Hi. My name is Remi. You met my brother last week. Our story is the same. We lived outside until it got really cold and then Gail came and got us. I was in bad shape unlike my brother. My eyes were infected and I could barely see.
I was really scared to come eat because roofers were pounding all the time and making loud noises. I waited until it got dark to come eat. It was quiet then.
When Barnaby got trapped I was afraid I’d never see him again so I stayed away. After a week I gave up and went in the trap. I was really happy when Gail got me home and I saw my brother again.
I am still very shy and loud noises scare me, but I got used to Gail and I let her pet me now. I got an operation and lots of shots and medicine to make my eye better. It doesn’t open all the way, but I can see.
If you want to adopt me you have to have patience and let me get used to you. I will love you when I know you won’t hurt me. You can pet me while I eat, that’s okay.
Call Gail to adopt me at (607) 689-3033. You can donate cans for the cats to help with a $2,000 vet bill at the Redemption Center by the KFC in Owego.
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