You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to (please note the new email address). We reserve the right to revise or reject any message. Thank you.
What Owego NEEDS is an Aldi’s, and a dry cleaners!
To the residents and taxpayers of the Village of Newark Valley, a Board meeting will be held Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m. (this is a regular Village Board meeting) at the Municipal building. Part of the meeting will be concerning the budget. The Mayor and Board will be voting on exceeding the 2% cap. Their preliminary request is a 5.47% increase in our taxes (it could go down, but by how much is not known). People are struggling to live day-to-day, cutting back on their expenditures. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask the village to do the same. If you should attend, please let’s be cordial and respectful to one another.
Is anyone in the egg business? I have approximately 60 Styrofoam egg cartons for anyone who can use them. You can text or call me at (215) 901-1849. Be glad to find somebody who will use them. Yes, I can deliver them, within reason.
If Tioga County, the Town of Newark Valley, our Fire Department can keep the taxes at or below a 2% increase so I don’t understand why the Village of Newark Valley can’t do the same. Their preliminary budget is at 5.47%. Jan. 9 is the regular board meeting and they will be voting on going over the 2% cap. I would think and hope that they will consider to get a budget at or lower than 2%. The three that I mentioned are coping with higher costs, just like the village, and were able to keep it at 2% or lower.
A big thank you needs to go out to all the members of the Town of Owego Highway Department for the work done on the bridge replacement at the intersection of McLean Valley Road and Frank Hyde Road. It is a 100% improvement.
Head Start has current early education openings for three and four year old children at no cost to families. Call (607) 687-6721 for more information.
Thank you Jim Outman for another wonderful letter to the editor. I always agree with your comments, and you do an excellent job of getting the message across. Keep them coming! I enjoy reading them, and thank you again.
Thank you to the highway crew that filled in those big potholes at the Apalachin Post Office. Good job. Keep it up.
Do any of you know where I can buy some Limburger cheese? My phone number is (607) 659-3548.
This Lockwood window shooter, we just want you to know that you think you got away with it this year, but let me tell you this, we know where you were on the last day of the season. They have you on camera in another county. So I just want you to know we always know where you are. We’re going to have your license removed. You will never be able to hunt. Yeah. Just keep it in mind, you’re always being watched. The group is getting bigger all the time. We all want your license taken away. We never want you out shooting illegal deer again. So just remember, we’re going to get you and DEC is going to be with us. When they do get you, we are going to shake their hand.
I was wondering why we could not get those lines on the roads done every year. When it rains or if it’s foggy you can barely tell if you’re on the road or off the road, and that is a safety hazard.
Many thanks to the Newark Valley High School’s Student Council for putting on the senior breakfast for the senior citizens. I really appreciated all the attention from the students. Thank you so much!
Was wondering if anyone else saw the ad running across the screen on Fox News on Dec. 18 that said something about having too much lead in applesauce. I called about it and gave them information from my jar of applesauce I had and they just kind of laughed it off. I wondered if anybody else saw it.
Political Viewpoints
It took me about three seconds to find a bunch of articles about Ukrainian President Zelinski buying two luxury yachts for millions each. They were all about how there is a small group of online bloggers putting out this series of lies. This is 100% false. Also, his wife did not go on a shopping spree in NYC. She was not even in the country at the time of the reported event. There are a few issues at play with this story; one of the biggest is called an “Echo Chamber.” This is where one person says it and another repeats it and now two people have said it but no one has checked the first person.
There was a comment that the stories on FOX are not shown on CNN, etc. There is a good amount of truth to this. On April 18, 2023, FOX paid the largest Defamation settlement in US history – $787.5M to Dominion. They “admitted telling lies about the 2020 election.” All day, off and on, I looked and there was NOTHING about this settlement. I asked some family members what they thought and they knew nothing about it. They only watch FOX. It was eventually reported after 11 p.m. a few days later. It is not hard to find the truth, it just takes a few minutes and the ability to consider what you think may be wrong. Also, get the whole story.
To the person writing about 10,000 “unaccompanied children” let free in the country. This is only half true. They arrived at the border unaccompanied, but they were not just left to leave and walk the streets. They were handed over to an adult family member already here to live until their case is heard. Certainly, a terrible story for children but not the story many people think is happening.
A reality check on Biden’s bid for a second term. The many aides who are in and around the circle of Joe Biden each day are pushing out claims they think he is doing too much right now and needs to ‘rest more’. As it is a matter of public record, it shows Biden barely makes two public appearances a week, doesn’t take questions or hold press conferences. Only now, coming into ‘Campaign Mode’, is he showing up a bit more. This finds Biden has demonstrated he cannot give 100% to his presidency, nor his own campaign.
