Readers’ Column for the week of March 14, 2021

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Owego seems to have a 3-hour parking lot on Court Street. How come there is a vehicle sitting since November with no plates? Don’t we have a law? 


Talk about ruining my Sunday morning. I pick up the Sunday paper and who’s on the cover but a big picture of Cuomo. This man has got to resign.


I have to agree with last week’s caller, Cuomo cannot do anything right. It is evident as what we are seeing now. I wonder what everyone thinks of him now that loved him so much. He was a terrible leader and he destroyed New York. We need him to resign and get a republican governor in there. 


People need to pay attention to the facts, not the garbage that everybody else is trying to tear another person down about. When a person dies in a car crash, and is taken to the hospital, it is said that they died at the hospital even though there was no pulse or breathing when they left the accident. The person is said to be dead on arrival at the hospital, not at the car crash site unless the medical examiner goes. The same thing is true with the nursing homes and hospital COVID death numbers.


Newark Valley Food Pantry is taking requests for Easter baskets for anyone in the 13811-zip code area. They will be given out on March 27 at the pantry at 79 Whig St., Newark Valley between 10 a.m. and noon. To request a basket, call 642-3339.


Please, I need help in getting rid of all the commercials on TV. Who do I call and what do we have to do to tackle this? The 6 o’clock news gets over right at 6:24, with six minutes of commercials and others during the show. It’s getting worse and worse. We pay way too much for cable and 90% is commercials. A half hour show is 20 minutes and they make great money and we see lots of reruns besides. TV is getting pathetic! We need to go after the networks. I just don’t know how it can be tackled.


For Governor Cuomo, thank you very much for continuing to guide us through this terrible, dark year. That was none of your fault. We have many family and friends from other states that routinely watched your COVID updates, as they were not receiving any information or helpful information. Many of them commented about tuning in everyday to watch and see what he has to say so we can get some information based on facts and reality. God bless Governor Cuomo.


This is to the person looking for a dog groomer. Randy Keene has a traveling dog grooming business. He is absolutely super with dogs. We’ve used him. His number is 425-6727.


I’m really sorry to see we can’t have the Strawberry Festival again. I think it’s time to suck it up in Owego and start doing what we used to do. We should still be careful without fear mongering. If people don’t want to attend it, don’t attend it. Take some precautions and let’s start living our lives again and not let people dictate what we can and cannot do. Texas does it, Florida does it and they are doing fine, in fact they’re thriving. It’s time for New York to open up again and get on with our lives.


My message to the Pennysaver was that the water temperature of the Titanic sinking was 28 degrees, not 20 as they printed. The Pennysaver is at fault. They didn’t get my message correctly.


What’s going on with this world? First it’s Dr. Suess, then it’s Mister Potato Head. Who’s next?


A total of $350 billion is going to state and local governments in the COVID Relief bill. Just think of how bad the Owego village will squander their money.


Tioga County New York is one of the poorest counties of New York State. I don’t understand why you people would vote republican. They don’t care about poor people, only millionaires and billionaires. So, vote democrat.


Free adult seizure helmet, never used. Call 687-3099.


I believe a single person making $80,000 a year should not get a stimulus check or a couple making $160,000 should not either. That’s not poor. They should try to live on $15,000 a year like I do from Social Security. I don’t make much because I worked years ago when wages were pitiful. 


I’m looking for the owner of an orange cat that I found injured in the vicinity of Royal Street and Ithaca Road in Candor. If you are missing your orange cat, I can be called at 793-0555.


First, I want to thank the Owego Pennysaver for printing the deeds that are recorded each week. It’s the only way I get to know who my new neighbors are. Thank you. Also, the Owego / Candor area really needs some middle-income housing that’s nice.


This is about the harassment scandal now dogging the governor. This is the same person who signed into law the requirement that all employers must put their employees through harassment training. His admitted actions are perfect examples of the behavior that is covered in the required training. Apparently either he didn’t take the training or he just plain violated it. I wonder how he would feel if someone had done that to one of his daughters. Do as I say, not as I do. 


I would like to inform the town of Newark Valley residents that I went to a public hearing in the town of Newark Valley on March 2 to hear about the elected highway superintendent being changed to an appointed position. One of the town board members made a comment insinuating that the residents of the town of Newark Valley are not smart enough to vote a superintendent in. Basically, he said we were all stupid. But we were smart enough to vote to elect them into office. I believe what this all boils down to is that the town board would like all the power, and wants to take your voting rights away from you. So please, on Nov. 2, please get out and vote NO for this law.


