Readers’ Column for the week of October 22, 2023

You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to (please note the new email address). Also, and to align with our political policy, we will not be running any comments that are political in nature beginning with our next print edition on Oct. 29, and until after the Nov. 7 General Election. We also reserve the right to revise or reject any message. Thank you.


We are changing our email address for submission to this column. If sending your comment via email, please send to Thank you.


I recently became disabled and I am looking for Dog Walker. I have a small doggie that needs to be walked at least four times a week. The walks would have to be at Marvin Park or at Hickories Park where there is limited access to traffic. She is very strong and she can pull very hard. That is why in-town walking would not be an option. She does not get along with larger dogs, so preferably it would need to be a solo walk or with another small dog. Generous pay and flexible hours; must have your own transportation and you must be over 18 years old. If anyone is interested, or if you know someone who would be, please respond to this post. Please leave your phone number so I can call you to further discuss. Thank you in advance!


“This type of waste should not be going to municipal landfills or sewage treatment plants,” he said. [John Stolz, Duquesne University] “If there’s all this wealth being generated by this industry, they should be able to spend a little money to make sure they’re not exposing people to hazardous materials that can cause cancer.” — 800,000 Tons of Oil and Gas Waste from Pennsylvania Unaccounted For — Kristina Marusic. Environmental Health News. Oct. 16, 2023.


The 21st Annual Holiday O Tannenbaum Showcase and Silent Auction will open on Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Tioga County Historical Society located at 110 Front St. in Owego. For this grand event we most welcome your donations of gift items for retailing in the TCHS Gift Shop located on the ground floor. The gift shop is decorated and packed with beautiful Holiday Gift items and Christmas decorations at very low prices for your shopping pleasure! The Historical Society is open Tuesday thru Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call (607) 687-2460 for more information.


It is very disheartening to see our elected officials spending money to re-pave the parking lot at the county’s human resources building on Route 38.They have a bridge that they closed down on Brown Road in Newark Valley that is in need of repairs to enable emergency vehicles to pass and they are paving parking lots.


Can someone go to another local pantry if they don’t live in that town? I visited last week and was surprised at the lack of quantity of simple things such as pasta sauce. It’s scary to see a lack of items at a local pantry that some of us depend on.


Social Security recipients for 2024 are going to get a 2.3% increase. 


I was wondering why they stopped  public transportation going to BCC College or to Vestal for our Tioga County residents, which would be really helpful for young students without cars and families without transportation, and allow their children to go to school. It’s a lot better than that bus coming through town with nobody ever on it that comes into Owego. It’s just a foolish waste of money. We should put our money into something that’s really good. 


I’m calling about Project 365 and the plans for the common ground building on the corner of Armstrong Place and Main Street. They want to do housing, washing, drying, showers, and provide mental health and emergency health services. We have those things available already for the homeless. They have mental health services at the first floor building in Owego and we have emergency care. Lourdes provides a walk in. This neighborhood is also residential. 


I was just wondering if anybody else has seen the bumper crop of acorns this year. I have so many on my property; I’ve never seen so many acorns! Also, has anybody seen the woolly bears? All black! It’s going to be a bad winter.  


I was encouraged that The Owego Pennysaver was becoming nonpartisan and publishing readers’ columns that match national political viewpoints, especially after seeing approximately the even number of pro-Democratic “for a change” and Pro Republican comments in the Oct. 1, 2023 publication. Unfortunately, this past week’s, Oct. 15, 2023, the publication did not have any pro Democratic viewpoints and was 100% biased pro-Republican postings. Hopefully fairness will return with publishing viewpoints equally. I love The Owego Pennysaver and want it to be respectful to all of its reader’s political comments without bias to either sides or viewpoints. 


To the person who wondered why the Florida Seminoles could keep their name and the Owego Indians could not. Simple. You live in the state of New York.


I’m a person that volunteers to work with older people. They keep asking me for rides to go to the doctors and stuff and I can’t do it because I’m on a limited income, and if they don’t have the money to pay me I can’t take them. So where in the heck is this bus that was promised to us? I don’t see it. Every time we call someone for a ride, they can’t do it. So what agency and where do we call for a ride for seniors? 


About one third to one fourth of the world may never have access to online access, e-mail, tele-health, the Internet, smartphones, etcetera, for many valid reasons. So please, if they have indicated this please do not turn around and tell them to use such items. The companies who only work on the web, you might have more customers if you didn’t discriminate by not giving a phone number to contact. 


Yeah, the day is gone by. We used to get a newspaper, whether it was raining or snowing, they had a yellow bag to put the paper in. No more. Now with these soup cans or whatever in the store, older people cannot pull that tab back, so I don’t know why they ever started it. A lot of us older people can’t pull those tabs back. 


