Students on Pause

Students on PauseThis sign will help recognize graduating class members, and will be popping up soon.

As school closures remain in place, along with the continued social distancing set forth, the big question of when restrictions will be lifted to the point of reopening remains at the forefront. Affected as well are members of the senior class that are just waiting. Waiting for prom, waiting for athletic awards, waiting to graduate.

About two weeks ago there was a trend on social media where users were posting a photo from their graduating class in honor of those waiting on the fate of traditional senior year activities. This trend, however, only lasted about four days.

But as we pause, we also look forward. With the Owego Free Academy (OFA), as well as other Tioga County schools remaining closed until May 15, 2020, and per the governor’s Executive Order, planning continues for prom and post-prom activities, which moved to June 19 for Owego.

“We are continuing with our planning,” said Betsi Stanton, co-chair of the post-prom committee alongside Sheryl Raftis, chair. 

In a letter sent out by OFA Principal Heath Georgia to senior parents on April 21, he noted that prom and post-prom, originally planned for May 29, was moved to Friday, June 19.

Heath, in the previously referenced letter, cautioned that the school must be open in order for the prom to be held, and that they are asking for patience as they await direction from the state education department and the governor’s office.

In the meantime, the OFA Post-Prom committee has continued planning, with the activities tentatively scheduled to take place at the school and following the Prom, planned at the Pumpelly House and Estates on Front Street on June 19.

The Post-Prom committee has also developed a creative way to honor this year’s seniors; over 160 students who are missing out on some of life’s most memorable moments. Cleverly crafted signs, to honor each graduating class member in Owego will start appearing on lawns around the second week of May.

According to Stanton, Nancy Rallo, mother of graduating senior Patrick Carmichael, initially came up with the idea, and the Post Prom officers unanimously voted to approve! 

Each sign offers Congratulations on the top line, honors the class of 2020 on the second line, and offers a hashtag to the OFA Indians and includes the school’s logo.

In a letter sent to parents by the OFA Post Prom Committee, they encouraged each senior to post a photo with the sign using the hashtag, #OFAIndians. They also encouraged parents to contact Betsi Stanton at (607) 765-3558 or email to with any questions.

“It became apparent,” said Stanton, “that we needed to do this. A sign will also be delivered to our supporters.”

Area residents will see the signs popping up soon, according to Stanton, who noted that Anything Artistic in Owego is printing them now.

Answers as to whether there will be any ceremonies, or a continuation of school this year remains on the minds of so many parents at home, as well as the students that are adapting to an online learning platform.

Students on Pause

Levi Stanton, lacrosse player in his senior year at Owego Free Academy, #OFAIndians, doesn’t know if and how he will be able to celebrate his graduation this year. Provided photo.

But for seniors like Stanton’s own son, Levi, things are disappointing, to say the least. An avid lacrosse player involved in many activities, Levi might not be able to finish out what has been some of the best years of his life with a celebration, and his graduation.

“He’s bummed,” said Betsi Stanton, adding, “Everything has changed for him, and he has to get used to the online learning in his senior year. My senior doesn’t want school cancelled.”

Officials from Owego Free Academy wrote, in a letter to senior parents on April 21, “If we get information from the governor’s office and the state education department that extends the closure of the school, we will be discussing options with student leaders and the post-prom committee to make the best plans possible to honor our seniors.” 

In a sign of appreciation, school officials also wrote, “We especially want to recognize and thank this year’s seniors; they have been an amazing group of students to work with during this closure and throughout the school year as a whole. They have handled this situation with maturity and grace. Thank you for raising such amazing young adults.”

For the seniors, they patiently wait.

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