I want to say a big thank you to the town of Tioga crews for keeping the roads as good as they did this winter. There were most mornings I left very early where there was no problem. I’m just grateful for the road crew and the job they’ve done. They deserve a big thank you.


To all of you that object to socialism, show you mean what you say by refusing to cash your stimulus checks and refuse to use the child tax credit.


While I suppose it makes a degree of sense to skip the Owego Strawberry Festival again this year, even though it is an outdoor event, hopefully HOM will come up with a smaller event. A quick online check shows many small communities in both New York and Pennsylvania holding local events in the coming months to boost their community’s business coffers. One small town is having a pie event with accompanying sidewalk sales, and is also highlighting local wineries, craft breweries, restaurants, and B&Bs, and coordinating with local businesses rather than bringing in outside vendors at this time. All the time not being used to deal with insurance, permits, etc. for Strawberry Festival could be applied to coordinating a promotion of the immense variety of what we already have.


If the current trend continues, the cancel culture will ultimately end up cancelling everything that makes us human. We will be back to being no better than a single cell amoeba. Isn’t that what being a civilized human being is all about? Learning to ignore and overlook the centuries of ever-present prejudices and differences that have caused hurt to everyone? Doesn’t that toughen us to ensure our survival? We are reducing ourselves to being whiny weaklings to the point where when a major challenge to our survival on the planet comes along we will not be tough enough to meet that challenge. Stop being a victim, put on your big pants and deal!


Looking at the upcoming traditional Spring Break on the area’s School calendars’, it begs the question how many of the faculty who are opposed or not allowed back to full time teaching in the classrooms due to overstated distance requirements (Candor and others), will also be the same ones who make their “traditional” trek south to the Carolina’s and / or Florida to bask in the longer day of fairer weather and sunshine. You’ll know who they are from their suntanned faces when they return or their Facebook pictures they love to share. Will they be required to quarantine upon return?


Last week’s comment about the COVID shot and being a big boy. This is not the 50’s when men were men and sheep were sheep, and there was no viewer discretion advised. The needle shown on TV looks to be a “foot long” and buried in the syringe. If anyone has ever gotten a shot in the arm and the bone was hit it’s a lot of fun. I recommend you try it. FYI, I have had both shots and I asked the nurse each time if they had given me the shot.


There has been a lot of mailbox smashing done on March 5; call the police if yours has been damaged.


In the movie Love Story, “Love means you never have to say you’re sorry.” In New York, “Cuomo” means you never have to say you’re sorry. They’re already dead!


So it’s Cuomo’s fault that people died in nursing homes but not his fault that people died in hospitals? How about the people that died at home? Why the difference in attitude? And could a contributor possibly be that the hospitals had the controls in place but the nursing homes didn’t? And why didn’t the nursing homes have the controls? If the hospitals had them it couldn’t have been a secret. And isn’t there a state law that states that nursing homes can only accept people they have the capability to care for? Is rational thought that hard?


Anti-maskers are the people that complain about their high taxes AND that their road doesn’t get plowed instantly. Anti-maskers burn their umbrellas then complain about getting wet when it rains.


Wouldn’t it be nice if the trucks would rig up some shovels on the side of their plow trucks and shovel all the dirt and sand from the sides of Glenmary Drive? They’d have enough dirt to put down for the next two winters. Wouldn’t it also be nice to not have to sweep off your porch and furniture every day, rewash your car constantly, be able to open your windows for some fresh air, not have to vacuum all the time because of all the dirt being tracked in? The best part is when traffic hits that dirt when it’s dry. You’d swear you were in the middle of the Sahara Desert during a sandstorm!


I cannot begin to grasp how blind some folks are. The media is full of stories about the accusations against Cuomo for the nursing homes and abuse allegations, yet someone wrote that only Fox was covering them. Wow! There are no words that can adequately describe such a lack of awareness. 


This is a non-convoluted response to the person writing about internment during WWII. We DID intern German-Americans during WWII. My neighbor’s father, Otto, a German immigrant, was interned for the duration of the war.


Not all that long ago, all Village of Owego employees were REQUIRED to take a class covering recognizing and dealing with various issues, including sexual harassment, as were all state employees. Either the governor was somehow exempt from this mandated class or he is too egotistical, arrogant, ignorant, juvenile, disrespectful, or all of the above, for the information to have lodged in what passes for his brain. Even without the class, he, at his age, doesn’t know how to conduct himself in a professional manner? If he found he needed to talk about something not work related, there is an endless number of subjects for chitchat. And if lightweight RINO Tom Reed thinks he has a chance at becoming governor, when to date Tioga County doesn’t even have places to be TESTED for COVID-19, let alone a way to get vaccinated that isn’t torture to locate and schedule, then he’s in la-la land too. 


