You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message. Thank you.
Ukulele Players wanted! An adult Ukulele Group is forming. All levels of players from beginners to accomplished are welcome. We plan to meet and jam two times per month in the Owego area. There will be a jam session on March 2, from 1:30-3 p.m. at the Coburn Free Library in Owego. This is for adults only. For more information, call (607) 743-9803 or (607) 321-8815, or email to
It’s time for a change in the Village of Newark Valley. We need fresh representation to bring new ideas for our residents. Write-in Jared Martin during the election on March 19, 2024 for village trustee.
We would like to send a big congratulations to all the cast and everyone involved in the OFA production of “Shrek, the Musical.” It is a tremendous amount of work and dedication that goes into these performances. You all did a great job! Donkey, you really stole the show. We enjoyed it very much!
I wrote last week about three office employees for the Village of Newark Valley. I did not know that one was leaving until I read it in the Village newsletter (good luck to her). I hope we are going to remain at two clerks. The other information is correct except for hours; that’s 10,400 hours for five employees for 930 residents. Please don’t forget to vote for the two seats on the board during the March 19 election at the municipal building, from noon to 9 p.m.
The Taylor Garbage facility in Owego is convenient and well run. The workers there are always friendly and helpful. The only complaint I have, which I’ve expressed to them many times, is that the recycling bins are too high. Often, if no one is available to help me reach the recycling bin, my recyclers go into the trash bin. Not the outcome I planned when separating out my recycles, but I’m certainly not taking them back home. A low height-recycling bin would be appreciated.
With Ted Clark’s in Waverly now closed, I think it’s more important than ever to support our small businesses, especially in these times.
For all the people grumbling about not getting their mail, and I’m one of them not grumbling but didn’t get mail, you have to look at those trucks. They are not safe on these roads and on hills in the winter. So the Postal Service head, who was appointed by Trump, has no idea what it’s like to drive these trucks out here in the winter. However, our roads aren’t taken care of here in Berkshire. The other day a truck that was like a pickup truck came up on Wednesday. The road here was sheer ice. It slid right through the stop sign at the bottom of the hill, and I don’t blame mail people for not delivering the mail that day. We also have no news updates on the roads. It used to be that we would get newsletters. This winter they’ve had very little to do, not much snow. So come on, let’s do something about this road.
For lent I decided to give up the political comments because I’m tired of all the bickering and lies. That’s a good thing to give up for lent.
Tons of information to alleviate the intellectual indigestion resulting from inaccurate food for thought; a football field, including end zones, is about 1.3 acres, goal line to goal line. 1.1 acres, 400 parts per million, represents 4 parts per 10,000, 4 cents of a 100-dollar bill.
Is there a plot of land on 500 acres that is easily visible from the highway? It may contain 1 million solar panels. Your choice.
I’m calling and asking why we’re not seeing the faces of the two shooters that caused the killing and injured people at the Kansas City Chiefs parade. Why are we not seeing their faces? I want to see their faces so I know who to look out for.
This is in response to the person that wrote about “cut the umbilical cord”. Yes, it is not your concern even though you are morally correct. My personal opinion is they should be taking care of their elderly parents now, and not the parents still taking care of their adult children. They give them money, and that’s how they get their attention from their kids. The people that buy their kids love by giving them money and anything else they ask for it is not right, but it is also their business and not anyone else’s.
National Political Viewpoints
It is very obvious that the Republican Party does not want to close borders; they take their orders from Trump. A bill was put forward for border control, but republicans would not consider it because Trump wants it left open. It’s no wonder republicans keep losing seats repeatedly.
I think Judge Engoron has a great idea, let’s use the Trump Tower building to house immigrants. The GOP refused to read the bill for closing the border and they need housing. Maybe an immigrant can use Trump’s gold toilet.
In response to last week’s comment about President Biden taking 140 days off for vacation, Trump took four months off for golf.
The American people are starting to wake up from their screen-induced trances and notice the ever-increasing hypocrisy and unfairness exhibited by the Democratic Party. One example is an 80-year-old grandfather that was flying domestically to see his grandchildren. He was told to remove his tied orthopedic shoes, with no place to sit down to do this; he was told to remove his belt with arthritis stiffened fingers; they were worried his glasses would set off the metal detector; and he had his Depends rifled through. While migrants, with zero identification, no way to confirm their address or country of origin or even their names, with loaded backpacks, are hustled ahead of paying passengers with no hassles whatsoever.
In the Arab world and beyond there is growing impatience with the skewed nuclear status quo. Egypt in particular has threatened to walk out of the NPT [Non-Proliferation Treaty] unless there is progress towards creating a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. The western powers promised to stage a conference on the proposal in 2012 but it was called off, largely at America’s behest, to reduce the pressure on Israel to attend and declare its nuclear arsenal. “Somehow the kabuki goes on,” Weiss says. [Leonard Weiss, mathematician and expert on nuclear proliferation] “If it is admitted Israel has nuclear weapons at least you can have an honest discussion. It seems to me it’s very difficult to get a resolution of the Iran issue without being honest about that.” “The Truth About Israel’s Secret Nuclear Arsenal” — Julian Borger. The Guardian. Jan. 15, 2014. (Yes, that was 10 years ago.)
