Pure actions are like good seeds which, when planted, produce healthy, sweet fruit. Your mind is a garden; your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.
What you see today is not the fruit of chance, but a fruit from a seed planted in the past. Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the future. Concern for the quality of my actions, my karma, today ensures the success of my tomorrow.
The Law of Karma is clear. Actions performed under the influence of soul and God consciousness and divine virtues like peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom give us more happiness and attract more positive situations in our lives.
Actions performed under the influence of body consciousness and vices like lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy, hatred and deceit bounce back, give us sorrow and attract more negative situations in our lives.
We now understand we are spiritual – as well as physical, mental and emotional – beings, and our most valuable resource in my possession is right behind the eyes, the soul. Until this spiritual element is acknowledged, having compassion for human nature and performing right actions cannot be realized.
Within each one of us is a master of the universe. Not the universe out there but the inner universe of our thoughts and feelings, attitudes and actions. We may change our thoughts, our feelings, even our sense of whom we are, but we fail to visit the unchanging centre of our own self. However, nothing is more real than the inner space within each of us that never ever changes.
Mindfulness means to be in this inner space where this peace is found, when all around would prefer chaos and crisis. Here is the deepest spiritual power that influences and changes everything and everyone around you. It is the eye of the storm; it is the oasis in the desert; it is the place where peace is power.
A better world requires human beings to be aware of this inner beauty, to use their positive qualities and to see the good within each soul. Recognize and Use this valuable inner resource and Be this resource. Speeches count for little. Transforming the world is the natural outcome of transforming ourselves.
If you always think in the same way, you will always get to the same place. Think in a new way and you will be a new person. Give happiness to all and you will live in peace.
Create peace in your mind and you will create a world of peace around you. Go within today. Mind your mind and have concern for the quality of your actions. To be the master of your inner world is to be the master of your own destiny.
A short class on karma can be found at https://youtu.be/kJwEnGGvfX8.
Register for ongoing meditation classes at peacevillageretreat.org, or by calling (518) 589-5000.
(You can contact Sister Chirya Risely, from Owego, at bkchirya@gmail.com, or chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org.)
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