You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
Now that they’ve raised the speed limit on Pennsylvania Avenue in Apalachin to 65 MPH, when will they replace all the old signs?
I have made an observation that I would like to know if someone has an answer to. Owego has really made a great effort in attracting new businesses to North Avenue. People have done an excellent job refurbishing the old buildings. Bake by Numbers and the Roasted Coffee Shop are just two that have recently been added. Parking can be a challenge on North Avenue. I don’t understand why one cannot park in front of The Smoke Shop and Anything Artistic. The signs say no parking due to “The Bus Stop”. I have been informed that buses no longer service the North Avenue stop since the beginning of COVID. The only bus that stops in this area is at the truck stop in Lounsberry. Why are we saving those spaces? Yes, businesses have parking out back. However, one has to cut through the alleyway between Anything Artistic, and what was once Lynn’s Drug Store. The alleyway is filthy and loaded with bird droppings. So I would like to know why we are saving parking spaces?
This will be my last message about cats in flowerbeds, but the person who wrote in with suggestions for remedies last week completely missed the point. Those of us who love gardening but don’t have cats, or keep our cats indoors and litter box trained, shouldn’t have to spend our money for gloves or moth balls, or cayenne pepper, etc., and we shouldn’t have to spend our time and energy picking up and disposing of your cat’s poop. I love cats. It’s not their fault. I blame irresponsible humans, and I resent the attitude that it is my responsibility to do your job.
I don’t understand why Deborah Lawton, who runs a small dairy operation, is angry that the film “Food, Inc.”, which shines a light on huge factory farms, was shown in Owego. It is important that the public be aware of the impact that multinational food corporations have on human health and climate stability. The movie’s sequel, released this month, will offer an update that I look forward to seeing.
Want to help your local library? Consider donating a raffle basket or item for a raffle basket to be included in this year’s Berkshire Blueberry and Book Festival, July 20, 2024. Some suggestions include spa items, hair items, sports tickets, movie tickets, specialty foods, gift certificates etc., or use your imagination! What a creative way to be part of the fun!
The cat comment is interesting in that the caller does not hold the cat owner accountable or responsible. Yes, I wear gloves when working outside, but it should not be because of cat droppings; and even if it’s a stray or a feral cat it only emphasizes my stating that nobody wants cats. Cats belong in your house, in your yard, or at the local shelter. And I do not do things to annoy my neighbors because I have not heard anything from them. They are lovely and say I’m a wonderful neighbor, and I also do not have a cat.
I do have to drive on Brown Road to get out to 38. It is a horrible road, and it is not safe. It is horrible for your car. The other comment I have is this northern part of Tioga County is like a forgotten part of Tioga County. We have no pharmacy and the doctor’s offices are closed; the bridge closed down. We’re just simply forgotten up here. No ambulance service. Sometimes it’s a one-hour wait for an ambulance to come. Come on, Tioga County, we pay taxes too!
What is the thought process behind the village board to spend $1 million on a new skate park at Marvin Park that will benefit a handful of people when you have a fire station literally crumbling apart, sections of it are actually condemned? The fire and EMS benefit the entire community. What are you people on the village board thinking? Someone on that board must really want that park to the detriment of the rest of us.
This goes out to the person that says how wonderful the code enforcement person is. There is an outside well and they are saying you can’t use it. They say you have bad water in the town of Van Etten, they’re saying the water is polluted. Why don’t you take that water down and check it? You are a Democrat. You’re what is wrong with this world! People should do what people want. They buy their place, so it’s not your damn business or anybody else’s how they live. There’s nothing wrong with it. You’ve got people complaining about the smell of the farms because of you people, you know it-alls! It’s called the country! Go back to the city please, and stay there!
This goes out to the person defending the code enforcement, thinking it’s so great. What about code enforcement attempting to fine a resident $520 for low tire pressure. Can you believe that? What the hell does that have to do with food and water? This is all nonsense. It has to end! People’s homes are supposed to be their castle and not run by some jackass telling you what you can and can’t do on your own property. This is nonsense.