Are the democrats trying to see how many folks are actually paying attention to the stupid things they do and then laugh when they get voted in again? Stimulus checks for prisoners? What on earth are they going to use it for? Extra popcorn in addition to what the taxpayers already provide for them to snack on while they watch movies to the tune of $60,000 per year covering their every need and beyond?


How about this “Excelsior Pass,” which indicates if someone has been vaccinated or tested negative for COVID-19 and is now necessary to show to get into entertainment venues in New York State. That’s okay, but showing some form of ID in order to vote is not? It’s okay to reveal your personal medical information to strangers but not to have to confirm your address? Can you say “contradiction” children? I knew you could! Oh, that’s right; the cancel culture has eliminated Mr. Rogers. What a mess.


National Political Viewpoints

Newsflash! President Biden is sending an investigation team to determine what is causing the illegal alien invasion of our southern border. Here is a clue Mr. President. Shut down the border and stop promising free everything for the invaders. This just might help. 


If people can go to prison for lying to congress, shouldn’t members of congress go to prison for lying to the people? 


Biden should be impeached for his open borders fiasco, which is enriching the Mexican cartels, increasing the flow of narcotics into the U.S., and allowing convicted criminals to remain in the U.S. Executive Orders now allow COVID carrying illegal aliens to contaminate the U.S. public. To think 85 million voters selected Biden as president is beyond belief. 


Allegations against Cavanaugh and Trump proved false. So no, we didn’t believe him.


For those of you who say Fox News is full of blatant lies, you’ve been listening to fake news for so long you don’t know the truth. You should do yourself a favor and watch Fox News for six months and see what fools the fake news has made of you. 


Hey Joe, sit still. Let me wash the stupid off your face. Oh wait, it’s not coming off. 


COVID didn’t crush the economy, the government crushed the economy and George Soros and the democrats paid China to do it.


Note to President Biden. The real Neanderthal thinking is letting illegal aliens already testing positive for the Wuhan Virus to be settled throughout the good ole U.S.A. Wake up Joe and smell what’s cooking.


The democrats tried twice to impeach President Trump for no good reason. Where are impeachment recommendations for crooked Biden and his ties to China, not to mention his total incompetence? The American people have a right to hear from him and why he is taking us down such a dark and dangerous path. Why no outrage for a State of the Union Address? I’m not so sure I can listen to Biden bumbling when he talks for more than 5 minutes, but I would certainly try. 


It’s reported that Dominion deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide. Data analysis finds 221,000 Pennsylvania votes switched from President Trump to Biden; 941,000 Trump votes were deleted. States using Dominion voting systems switched 435,000 votes from Trump to Biden. Isn’t it great that Tioga County has invested in these great machines? Remember, HR1 ruined this country forever. Studebaker Hawk.


This is for the dimwit democrat Biden apologist who quoted old high gasoline prices. That was before, get it, before Trump made us energy independent and at the mercy of foreign suppliers. Now Biden, who shuts down U.S. supplies, is a direct cause of the drastic gasoline price increases. That, and the greed of the oil companies themselves. 


Have you noticed how much better things have gotten since we got rid of Trump? 


You people that are complaining about Joe Biden, I bet you are not refusing to cash those stimulus checks that you are getting, are you? 


Way to go Republican Party! Not voting for any of the bill that would help suffering Americans work to get the economy up and going, and to support our communities and states. Good job republicans. Why don’t you all get your own little island where you can worship your golden idol and go live by yourselves and not take advantage of the backs of the working people? I still can’t believe anybody would vote for any republican with the way they do not support the people of this country. They obviously don’t care.


It’s now up to five women being paid by the Republicans to lie about Cuomo. The Republicans are certainly a shrewd bunch. You are right about one thing though. President Bill Clinton was accused of several rapes but the women were scorned and called liars, allowing him to get away with the crimes. Women should only be believed if the man is a republican, the official motto of the Democrat party. Hey, at least Trump didn’t kill anyone. See Ted Kennedy.


So everyone who voted for Claudia Tenney should be very happy about her recent vote on the “American Rescue Plan”. Once again she voted party line and said to hell with the welfare of her constituents, and voted NO on a bill that would help all of us who are struggling with the effects of this pandemic. It shows you where her priorities are, and they certainly are not to help the people of the 22nd district. She is a real peach! VOTE BLUE IN ’22.


