The Old Coot says, ‘Let them eat cake’ (or pizza)

One of the perks of being an Octogenarian is you get to break the rules. If you don’t know what an Octogenarian is, Google it, or even better, dust off that old dictionary on the shelf and look it up. While you’re in there, look around; you might be surprised at how much you can learn while spending ten minutes thumbing through a dictionary. 

Anyway, back to one of the benefits of being an Octogenarian. You can have pizza for breakfast! “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and eating cereal is the best breakfast food.” That’s a myth that cereal companies have foisted on us for over a century. It’s good health alright, good health for Post’s and Kellogg’s bottom line! 

My generation was brainwashed by this myth; in the 1950’s, Mister Wizard ended his popular Saturday morning TV science show by asking the kid from next door, who assisted in scientific experiments, “What should you have for breakfast, every day?”

Little Bobby, sometimes Susie, would reply, “FRUIT, CEREAL, MILK, BREAD & BUTTER, Mister Wizard.” – “That’s right Bobby, don’t forget, every morning, FCMB&B!”

I prefer leftover pizza and a glass of milk. Pizza hits every box in Mr. Wizard’s FCMB&B recommendation – fruit (tomato in the sauce), cereal (the grain in the dough), milk, bread (just more grain), and butter (no butter in the dough, but olive oil, which is better for you). Protein, if you add sausage or pepperoni to the top.

Cake is good for breakfast too. In reality, a nutritious meal, containing eggs, wheat, butter and milk. What better way to greet the day than eating a piece of chocolate cake and drinking a cold glass of milk?  

So take some advice from an Octogenarian; you CAN have your cake and eat it too! Same for pizza. Enjoy the start to a good day! 

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