I’m calling to see if there is someone who would cut up and remove a tree that is already down on the ground. Respond to this column.
I see in Pennsylvania they have a law where they kick the squatters out of homes. I think New York State should have that law.
Never in human history have the good guys carried out book burning or book banning.
National Political Viewpoints
Regarding men and the abortion issue; abortion should go back to not being subject to secular laws, most still enacted by men. It should no longer be a political issue. The issue should be between a woman and her doctor; an ethical doctor should help in the decision by providing all options and what exactly is going to happen during the procedure, including disposal of fetal tissue, which is a part of a pregnant body. There may be some abortions averted if the mother was assured the father was obligated to help support the life he created. And finally, if men kept out of a woman’s physical “business” until both parties are ready to be full-time, responsible parents, there would be no need for abortion. Also, there’s free and / or readily available birth control. NO woman should be refused an abortion if it is a result of rape or incest, or endangers her life.
So where is the difference between Jan. 6 and “protesters” taking over multiple university buildings and campuses for days, also damaging property. Oh, that’s right; Jan. 6 was supporting fairness for U.S. voters. These current protesters are supporting a country filled with terrorists and are discriminating against a worldwide, millennium old established religion; which is evidently okay, as the administration is not all that fussed.
If one were to gain 10 lbs. three years ago, 8 lbs. two years ago and only 3.5 lbs. last year, have you only gained 3.5 lbs. or have you gained 27.5 lbs.? If lbs. were inflationary spending, Joe Biden would have you believe that inflation is UP by ‘only’ 3.5% since 2021 while in fact ‘Biden-omics inflation’ is at 27.5% higher over the past 3.5 years. As of this past month, gas prices and groceries are closer to 30%, which goes along with Biden’s delusion that pigs can fly.
When will the voting Democrats realize that the party doesn’t give a whit about you? It’s all about what they can get out of it at your expense. It is the party of doing what I say and not what I do. Evidence? How about this? Governor Hocus Pocus banned new natural gas lines into buildings, and she banned the sale of Natural Gas appliances after a certain date. But she has a gas range in her house and just had two new gas lines installed at her residence in Buffalo. Gasoline is reaching four dollars a gallon, it costs about $122 for two bags of groceries with only one package of meat. Interest rates are above seven percent. Yet millions of illegals are receiving free housing, meals, debit cards, medical, and education. This while honest immigrant applicants wait patiently to become U.S. citizens. You may hate Trump for what he says, but he was right.
“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”
Came upon an analogy of Legal vs. Illegal Immigration in our country, referred to as the “Melting Pot”, with this; “And spices add to the vitality of food. But if you tip bags and bags of random assorted spices into your chili, you don’t end up with vitality. You end up with an inedible mess.” — Anon
Wow! How many of us expected all of this from the President we voted for. He is being very successful in destroying our nation and our democracy. From open borders, Biden-omics, wars on multiple fronts, the sending of tax dollars to foreign countries for border security while neglecting our own. I could go on and on, but I hope you get the point. The Democrat Party, as we have known it, was never like this. I suppose this is the kind of change President Obama was talking about when he said he would fundamentally change America. If this is the platform we like and want, then we vote Democrat again. However, I, for one, will be voting for the other. Would you join me in getting the country turned around? Our democracy is at stake.
I am a Social Security recipient. From 2014 to 2024, my Social Security has gone up a whopping $47 and the politicians want to do away with Social Security. They don’t pay us now!
In 1975, France [got rid of] mail-in voting because they found it was too easy to cheat. Huh. Sound familiar? 2020? What’s your answer to that, Democrats?
This message is for all of you still on the fence about the 2024 presidential election. Even though you may not like Biden’s policies, that’s okay. Just remember, if you vote for Trump you’re going to lose all of your freedoms, all of democracy, and you are going to be told what to do, when to do it and how to do it. It will be just like being in North Korea. So, you might want to really start thinking about what is important to you. I want to keep my freedom. I’m voting for Biden.
