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It’s a shame to see the park in Nichols looking like a hay field. I realize that we have had a lot of rain this year, but there has been ample time to mow the park. We have spent money on a new pavilion, new playground equipment and rubber matting, whether it be FEMA money or not, it is still a wonderful place for children to play and now it looks like a hay field. The village does not even have time to trim up around the guard rails like they used to; maybe the solution would be to borrow some milk cows from the farm across the road and get some goats.
To be fair to Spectrum, the Disney owned channels are back today, Sept. 11, and Spectrum will be issuing a refund. From what they’ve indicated, Disney (who owns the ESPN channels) was trying to hugely increase their price. (Guess they have to make up for recent policy mistakes that have cost the Disney Corporation in many ways.)
Regarding litter boxes for cats; it’s the same reason why some dog walkers don’t clean up after their dogs – irresponsible and lazy. If you are upset about paying eight times the federal income tax as a billionaire, then the tax laws need reforming. Contact the people who can change the laws. If Al Gore were truly concerned about what is now referred to as climate change he would stop flying all over the planet on his private jet. Can you say “elitist”? I knew you could! To the person who wants Kathy Hochul to wake up and think for herself; she absolutely is thinking for herself, only for herself. She cares nothing about the people she serves. And she loves all of the Federal dollars she’s milking from DC – make no mistake. As far as the new OA mascot, it’s a predator that preys on the small, defenseless, and weak. And did any of the Native American tribal chiefs bother to come to Owego and learn that the “Indian” name was an honest tribute to their culture, honoring it in highest esteem?
Just because you read it on the Internet doesn’t make it more factual than the other nonsense I always find in this column
We’re seeing the effects of that one-degree now. Wait until you see two.
To the senior citizen that thanked Scott’s Landscaping Services for the wonderful job they did on your sidewalk, could you please write in with their phone number and / or location? I have been having a hard time finding someone to make a sidewalk and steps, and would like to give them a call. I tried to look them up online but couldn’t find them. Thank you!
To the person who wanted to know what is in watermelon: It is low in calories, a good source of vitamin C, has potassium, copper, vitamin B5, vitamin A, amino acid citrulline, antioxidant lycopene (more than in tomatoes), and beta carotene. It can also help lower insulin resistance.
National Political Viewpoints
We are now into the FOURTH year of the pandemic (2020, 2021, 2022, and now 2023) and there is no excuse at all to be promoting masks for children. Currently, the government (Not CDC) is pushing a mask agenda and shots for children again. Everybody has seen with their own eyes the damage that was done to children. There isn’t even any more debate about the issue.
New York State is far down the list of states as far as academic excellence of our students (despite some of the highest school taxes in the country). Similarly, the U.S. is also down on the list internationally. So Governor Hochul, in her wisdom, has given kids and staff yet another day off (which, let’s face it, disrupts the entire week). Coincidentally, South Korea, which is an Asian country, is number one on the planet as far as graduation rates go; maybe because they value education and the success of every student. What these politicians won’t do to “buy” a handful of votes. The desperation is extremely fragrant.
Remembering 9-11. The real terrorists that took the twin towers down, 22 years ago today! As a country we promised to never forget! After 22 years I wonder, are we still united? Today our president decided not to visit any of the memorials to pay tribute to those who lost it all to the real terrorists. I think we called them the Taliban! Our current administration abandoned Kabul Afghanistan two years ago, leaving billions of dollars of weapons of war to the Taliban (the real terrorists) who meant harm. Back then, in 2001, we had news media that stayed on top of issues and reported to the American people, not the powers to be who are running the White House for Mr. Biden. Oh where oh where has our patriotism gone? Oh, where oh where can it be? I pray that in November 2024 we find out what we will be!
Why is Climate Porn science just that? 1. Humans have substantially altered the planet in more ways than we recognize, thus climate studies require broad based study. Change cannot be singularly attributed to CO2 unless you are uneducated. Low I.Q. folks understand this. 2. Record high temperatures are stated to be the norm. So, temperatures recorded by limited weather stations in 893 (none), 1814, 1890, 1950, etc. can be compared with temperatures taken by satellites, i.e. global surface ocean temps? Mixing apples and frogs. 3. Look at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change temperature data sets. They all erase the decade of 1930. 4. Notice jet contrails (water vapor or H2O) get no attention, but CO2 does. 5. Climate porn is now the easiest way to effect control by the elites and democrats. California had its first tropical storm since Sept. 25, 1939. That proves Climate Scare beyond any shadow of a doubt. If warming is true then it needs multi-variable lines of investigation. Today, Climate science is political (corrupted like politicians).
President Biden has long been known to lie and plagiarize. The president previously admitted to prior plagiarism. The New York Times reported that he plagiarized an article in a law review when he was at college. A former editor of the Harvard Journal came forward and detailed another instance. Joe Biden penned an article on civil rights. He lifted language right out of a SCOTUS opinion. He changed a couple words and called them his own. There were no quote marks and no footnote or anything else attributing the court as the source.
Folks, it’s now on. The Democratic establishment, the intelligence agencies, and the dishonest media are realizing that Biden is toast. They realize he is compromised and too old to win re-election. The bet has always been that the dislike of Trump and his legal woes would make it impossible for Trump to win. They realize that it is not working. Now the first shot has been delivered. David Ignatius of the New York Times, who is a mouthpiece of the Intelligence agency, is now urging Biden to not run. Now watch the lapdog media start to pile on. It’s not because they want the truth of Biden’s corruption to come out. It is because they are realizing that Biden and Harris are likely to lose the election. If I were a Republican I would not pursue Impeachment. It doesn’t have a chance of passing in the Senate. It would be better to just let the truth come out slowly of how corrupt Biden is and have Trump run against a weak and feeble opponent.
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