Regarding the attempted removal of the Confederate RECONCILIATION monument in Arlington National Cemetery; Arlington was established as a national cemetery 160 years ago. The land was stolen from a private family because their relative was a Confederate. The monument has stood there, approaching two centuries, with families on both sides voicing no objections; rather, understanding the intent. What will be next? Going through every cemetery in America and removing the gravestones of every Union soldier? Keep destroying our history instead of learning from it.
Food for holiday table talk. When the government and global elites meet for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other Climate Collusion meetings they all travel by private or publicly provided jet. No leadership by example here, such as using Zoom. Why? Secret Agendas must be done in secret, no emails! Why the need for Secret Agendas? Could it be that their positions are flawed, unethical, and do not “follow [legitimate] science”? We pay them and they work for us, right? Shouldn’t they be on record so we can understand the why, wherefore, and how much they would have humanity sacrifice? Since when did politicians put those they are to serve ahead of themselves? Perhaps John Kerry could donate some of his billions to saving the planet? Best of holidays to all.
This is in regard to the person who commented about Jan. 6 trying to overthrow our Government and said that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer had the opportunity to bring in the National Guard and Nancy Pelosi declined. The truth is that Pelosi had no control or jurisdiction over the National Guard, neither did Schumer; Trump did, but he didn’t make the call. Mike Pence, who was under siege at the time, is the one who ordered the National Guard to be called out.
To each their own as the saying goes. However, I, for one, am extremely unhappy. I watched the White House video this year. My childhood wonder of Christmas was full of beauty and calm. This was gaudy, garish and frantic, and actually a little frightening. I’m sure I’ll have nightmares.
Speaking of loons, look in the mirror.
Our do-nothing Republican criminal contempt congress is the worst congress we have had in my whole life! They are crooked; they protect their crooks. Our local representative, Claudia Tenney, votes to impeach Joe Biden and you people keep electing these criminals and these liars and you keep putting them in congress. Aren’t you people ever going to wake up before you totally destroy this country? This is one sad day for this country.
The Biden-omics wheels are turning in the right direction for Americans. Gas is now under $3 a gallon in half the states. I just filled up in Owego for $3.14 a gallon. When Trump was president the stock market’s DOW was at 20,000 in March of 2020, Thursday it was over 37,000, another record high under President Joe Biden. Interest rates keep falling, while unemployment rates are at a 40-year low. More facts are available through proving Biden’s policies are working for America!
The Republican Party’s ex speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Brian, just said, “Trump is not a conservative but an Authoritarian Narcissist.” Wake up, zombies, stop supporting this wannabe dictator Trump and start supporting our democracy. Unshackle yourself from MAGA Rule by letting freedom ring at the ballot box by voting for Democrats.
I was just wondering if Leslie Stahl ever apologized about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Everybody knew about it. Trump brought it up and she said there’s absolutely no evidence of that. I don’t remember an apology.
About 1,300 autoworkers are going to be laid off because the government is forcing them to make electric vehicles. That’s right, way to go, Joe.
Maybe our local Representative Claudia Tenney, instead of voting to impeach Joe Biden when there was no evidence of any crime, should be spending more time looking for that briefcase full of Russian highly classified information that disappeared on Donald Trump’s last two days in office that had a lot of connections between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and the so-called election interference that Trump says never happened that disappeared in the last two days. Maybe she could help look for that instead of wasting her time on these filings. People need to look into some of this stuff. These Republicans are crooks!
Has anybody paid attention to the homelessness, which is reaching record high levels? Take a look at it, people. We have a governor in New York State, the first woman governor, that couldn’t give a damn about anybody even losing their homes because of these high taxes, and she sits there and turns her back on the people. You’ve got Chuck Schumer, a senator in the State of New York, who doesn’t give one crap about anybody in the state. The taxes just keep putting people out of their homes, they lose their homes and they don’t care. They refuse to do anything about the taxes because they love to spend the money. Something needs to be done about these taxes! We need to get these people out of office!
Check out your 401K under President Biden if you’d like to be happy and smiling. The country is now recovering from Trump’s bad economy that the non-wealthy endured and is on the upswing under President Biden’s economic leadership for all Americans, not just giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy like Trump did for himself.
As many Americans struggle to make ends meet because of Biden-omics, it has been released that $451 billion a year is being spent on illegal aliens in this country. Wow! How sad is that? To think of the money he’s wasting on green energy, the green energy hoax, not to mention money overseas not being accounted for. Wake up, people.
So in America if you cheat to get into college you can go to jail, but if you cheat to get into this country you can go to college for free. Very interesting. Thank you, Democrats.
Biden has another legacy he’ll be leaving behind; record high homelessness and a record number of immigrants. It’s a complete disaster for the U.S., which we will be lucky to recover from in decades. Our children will suffer for many years.
