A new year does not necessarily start from the change in the date and time; the year can begin anytime when we decide it’s new. To begin the New Year we try to create newness by making resolutions. However, resolutions may need a new mindset to change the attitudes of our old mindset.
A new mindset means having a positive attitude that creates and strengthens new habits and improves the quality of our actions. However, thoughts are more powerful than actions because they are the creators of actions. Thought + New Mindset (Attitudes) strengthens New Habits to create Good Actions = the Quality of my Personality + Character = Destiny.
As we think and as is our mindset or attitude, so we do and so we become! Understanding this principle gives us the incentive to pay more attention to the quality of our thinking in order to do our best in everything we do.
To begin, focus on a resolution to establish one healthy habit to practice and adopt into your lifestyle. Any new habit needs a few days of consistent, daily repetition before it changes and becomes automatic.
Develop this habit for 20 consecutive days by practicing daily affirmations. Write down, focus on, meditate and visualize a different supportive affirmation each day.
For example, try these daily affirmations for inculcating the habit of Cooperation: Working together brings easy success (definition),
1. This New Year I transform the attitude of trying to transform others, and transform myself instead.
2. I listen actively whilst others are sharing their ideas and opinions.
3. I empower others by seeing their specialties and appreciating their contributions.
4. Together ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results.
5. I appreciate and have good wishes for others.
6. We are each unique and have a unique role to play.
7. I value and respect everyone’s opinion, and they respect mine.
8. Changing my attitude, the way I think and feel, creates positive results.
9. My positive attitude, filled with good feelings, creates the atmosphere.
10. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”– Helen Keller
11. Your turn, or repeat the above for the next 10 days and enjoy the results.
When we bring our resolutions and affirmations into action, my mindset (my attitude) changes. New habits are created and strengthened, which form our personality, character, and destiny!
Maintain the discipline to build good habits starting with right thinking. When we establish and carry out a fixed daily routine with this new mindset, our self-control, willpower, health and happiness increase; relationships and success at work improves. Even if you skip your routine activities do not self criticize and give up. Motivate yourself, get back to practicing the habit, and tell yourself it is the best thing you can do for yourself.
When we know within our hearts what we want to become, we will become that.
Resource: Peace Village Bookshop at www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html.
(You can contact Sister Chirya Risely, from Owego, at bkchirya@gmail.com or at chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org.)
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