Okay, all you Biden hating Republicans, are you going to send back your $1,400 stimulus check? If you don’t, you just proved how big of a hypocrite you really are. Democrats are fighting to help get us out of this pandemic mess and the financial hardship it has created, YET every single one of the Republicans voted AGAINST IT, and EVERY Democrat voted for it! Remember, Republicans voted unanimously for a 2 trillion dollar tax cut for the 1% just a few years ago. Just who is looking out for us? Certainly not a single Republican in Congress. 


The constitution that is loved so dearly for some of its amendments (but not all of it) says the president “shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union”. There is no frequency requirement and no date or deadline requirement. So all of you complaining about the lack of one so far by Biden are not coming from a position of knowledge or strength. We need civics classes and a requirement to pass them to get a high school diploma.


The Stimulus bill being pushed through Congress has been loaded with pork barrel projects by the Democrats. That has nothing to do with the COVID-19, the GOP says it’s too expensive, the Dems want to save the illegal immigrants, at the same time we just okayed 125 million in aid to Ukraine so they can buy more US weapons of death and destruction. Apparently having anything close to common sense isn’t a requirement to be elected to represent the U.S. citizens.


Well I can see what the Democratic Party is doing to guarantee they will be re-elected and keep the Republican Party from getting into office again. They buy votes by making Immigrants that come across the Mexican Border legal residents of the United States because they are scared that the present Democratic voters will decide they are on a sinking ship.


Leave it to our politicians to try to be personal recipients included in the strengthening of fortifications of the U.S. Capitol. They want to include making fortifications of the 452 lawmakers’ homes and local offices. Can you imagine the fortresses that the majority would build at our expense? That would be a license to steal (more), and once it is started it would be like everything else to their enrichment and never be repealed. It is things like this that cause people to rise and become our next problem.


Twenty years ago Al Gore predicted N.Y.C. would be underwater and other dire things would happen because of global warming. N.Y.C. is still above water and operational as far as I know. Biden is on the verge of declaring climate change a crisis while ignoring the illegal immigrants at our southern border, which IS a crisis entirely of his own making. He needs to be held accountable!


Ohio Secretary of State Larose is fighting to get the HR1 bill blocked. He said the bill implements mandatory automatic voter registration nationwide (which means if you register for something you are automatically registered to vote). It will allow voters to substitute a photo ID with a “sworn written statement”. It expands mail in voting. Restores voting rights for convicted felons, and encourages statehood for Washington DC. Now I see why the Democratic states did some testing in 2020 by changing voting rules with a judge and not going through Legislation, which is the legal way to do it. They mailed out all those ballots and harvested ballots were allowed. Now they want the HR1 bill to be passed so it makes it legal to do these things. If the Republican congress and senate block it, which they said they would, and if they are lucky enough to get some Democrats to block it, then I’m sure good old Biden will just sign an executive order with his mighty pen. There was nothing wrong with the old way of voting where you needed voter ID and we got the results on election day, not weeks after. You all have to see what’s happening here. We are on our way to becoming a socialist country. Joe Biden said the other day that China is not a competition to us; no Joe, they are taking over our country right under your nose. 


I saw where VOX is picking on Dolly Parton because she won’t take a stand and offer a view on what her politics are. They also criticized her for being so religious. People should have the right to choose how they live their lives. She is not preaching to everyone to become religious, this is her own belief and how she chooses to live her life. Now they are going after Dr. Seuss books and Sesame Street. What is this world coming to? Where is the “Me Too” movement concerning the Cuomo accusations? They convicted Kavanaugh before the hearings happened and he was found not guilty. Hawaiian Maize, Harris, and so many other Democratic women said every woman should be believed. Okay let’s hear what these women have to say before you condemn them, no matter what political side you are on. It seems the more Cuomo speaks, the more he is putting his foot in his mouth. He said on TV that he was certified to give a vaccine and asked if there was any volunteer he could give the vaccine to and he would choose the part of the body where to put the shot. He then said he was just joking, he is not certified.  


The Socialist Democrats continue to push their socialist agenda, and the schools and colleges push it. Can anyone, using facts and logic point out one instance where anywhere in the world, at any time EVER, where socialism has worked? Don’t bother mentioning Denmark and Sweden. In a recent poll, residents of both of those countries stated they would much prefer free market capitalism like the U.S. enjoys. Look at the failed examples of socialism like Cuba, China, Russia, and Venezuela. All of them are abject failures on every level. The U.K experimented with it, found it led to failure and rejected it. 

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