I get a kick out of this column sometimes. Almost on a weekly basis I will read one comment from someone extolling the virtues of being a born-again Christian. The next comment is railing against immigrants and demanding that we “take care of our own first.” The juxtaposition of these two types of comments is more entertaining than a comedy show. Mary and Joseph were told, “There’s no room at the inn,” which is exactly what we are telling immigrants, many of whom have been brought here against their will and wishes. If someone is in need, you will not help them if they broke a law? That doesn’t sound very Christian. What if some kid ignored a “no trespassing” sign and fell down an abandoned well and broke his leg. You’ll just leave him there? “Sorry, but you broke the rules. You’re on your own down there. I hope you don’t suffer too long!” What a terrific attitude to have toward your fellow man. Being a Christian is a lot more than simply telling everyone that you’re a Christian.
So Trump blames Nikki Haley for not taking responsibility for the rioting that took place on Jan. 6. And Biden criticizes President el-Sisi for not opening the border to let humanitarian aid come to Gaza. I think we are experiencing a remake of the 1933 film “Duck Soup”, where Groucho Marx plays the part of Rufus T. Firefly, president of Fredonia.
Come on republicans and democrats; find a good candidate we can vote for instead of everyone voting against a candidate.
You can tell how scared the Democrats are getting, another stormy Daniels trial. Seriously? How many of these do you have to have?
I remember when Trump said he could shoot somebody in downtown Manhattan and people would still vote for him. You know, he’s absolutely right; he would shoot people who support him. Do you people still buy into this crap? Good luck in November.
I remember when I was in elementary school, I was spoon fed the idea that all men were created equal. That there’s liberty and justice for all and that no man was above the law. Here comes Donald Trump who, after he is given a fair trial and he’s found guilty and is convicted, is not put in jail for one reason or another. That’ll be the end of America, pretty much. Mark my words, there are going to be less people joining the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard. You’re going to have a hell of a time getting the Army together when we get attacked. So keep following Trump, keep the course.
So it turns out that the CIA knew all along in 2016 that Russia preferred Clinton to be president. That’s right, Clinton. They knew it, yet they pursued a witch-hunt of three to four years called the Russian hoax. Sounds like a dictatorship to me.
We have never had a president that swears so many times on a newsbreak and uses the Lord’s name in vain.
Be prepared everybody, we are going to be supporting 7 million people that Biden has brought over to this country.
Well, another day off from school. I suggest kids go to school all year with no breaks. Religion is gone from school, so there’s no need for Christmas or Easter vacations. Columbus statues and Presidential statues are being torn down. No more celebrating those holidays. Our country has become a joke, starting with the clowns on Pennsylvania Avenue.
If the results of this last trial and the hoax against Donald Trump do not show what a threat to democracy Biden and the democrats are, then I don’t know what will prove it. This whole thing has gotten ridiculous, and anybody that can’t see that is either just ignorant or evil.
Ever wonder why Trump had all those classified documents stored next to a computer machine that showed all of our allies and our nuclear capabilities? Why don’t you think they’re going to copy them and sell them to North Korea, China, Russia, and India? It’s pretty obvious that’s what they did. That’s why Russia wants to deploy those nuclear satellites to knock out a nuclear space satellite. They want to do that so we’re helpless, and he knows that. Thanks a lot, Trump, for selling us out to the Russians.
There are now 8.7 million illegal immigrants in this country. President Biden should be impeached immediately for treason.
Everyone should look and see what’s happening in Russia, because that’s exactly what’s going to happen here if Donald Trump is elected president. He’s going to change the term limits for president to a lifetime because he wants to be just like Putin. He wants to dictate to everyone, and if somebody doesn’t agree with him, it will be bad. Mark my words!
Need we be reminded that America is being destroyed from within by elites in and out of government, starting with the clowns on Pennsylvania Avenue?
The Democratic Party script: create a new order using Socialism to overwhelm Christianity, infiltrate schools and universities, to urge defeat, use force or violence strategically and wisely, radicalize morals and restructure society. Also known as Bidenomics.
President George Washington said, “When the government fears the people, you have freedom. When the people fear the government, you have tyranny.” We are living in a Marxist, Democrat party-controlled police state where corporate oligarchs, the corrupt press, and even government agencies pull Biden puppet strings.
Why doesn’t the Biden family or administration do an interview with a real journalist? Biden owns all the problems of our country. Why isn’t the administration or the Biden family talking about these issues? It is because they don’t care, as long as they have power over the American people. Whenever this administration is interviewed they are asked softball questions. Like, what’s the flavor of ice cream for the day? What did you have for supper last night? This is unacceptable. The American people deserve better. We need answers to the mess that the Biden administration has created and how are we going to get out of it. I’m still waiting for that interview, but I guess I’ll wait forever.
Only an idiot would cut off oil from an ally and buy it from an enemy. Way to go Joe. — Mama Gump
Biden just announced another round of student debt relief. How can he do that? The Supreme Court said it is unconstitutional. This sounds like something a dictator would do to me. They don’t pay attention to the Constitution and that’s what you accuse Republicans of doing. Open your eyes!
We are on the verge of World War Three and are being led by a compromised dictator who is doing to Trump what Putin did to Navalny. Namely destroying him financially and jailing him, and then, even worse. Vote Trump in November and make America great once again.
Anybody out there that says I saw it on MSNBC or I saw it on CNN, I just want you to know your credibility just went right out the window.
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