Dear Editor,
While millions of Americans are struggling to afford basic items under Biden and the staggering inflation on his watch, one group of people in the country are doing great – the extremely wealthy. In other words, Biden has been great for the people who the left describe as the one percent.
Bernie Sanders doesn’t complain about the one percent as much as he used to, because he is now a member of the club. In fact, Bernie wants people to vote for Biden.
For all of their talk about income inequality in the past, Democrats are now the party of the rich. There’s nothing wrong with being rich, but liberals don’t seem to want other people to be prosperous as well.
Breitbart news reports, Joe Biden’s America: Wealthiest 1% Set Record with $44 Trillion Total Net Worth. The wealthiest one percent in President Joe Biden’s America set a record with a net worth of $44 trillion at the end of the fourth quarter, U.S. Federal Reserve data revealed.
Biden casts his administration as opposed to the widening wealth gap, even though a majority of Americans still live paycheck to paycheck, a recent LendingClub study found, raising concerns that so-called “Bidenomics” failed to help average Americans.
Jim Outman
Owego, N.Y.
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