Nobody wants to talk about it. The bottom line is, they don’t care about people who are losing their homes because the taxes are high. People can’t afford food. The main thing on their mind is climate nonsense and getting the stocks to skyrocket so they can dump them. But anyway, we can’t tell the people because nobody wants to show what’s happening in this world. This country is going crazy. Everyone’s afraid. Those idiots, Schumer and Hochul, in New York State, they care about pushing themselves, right? So they don’t care about people who lose their homes or are struggling to feed their kids or anything else.
Regarding the Trump case that’s being held in New York City. Is it right for a judge to withhold information so that Trump can’t present the story and allow people to be brought to the stand that will tell his side? We’ve got a one-sided judicial system and that’s not fair.
When you are in court and the judge does not allow you to present your side of the issue, they only want to hear one side, wake up people! Our judicial system has been compromised. Think about that when you go to vote.
The more that Joe Biden goes down the campaign trail the worse his numbers get. Go figure.
Two Americans died from Ebola during Obama’s administration and the GOP called for his resignation; 891,488 Americans died from COVID during Trump’s last year in office. What do you hear from the GOP? Nothing. Nadda, nothing, crickets; instead, he’s up for re-election.
I’m going to put a different slant on things. Trump was already president, the economy was better, more affordable, less immigrant trouble, people could save, and the list goes on. We would not be in The Ukraine. He could handle the world’s leaders.
Regarding Governor Noem, it was awful what she did but maybe we don’t know the whole story. People err in judgment every day; don’t throw stones at glass houses. If she can handle the job of VP, she’d be better than Harris, anybody would.
Hey, all you liberal Democrats out there. All I hear from you and the fake news is how sharp Joe Biden is, he’s on top of his game, he’s brilliant. Then why is he afraid and probably not going to debate Donald Trump? I think we all know the reasons for that.
I don’t understand Biden or the Democratic Party, everything immoral and illegal they are okay. Now they are reclassifying marijuana. It does damage and it has side effects. I thought cigarettes were dangerous, too many chemicals, marijuana has them too. Double standard!
There’s no question about it. Everybody knows that Donald Trump is going to question the results of the election. He’s going to bitch and whine and gripe about how all unfair it is, how rigged it is; and you will believe him! I’m simply amazed by people’s stupidity.
Big deal, Donald Trump was fined $9,000 for violating his gag order. That’s like $0.09 to you and me. Yeah. It’s really a two-tiered judicial system. Throw his butt in jail! What is it you people are so damned afraid of? There’s not going to be violence in the streets because he’s behind bars. You and I would be there. You know damn well we would be.
Is it my imagination or is all this college campus chaos being done in Democratic run cities and states? I believe we all know the answer. So my next question is, where are Gillibrand, Schumer, and especially Biden during all this? Well, I know Biden is out campaigning and fundraising. And you won’t hear anything from any Democrat as they have created these protests with all their disturbing policies. Our country needs President Trump, and quickly. I hope it’s not too late to save the United States of America.
To all you Christians that support Biden, how do you justify it when he wants to let a woman abort a baby up until the day it’s born? And hundreds of thousands of people are being killed by fentanyl allowed in this country by Joe Biden’s open borders. So how do you Christians deal with that? Tell me.
How callous and ignorant of the person that said men should not have the right to vote on abortion. Do male babies have the right to vote on abortion, the ones that are murdered? Hundreds of thousands of years, did they have a right to vote? A woman has the right to choose what she wants to do. Well, choose not to have sex. I have seen where rape and incest are less than 1%. I’m tired of hearing that excuse. Get some morals, don’t have sex and you won’t have to make that choice.
Wouldn’t you like to know how many men in Washington and other places, present and past, who have paid a prostitute or somebody to keep their mouth shut? These men take money because they know if they’re caught that would be the end of their marriage, and they didn’t want anybody to know about it. I don’t think Trump’s the only one in this world that has done that.
Unbelievable chaos at UCLA. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t UCLA located in a blue democratic state? I believe it is. And then UCLA administrators did nothing when this encampment started and now they are begging the police department to come in and figure all this all out and risk their lives. That’s hypocrisy because I believe California wants to defund the police. We need Trump so badly in November.
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