Opinion: Trump doesn’t accept climate change, the most damaging of all

Dear Editor,

President Trump, the great athlete, avoided the draft on five separate occasions. He held rallies to raise funds for our veterans only to deposit those funds into the “Trump Charity” where he used the funds to purchase a portrait of himself, to pay some Trump hotel bills and Trump campaign purposes – all a violation of law. 

He has spoken against gold-star parents, disparaged Senator McCain, a war hero and former prisoner of war. He honors despots from Russia, North Korea, Syria and Turkey, but finds fault with our Canadian neighbor. 

The President supports the worst Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency who has done his utmost to support the coal and oil industry while removing as many protections as he can that would protect our air and water quality (which we all share). 

He does not accept CLIMATE CHANGE, which is his greatest disservice to every living person. This is one Republican who is also disappointed with the lack of responsible leadership from Congress and looks forward to the honest Mueller report being prepared by the FBI and CIA professionals.


Marty Borko

Waverly, N.Y.

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