Defense Secretary Austin is flying now to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. So much for climate change. These guys think nothing of getting on these big jets and flying all over the world. Why don’t they zoom for these meetings like everybody else has been forced to do? Climate change is a joke for these people. Do as I say, but not as I do.
So now Biden’s daughter owes back taxes! What gives with this family? Do they really think they’re above the law?
Could someone please name just one thing the Republicans have done since they’ve had control of Congress except run their mouths, call names, and create chaos and then laugh about it? Just one thing, just tell me one thing they’ve done to help the average American. Somebody please tell me!
People aren’t supposed to be smoking cigarettes because of the cancer scare. So smoke weed instead? I hope you’re proud of New York, Hochul. Unbelievable!
Am I the only one in the State of New York that finds it very odd about these politicians? They’re supposed to be there for the people. Take a look at the billions of dollars they’ve been sending to Ukraine, but yet in the state of New York we look at the paper and it is full of delinquent taxes. People actually move out of their house, they will come in and take you out of your house and sell it out from under you. Is anyone else seeing the picture or is it just the way I’m seeing this? If we can spend money to help another country, why the hell are my neighbors and friends losing their homes? Somebody tell me please. Somebody better do something soon because it could be your house next. They don’t care about you people. When are you going to open your eyes and take a good look at what’s happening in the State of New York? They’re all tyrants!
Could anybody tell me why they don’t want us to buy gas stoves or gas water heaters? They want us to buy electric cars and all that crap. How many politicians in Washington have electric cars and their families have electric cars? What do they use to fly their planes? They are telling us that we have to do this and they don’t do it. I’d like to know why.
I want everybody, veterans and non-veterans, and I’m a veteran, to remember that when they were unloading the caskets of our soldiers that were killed because of the way we withdrew from Afghanistan and Iraq, that President Biden was more interested in what time it was than the bodies being unloaded.
Things have gotten so bad for Joe Biden. The poll numbers are even lower than Kamala Harris. That is hilarious!
So Colorado is just trying to keep Trump off the ballot. Can you people be any more obvious? Do you think it’s going to help? It’s just making people love Trump more and shows how corrupt the Democrat Party is. You are so afraid of Trump that if you know we’re going to win you’ll try anything, any witch-hunt, anything you can do.
This year’s 118th Republican led Congress has been the least productive since The Great Depression in 1931-1932 that saw 21 bills signed into law – the all time low. This current Republican Congress has passed only 22 bills signed into law. We taxpayers are wasting our money on Republican congressional paychecks.
Finally, and now clearly stated – the Colorado Supreme Court bars Insurrectionist Trump from being on the primary ballot under section three of the 14th Amendment, agreeing with any constitutional scholars. Now the question is will his partisan Supreme Court appointees side with ultra, right wing conservative grifters Alito and the despicable Clarence Thomas, who should recuse himself, to reinstate Trump by overturning the two previous courts decisions that Trump has disqualified himself from ever holding any governmental office. Trump ‘s disqualification will be great for the country because we know that Trump is a clear and present danger to national security and to our democracy. Let’s hope the flagrantly unethical partisan tainted Supreme Court upholds the prior district and state courts, wise and constitutional rulings.
I see that the markets are at all-time highs and gas prices have come down considerably under the Biden administration. Oh yeah, let me remind everybody, that’s under a Democrat President. So I guess it just goes to prove that when Trump was saying that everybody loved him and the markets were high and gas prices were down, that was just like everything else that comes out of his mouth that is not the truth and you people that think he’s so great. You better get a clue because if you decide that you really want to put him back in office for another four years, we’re all going to be under an Autocracy, and I prefer to still be able to make my choices. And I don’t see anything that indicates right now, believe it or not, that the Biden administration has turned into a dictatorship, but only through social media and ignorance.
Why is it when Biden and Kamala speak they are always speaking in circles? They don’t really tell you anything. Like I can’t understand them, so I always turn them off whenever they come on the radio or the TV or podcast, or anything like that. And as far as bringing the country together and being transparent, I don’t think this administration has done either. Your comments, please.
The only reason Joe Biden’s running again for president is so that he can Pardon Hunter. That’s all. Wake up.
About 80% of Republicans support Israel, while only 30% of Democrats support Israel. That pretty much wraps it up. The anti-Semitic far left Democrat party in action again, rioting on the streets.
The Communist Party has done it again. The People’s Republic of Colorado is now attempting to take Donald Trump off the ballot. There are 25 other states, if they want to do it. I have a good idea. Take your 25 states off the flag, and then you have become the Confederate Party of America. Start another civil war like in the 1800s and maybe you can keep somebody from running for president.
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