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Would you like to spend eternity in heaven with the creator of the universe? You are invited. He has provided the way for you. He desires you accept His invitation. If your choice is to accept His invitation, Believe in his Son. The one who came and died on the cross and rose from the grave, paying the price of admission for you. Your Belief in His Son, Jesus of Nazareth is all that is required of you to receive his Gift and become adopted into His forever family.
Artificial Intelligence: A term coined by common sense people attending their first Village / Political meeting.
I am sorry you had to eliminate political comments for a while. I appreciate your column allowing us to comment on various topics freely. This election year is pivotal for the United States for elections, from town representatives to the President. I feel it is helpful for all of us to read different opinions to force us to ask questions. Either way, thanks for being a sounding board for us.
“Modern life has mounted “an ongoing, and ever escalating, assault on sleep”: our always-on work culture, with its shifts and double jobs, ubiquitous sound and light pollution, and the blue light from screens and digital devices which throws our circadian rhythms into confusion. The ever expanding market for sleep optimization is a response to this ever escalating assault, but consumer and lifestyle remedies remain least available to those who need them most.” — From the London Review of Books
Congratulations to the Village of Newark Valley for having five people vie for the two open Trustees seats. If memory serves, this is the first time in a long while that I saw contested races in the Village. But the Village is still a long way from being a good democracy. To my awareness, none of these individuals campaigned, none made an effort to let the voters know what they thought were the salient issues facing the Village or what their positions were on the issues. Suggestion for the future, how about offering Village residents a candidates’ night where they can present their perceptions of the issues and their positions on those issues. Right now the positions of the successful candidates are a mystery.
I guess I understand trying to eliminate political comments pre-election; but only nine comments on March 31, all of limited interest. The clothing closet in Apalachin; two regarding Rhodes Road (call the highway department); the fire whistle in Apalachin (admittedly affecting only a handful of folks); who is the “we” that’s supposed to put a buffet in Perkins (Apalachin again); school districts decided to dismiss early on April 8 weeks ago; an Elvis fan, leaving a phone number (and you wonder why there are scam calls); a religious comment; and the perpetual cat hater (one, talk nicely to your neighbor, two – wear gloves, three – buy a box of mothballs, and four – be glad you don’t keep stepping in dog poop or have to listen to incessant barking all night). Irresponsible neighbors are annoying. Yes, we get it – you hate cats! (Enough!) Column reduced to irrelevant, redundant, and / or BORING!
We live on Valley Road in the Town of Owego. One year ago we were told that the bridge that’s been out for three years would be replaced. As it is, we have a detour of about five miles to go around. The mailman, the school buses, highway department and fire department have all got to take this detour just to get to the other side. It is not rocket science to put this bridge back in. A large sluice would do it. What is the hold up? Thank you.
I don’t believe this cost of living increase, and I don’t believe in inflation. I believe it’s downright greed. Good God, my cable bill was once $119 and went to $123, now it’s $130; and in another six months my insurance went up $200 a year. Food, rent, everything else is so damn high you can’t even make it in America. I think I’m going to have to move overseas where I’ll have a chance.
I see the police put in their reports of what they do, and I think that’s good. I wish the code enforcement would do the same. I see where nothing seems to be getting done. There are violations all over. Citizens would feel better if those things are being done.
My insurance went up more than $200 a year. When is this going to stop? Let’s face it – it’s greed. It’s simply greed. They can’t get enough. They’ve got to have their golden parachutes, and meanwhile all of us are struggling, trying to survive. Yeah.
Regarding the article about the neighbor’s cats that are using her flower garden for a litter box. I had the same problem. The only thing that I have found works is to put mothballs out around the flowers and it seems to help. I hope this helps you.
In regard to the person asking about the Village of Owego Airbrake law; I know one board trustee has been diligently working on that and hopefully he’ll be presenting it to the rest of the board soon, then there has to be a public hearing in order to make it law. Hopefully it will all be settled by this summer so we can open our windows.
National Political Viewpoints
To the never Trumpsters, your Marxist President, Joe Biden, ordered no religious symbols at the annual Easter egg hunt at the White House. The first step out of the Marx playbook is to deny religion and free speech.
