them walk to the end where they can be picked up as a group as we used to back in the 60s and 70s. And, number two, they can’t seem to keep drivers. Why?
Jesus says, ” I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.” I say, “Thank you Lord Jesus.” What do you say?
Are there any tickets left for the tour of the Tioga Terrace Grand Canyon on Griffin Drive and Route 434?
Talk about turning into the Gestapo state, this law (1-2024) in Newark Valley about subjecting a private RV or camper to inspection is almost too hard to believe. If I told my neighbors about this where we live now they would surely think I was joking. But seriously, this is not funny, it is wrong and very sad. I look forward to updates.
Attention Ukulele Players: The Tioga Ukulele Group’s next adult jam session is scheduled for June 8, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Coburn Free Library, located at Main Street in Owego. All levels of players are welcome to join us, from beginners to accomplished ukulele players. For more information or to receive music ahead of the jam session, please contact us at (607) 321-8815 or (607) 743-9803 or send an email to
The Memorial Day parade, decorated bridge, and the veterans’ ceremony was great as usual. Thank you all who participated. I’m glad I didn’t see any upside down flags. We owe our veterans so much.
National Political Viewpoints
Bill Mahr, highly conservative, said it perfectly when he said Joe Biden looks like he’s a cadaver.
Chuck Schumer here in New York, remember folks in 2020 all those ballots that were cast that went all the way to Lancaster, Pa., the same night of the election and never found the truck again, but it was all swept under the rug. Just remember folks. Many, many films you have to watch really hard. Because it’s going to be a corruption deal once again, and everybody has to get out and vote in person. Not Chuck Schumer’s way, mail-in ballot, go in person and everybody take their phone and make sure you film everything. Everything must be filmed, and I hope Chuck Schumer and Kathy Hochul are paying attention to what happened tonight in New York. I’m hoping it’s a clean sweep across the board. It has turned to deaf ears for years. You get it and you don’t care what people think, screaming for years about these high taxes. You do nothing; you just turn your back.
Thomas Payne once wrote a book called Common Sense. I wonder if any of you Republican Trumpsters know what common sense is. Would you think common sense would vote for a wannabe dictator? Hey, use some common sense.
If you like the way the country has gone, if you like the economy, if you like the open borders, you’re just stupid. If you vote for Joe, you’re stupid. I’ll keep it simple for you Democrats, because obviously, you’re stupid.
Kathy Hochul, the far-left extremist New York governor, had the nerve to call the 25,000 people that attended Trump’s rally in the Bronx clowns. Well, Kathy Hochul, most of them were Democrats. Democrats are sick and tired, by the way, of undemocratic rulers like you and slow Joe Biden.
For all you out there that think that Joe Biden is a nice guy and doing a good job, you’re obviously not paying attention.
You have AOC and IAC, which are both bad for this country. IAC is illegal alien criminals, and we know what AOC is.
I hope that senior citizens remember that Joe Biden has not done a thing for us seniors. Remember that in November. He has done nothing for older people at all. He’s been worthless. Thank you.
Slow Joe Biden tells us if we don’t understand how great the economy is that we just must be stupid. Really, Joe? I think it’s the other way around.
Biden and Trump would have you believe they are really patriotic. They are so patriotic. Biden is a six time draft Dodger and Trump is a five time draft Dodger. They really don’t care.
Did everybody catch Robert DeNiro on TV? What garbage! I used to think he was one of the greatest actors I’ve ever seen. As of what I saw yesterday, if I see his movie on TV I will turn it off.
If Trump is found guilty and convicted of a felony, I would bet my last dollar he will not spend one second in prison. You know they will put him in a cupcake Correctional Facility or house arrest. So, justice for all. Come on, people, not in this country.
If this presidency is so good, here are some questions to answer. How come the drug problem is so bad? How come people are living paycheck to paycheck? How come crime is so high because of no consequences for actions? How come so many bad people are coming into the country? How come gasoline and food is out of sight? I’m sure everyone could think of a few more questions that need answering. That’s just a few.
The only threat to democracy is Joe Biden and all the Democrats and their party and the people who vote for him. That’s the truth.
In most cases, the parasite eventually kills the host. Now apply that to what’s going on in this country today.
Biden and Harris held a joint campaign event in Philadelphia yesterday. If you looked at the crowd there weren’t more than 200 people there. It was a waste of their time. The American people have finally woken up that Donald Trump will be elected in November. Such an exciting time to be part of the American comeback!
If climate change is making the weather unpredictable as the government predicts, why is the government then pushing to have all our energy to come from the weather?
Biden decided to build a pier in the Mediterranean Sea to unload food and emergency supplies, which the D.C. elected Democrats applauded. Using 1,000 of our military and a projected $160 million, the plan was put in place. A pier, which nobody asked for or wanted, which did not have a connection point on shore, was sent and put into place. Immediately, as it happens in government, the cost went to $320 million. The supplies, which started to be unloaded from the “temporary pier” off the coast of Gaza ended up being picked up by Hamas, never reaching the Palestinians as result of failing to have secured safe routes of delivery. Biden did call it a “Temporary” pier, which happened to be one of his best predictions, for it was destroyed by weather a week later. Not surprising as “Port Biden” was never designed or intended to be installed to be used in a sea with surf for shore transports.
THANK YOU Governor Hochul for destroying New York State. We will vote you out of New York.
How do all of these pro-Trump, lifted-diesel-pickup-truck-driving bros with 100% opaque tinted windows pass inspection and not get ticketed? They all played football together in high school, so they’re exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else? It’s baffling. If your IQ is lower than the cetane rating of your fuel, why should that give you immunity to the laws that apply to everyone else?
Nancy Pelosi is of the opinion that Republicans are “despicables”, the governor of New York State voiced the opinion recently that they are “clowns”. Thus, effectively discounting 48% of registered voters in this country. When Democrats are 49%, you would think such belittlement unwise. Who, then, is truly despicable and a clown? Signed, Pennywise (it takes one to know one).
Long ago in a galaxy not far away, I remember my woodshop teachers, the majority of which had part of a finger or two missing. That is called an occupational hazard. These injuries came solely from radial arm saws. For your safety, the Feds in their infinite wisdom are in the process of trying to regulate safety devices for table saws. Blade guards prevent use of the table saw for its intended purposes and most, if not all, woodworkers remove it and then face the grave threat to life and limb in the privacy of their home. In today’s world perhaps 1 in 500,000 has lost a finger to a radial arm saw. What kind of perverse logic requires federal employees to justify their existence by medaling in something, where the seller and user of a product are both happy for over 100 years? This is simply the path to criminalization of gun ownership and kitchen knives. Guess we can have more overpaid feds telling us what we can and can’t do. Does anyone see the insanity in this? Fentanyl kills 227 every day and snowblowers seriously injure 6,000 per year. This is called a parasitic government.
As a deplorable clown from New York State, I find it repulsive to have a governor that will disparage the people in her state because they don’t support her green new deal propaganda. Vote her out. — Mama the Clown Gump.
Biden plans on bringing Palestinians to the U.S. Imagine that. We take them in, but no country in their region wants them. Why do you think that is?
I see you chose not to print my comment last week; that’s okay, there was some rudeness in it. But I still contend that our Vice President is just as scary in some ways as The Donald.
Today is Thursday and the jury is still out. Trump is already calling this trial a witch hunt, and the judge is treating him unfairly. Seems like he planted this same seed during the 2020 election. Heads he wins, tails you lose.
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