Candor Community Services has named David Nichols as its Candor Citizen of the Year for 2024. The community is invited to a reception in Dave’s honor at the Allen Memorial Baptist Church gym in Candor (Foundry Street entrance) on Sunday, April 7 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Dave is a lifetime member of the Candor community and has given his time and talents in many ways. At the instigation of his neighbor and friend, Fred Quinlan, Dave got involved as a volunteer at the Bread of Life Food Pantry and resource center, including involvement in the pantry’s transition to owning the old coal barn. He has also been a driver for the Candor EMS squad. He was a founder and core member of the Candor Coin Club, a group well known for its coin shows and passion for discovering buried treasure.
Since the late 1940s, when as a child his neighbor Ethel Slate invited his family to church, he has attended Allen Memorial Baptist Church. He and his wife Beverly raised their girls there. He has been a deacon at AMBC for decades and was a commander of the AWANA program. For many years he helped organize contributions for Operation Christmas Child, a program providing Christmas boxes for children around the world. His distinctive bass voice was heard in the church choir and in specials, and he also has sung for many decades in the Candor Community Chorus. Over the years he has been requested to provide music for a number of weddings and funerals in Candor.
In a press release, a Candor Community Services spokesperson wrote, “Dave is well loved and known as a neighbor who always lends a listening ear, a helping hand, and a sympathetic prayer for those in need. We are blessed to have him in Candor. Please come out on April 7 and help us to let him know just how much we appreciate his contributions to our community.”
Candor Community Services Corporation is a registered 501(c)(3) founded in 1976 with a broad mandate to improve the Candor community. CCSC annually recognizes a citizen of the year, awards college scholarships to community volunteers, and collaborates with other individuals and organizations to make Candor a better place. Donations, ideas, and board members are welcome. Contact president Mel Foster at
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