So, the supposedly God fearing church going liar, Biden, has done it again. Imagine telling kids at the White House Easter egg hunt that they couldn’t decorate eggs that had any reference to religious themes. This is just another wedge in the crack to remove Christianity from the U.S.
“The only information ever pushed about the Bidens and Ukraine has come from Russia and Russian agents,” Parnas said, and was part of “a much larger plan for Russia to crush Ukraine by infiltrating the United States.” Politicians and right-wing media figures, including then-representative Devin Nunes (R-CA), Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), The Hill reporter John Solomon, Fox News Channel personality Sean Hannity, and other FNC hosts knew the narrative was false, Parnas said, even as they echoed it. He suggested that they were permitting “Russia to use our government for malicious purposes, and to reward selfish people with ill-gotten gains.” — Heather Cox Richardson. March 29, 2024
So the Democrats wouldn’t give Trump $8.6 billion to protect our border but have given Ukraine $75 billion to protect their borders. How does that make sense?
Biden’s at a fundraiser, Trump’s at a funeral.
As Donald Trump attends the wake of a fallen hero policeman, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton gather for a fundraiser with a bunch of Hollywood elitist liberals. Kind of shows the difference between the two. And besides that, when asked about it all Biden could talk about is gun control, using another disaster to promote his political agenda. If few people can see the difference between these two men, you’re just not that smart.
The Trump plan to make everything more expensive is Trump’s tax and tariff increases of 10 to 50 percent on all imported goods, which economists said would immediately cost the average American family between $1,500 and $2,000 more per year. If you think the inflation rate is falling too slowly, it’s nothing compared to what Trump will do, destroying our economy and the average Americans finances, while he still will continue favoring the wealthy. The choice is yours, people. Think this through, and wisely.
I don’t know what was more disgusting the other night at Biden’s Radio City Fundraiser, the three presidents that were there or the entertainment.
The Democrats are worried about Trump being a dictator, but who is it that ignores what the Supreme Court rules? Oh, that would be Joe Biden on student loans and many other issues. That’s what you call a dictator.
I am so glad that we’re getting a break from all that political garbage in this column.
To see Biden at his fundraiser with two of our previous presidents really says a lot. That has got to be a first. What a joke!
This is a fact, all you young people that support Trump, wait until you do your taxes. You cannot claim yourself as a dependent anymore; they changed it in 2018. Now you people are getting stuck so bad while he pays nothing in taxes and the billionaires get a big tax break. That tax break when he was in office was nothing but a huge gift to the rich. We really got screwed, basically.
According to the Washington Post, if dictator wannabe Trump gets into the presidency somehow, his allies have drafted a plan to invoke the Insurrection Act on Trump’s inauguration day, which would give Trump authority to use the United States military against Americans to enforce their will. Trump and his allies have already crafted plans to use a military against civilians. Please do not even think about voting for this autocratic dictator.
Trump is a serial bankruptcy artist who has already declared personal bankruptcy six times, and is even thinking about it again. Obviously, Trump in reality is a myth at financial success, even with his deceit and cheating, he still fails. What happened to Trump’s claim, “I’m so rich, I can self-fund my own campaign.” It just completes another one of Trump’s many, many lies.
Hillary goes on Jimmy Fallon and brags about how much Biden cares and loves the American people. Is she kidding? The Democrats will stop at nothing to prevent President Trump from becoming our next president. Well, I’m here to say that’s not going to happen. Welcome, President Trump 2024.
I just can’t describe the feeling. It feels so great to be on the road to victory. President Trump in a landslide; November cannot get here soon enough.
What do people think, in the state of New York? Do you think the law is fair to everybody? I see the squatters. They get released without bail on drug charges. I have a friend whose son is doing time in New York prison for the same exact thing, gun and drug charges. He’s still sitting there. He’s got three years, four years, whatever. There’s your legal equal justice. If you’re a citizen you sit in prison for the same exact charges my friend’s son is sitting in prison for right now, while non-citizens are released and freed to walk free again. Tell me, is Governor Hochul the governor we need for this state? Think about it, people!
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