Be Light, Truly Smiling From Your Heart; Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the future

Be Light, Truly Smiling From Your Heart; Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the futureBrahma Kumaris Illustration.

By Sister Chirya —

When I want more roses in my garden, I start planting them. If I want more love in my life, I start spreading it. If I want more lightness and happiness in my life, start by connecting to the Light of God and radiating spiritual light and might. Surround yourself with what you like by continuously generating and sharing it!  

When we plant a positive, clean seed of thought and concentrate on it, we give energy to the mind like the sun gives to a seed in the earth. Just as the seed in the earth awakens, stirs, and begins to grow, the thoughts on which we concentrate awaken, stir, and grow. 

We are what we think, and our lives run in the direction of our thoughts. So let us sow positive thoughts. Early morning sit still, in silence, and sow the seeds of peace. Let peace find its home within us. Peace is our original strength, our eternal tranquility of being, free from the burden of negativity and wastefulness.

Be Light, Truly Smiling From Your Heart; Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the future

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

What you see today is not the fruit of chance but a fruit from seeds planted in the past. Go on planting beautiful seeds of positivity, peace and power. Never stop when obstacles come, but move forward with confidence. 

It is not that you just say, “I am fine,” but do you really feel you are fine! Your stage should remain so happy that others would ask, “How does this one always remain so well?” For this to happen, you must be truly smiling from your heart, not just superficially.  

We are ‘double light’! We are souls, imperishable beings of light, housed in perishable ‘human’ bodies, and by accumulating God’s energy and conserving physical energy we souls are filled with lightness in this disturbed world.      

“Angels are seen flying, up above; their feet rarely touch the ground. Why? Because angels take themselves lightly!” – Alan Watts.

Be Light, Truly Smiling From Your Heart; Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the future

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

Being ‘double light’ gives wings to the mind; and frees us from negative thoughts and reactions, creates a happy heart and our actions become fearless, loving, and tireless.  

When I have true spiritual understanding and energy, I find myself satisfied and content with everything happening in my life. I have the enthusiasm and the urge to go on using my thoughts, words and actions for creating positive change in the self and the world. 

(Yvonne Risely, of Owego, can be reached via email to or Sister Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She is published in several national and international publications to include the Daily Guardian in Delhi.)

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