Dear Editor,
Many New York Counties that have not deemed themselves as ‘Sanctuary Havens’ have filed legal 30-Day Emergency Declarations (Tioga County – June 10, 2023) to be on record that they are unable to be an accommodation for Financially Supporting Services and to provide Housing Facilities.
The issue of accommodation is one created by the Federal government and in New York State with assistance from the Governor and New York City Mayor Adams. Mayor Adams states that New York City will make payments for temporary sheltering, but only for four months with no follow up from the city or the state of “what then”.
It was refreshing to read this past week where Orange County Mayor Adams went to court to stop and cease imposing the transport and payments into their county of illegal immigrants when State Supreme Court Judge Sandra Sciortino ruled New York City and Orange County hotels are enjoined from transporting or receiving homeless individuals without complying with state social services law and an order.
Although this pertains to only Orange County, it may be only the first case. The last thing Governor Hochul wants now is a more divided New York State, especially the Democrats of Orange and Rockland County (pending) who voted for her.
In support of our Tioga County Legislators, Stay Strong.
Florence Alpert
Candor, N.Y.
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