Yeah, just wondering why the Candor school buses have three on Anderson Hill within 10 to 15 minutes of one another, and these are big buses. 


I was wondering why the town of Owego does not fill up potholes this year. I’ve noticed that they tar and stone the roads, but they just sugarcoat that. You still can’t ride your bicycle there and it doesn’t solve the problem, it only puts a Band-Aid on it.  


Speaking of the Candor Highway Department, did you see that? Two guys are riding around in a small dump truck with asphalt, packing holes. They went up one to three times and there are other roads that need it. I guess they need eyeglasses. 


It’s interesting that the Town Clerk in Candor only works three days a week, which is 24 hours. I wonder if she’s getting benefits; also, I wonder how much she’s paid. I believe as a taxpayer we should know. 


If you have a student going to a university or college, do you know what is going on? If you don’t, you better wake up.  


Do you belong to a union? Do you know what your union is doing? They want to be part of the great reset, which will control every aspect of your life. Think about it. 


National Political Viewpoints

Are you happy with the embarrassing behavior of our representatives in Congress? Loyalty to a party is put before loyalty to the citizens they are supposed to represent. Just because we have always had a two party form of government doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way. We need Independent representatives that are not loyal to a party that will do what is best for the U.S. citizens first. Many countries in Europe have more than two parties, it encourages them to work together and compromise, something our two parties are not capable of, and they are too focused on destroying each other.


So our President can visit the Middle East to witness the chaos and destruction, yet he STILL has not visited our own border! Ditto, for Schumer.


TERROR PSYOP 101 – “A highly visual and recorded, photographed, and filmed terrorist attack by extremists is allowed to take place, despite foreknowledge (if not complicity) by national intelligence, in order to pin it on a foreign state, to justify in the court of public opinion a disproportionate massive carpet bombing campaign on civilian targets which without the horror of the psyop imprinting itself shockingly on the minds of the spectators of the reproduced terrorist operation, would never be acceptable to the population undergoing the psyop. In short, a terror psyop is designed to start a campaign of mass violence, usually in the form of a war of occupation, in order to steal resources, topple a leader to install a puppet new leader, or even commit mass ethnic cleansing of an innocent population.” — Happened in 2001 and is happening now.


Perhaps you noticed tech companies, including Amazon and Spectrum, have been much more aggressive charging more for less and invading your privacy. Strangely, illegal monopoly practices are at an all-time high. Monopolist companies are using their monopoly power to invade other markets. This is illegal. When Biden was in Congress he was the most instrumental in facilitating the abusive tactics, practices, and elimination of banking laws and ethics. This past week Biden gave a speech regarding junk fees. His junk fees are those nasty charges credit card companies abuse you with, for which the ineffectual Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is supposed to restrain. Look closely at your phone and utility bills fees, almost all the parasitic government “Junk Fees”. Phones were first taxed to fund WWI. WWI ended 1918. U.S. law enforcement (DOJ) never stops attacking Trump and ignores illegal monopoly practices. There is slaughter in the Middle East and Biden addresses debt forgiveness and CC fees. 


This was a clever title of an article from Vanity Fair, “House Republicans Have Opened the Gaetz of Hell.”


You have to wonder how many terrorists from Hamas are already in our country because of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ open borders. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? 


It’s interesting that the Colorado Secretary of State, Jenna Griswold, believes that we are an American democracy that she is going to protect. We have a politician that doesn’t understand that America is not a democracy; we are a Republic of the United States.


Vote for sanity, vote Democrat and you’ll have a government working for the people. Whoever thinks that, only needs half the story, and they need to get their head out of wherever it’s buried.


Basically, what’s happening in Israel could happen to the U.S. at any time. It’s a tragic situation. Think about this, people. You have to have a background check, which could take two weeks, two months, or two years. So the next time it’s time to vote for the governor I would think real hard before you check that box, think real hard, because two weeks, two months or two years could cost you your life. What is wrong with this culture? What’s wrong with that idiot Newsom? People need to be able to defend themselves! 


Henry Kissinger was having his 100th birthday, and in an interview said that our country made a mistake by letting a good many foreigners in, particularly the foreigners who hate our country, and they are now using it against us as a matter of free speech and other things. We should not let everybody into this country, and we need a solid border. 


I see on today’s news that Biden is considering an Israel visit. How about him visiting our border here to solve the worst humanitarian crisis this country has ever experienced. 


The Republicans can’t even get their stuff together to nominate a Speaker of the House and yet you Republicans want to run the country? They think they could do the job of the presidency. I doubt it. They can’t even find their way out of the door. 


The Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are a flat-out mess that is making the country look bad again as it did under the Trump regime. 


Ted Cruz reminds me of Mr. Haney from Green Acres. 


Well, Donald Trump finally got his gag order issued against him. He says nothing but a witch-hunt. You know what? They caught the witch. It’s about time. 


Hillary needs to be in prison. 


The House of Representatives just had the vote to nominate a speaker with a Republican majority failing to elect anyone. Democratic minority and sensible leader Jeffries received 12 more votes than radical right wing extremist Jordan, but the Democrat was still five bold shy with the Republican 17 votes shy, leaving our federal government in chaos and dysfunctional. Ever since the Republicans removed ex-Speaker McCarthy, which was the first time in history that that was done, Republicans are infighting and leaving our country vulnerable and making us the laughingstock in the world’s view. Please vote for Democratic candidates so our government will work smoothly as designed in our Constitution. We have to stop this continuing Republican insanity for the well being of America and the world!


Everybody’s a liar except Donald Trump. 


Did anyone know why the Great Unifier went to Israel? I’d welcome your comments. Thank you. 


Any Republican in the House that doesn’t vote for Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House should be voted out of office. We finally have somebody who is a true conservative and won’t be bullied and pushed around by the far-left Liberal Democrat bully party. 


I was just reading the election ballot for Nov. 7 this year and there’s absolutely no contest, with no one running against any person. So there’s not much reason to even waste the time or energy to go vote. There’s no one to vote against.  


In a speech today about the loss of civilian life in Israel, Biden said, “We believe in the dignity of every Human life.” He and the Democrats support and even promote the affording of human lives in our country every day. If those babies aren’t human, what are they? 


Jimmy Jordan is a loser, just like his orange master. 


Yes, the Democrats are for the people to become inflamed in socialism. The more money Washington prints, the value of our purchase power goes down and the news of socialism is tightening. Our politicians in Washington are not working for us. They are selling us down the drain. But they don’t understand this. They’re not high enough to get out, powerful, controlling everybody. They’re going to be in the soup along with all the rest of us. Socialist countries are not countries that we want to join. We want to be free people. We have too many in Washington that do not believe in our Constitution. Wake up. They’re lying to us. 


Do you realize that our wonderful Doctor Fauci is now teaching at Georgetown University? 


The right of dissent is surely fundamental to the existence of a democratic society. That’s the right that went first and every nation that stumbled down the trail to totalitarianism. 

2 Comments on "Readers’ Column for the week of October 22, 2023"

  1. It is literally painful to read comments here.
    People, Rudy admitted he lied about what Ruby Freeman and her daughter were passing.
    The kraken lady, Sydney Powell, admitted she was lying about election interference, the whole time.
    So ridiculous that, Georgia uses paper ballots and they recounted 3 times but millions don’t know Georgia uses paper ballots,, because of the RW echo chamber outlets.
    There’s 4 guilty pleas in the Georgia racketeering case.
    Ellis and Hall pleaded guilty and will testify against trump.
    How many lies have you told because you believed trump’s lying about the 2020 election.
    If everyone watched the J6C hearings, you’d know trump knew he lost and sent domestic terrorists to assassinate presidential succession Jan 6 2021.
    It was maga and ultra maga testifying in the J6C hearings.
    Even though not 1 person answers this question, fox and right-wing podcasters have convinced millions that POTUS could cause global inflation.
    I’m still waiting for an answer because I know POTUS CAN’T CAUSE GLOBAL INFLATION.

  2. Great job, republicans.
    They just made one of the most radical republicans, House Speaker.
    So radical Johnson wants a nationwide, no exceptions for rape and molestation, abortion ban.
    Prison sentences for women who get an abortion. No exaggerating, easy to research it.
    The people yelling, Dems are Marxist and communist, are the republicans banning books like the story of Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela. Catcher In The Rye. Hair Love, a book about a single black father learning how to deal with his daughter’s hair,are you kidding me.
    Type, banned book list, you’ll be shocked at the books republicans are banning.
    Johnson wants cuts to Social Security and Medicare,,big cuts.
    There was a time I agreed with opposite parties in the Oval Office and Congress.
    Republicans have no desire to govern.
    Over 25% of America’s national debt was accrued under trump.
    Most of the $7.8 trillion in debt, trump added, was not from COVID, trump’s tax scam that started phasing out for the middle class in 2021 caused most of it.
    Billions in self inflicted farm bailouts, tariffs lost farm markets, over 1080 bankrupt farms in 2018 and 2019 combined.
    There’s a batch of rogue republicans who we must vote out before the republican party can be a functioning part of America, again.

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