Calvin Harris is in the news again, but this time it is for charges of Stalking in the Fourth Degree, a misdemeanor. According to the New York State Police at Oneonta, Calvin Harris, who was on trial four times in connection with his wife’s disappearance, was arrested and charged with stalking after he was alleged to have arrived at an off duty police officer’s residence and then verbally threaten him in front of his family.
But Calvin Harris is telling a different story, and did so in a press conference he held at the State Police Barracks in Owego on Friday.
The 55-year old Spencer resident, who was found not guilty of second-degree murder on May 24, contacted media in the early morning hours on Friday to announce that he wanted to make a statement on this arrest.
According to Calvin Harris’ account, he drove to Oneonta to deliver a drone he sold to someone online, but was given a house number that didn’t match up on the street by the customer. Harris told of how he got out of his car to walk, and didn’t realize he was parked near the home of Terry Schultz, one of the investigators and a prosecution witness in the second-degree murder case.
Harris stated that Schultz came up to him and was yelling, “Cal, tell us where you buried Michele.”
There was an argument that ensued, according to Harris, and then he got in his car and left. Harris then said he was pulled over in the court parking lot, and was handcuffed for four hours and arrested.
The State Police later reported that Harris was arraigned before Town of Oneonta’s Judge Ferrell.
According to the state police, Judge Ferrell also issued an Order of Protection directing Harris to refrain from having any contact with the victim or his family. Judge Ferrell further ordered Harris to surrender all firearms in his possession, according to police.
Harris, when fielded the question about weapons, stated that he did carry a small pellet gun in his glove box, and that it was not loaded.
Harris said they impounded his Cadillac, along with his cell phone and dash cam – which Harris states have proof of what happened. “The video doesn’t lie,” said Harris, adding, “The proof of what happened is in the video.”
Harris has to appear back in court in Oneonta on July 16 or 17, and will not get his phone or car back until that time. When asked why they seized his car, Harris stated that it was evidence.
Harris then took the opportunity with the media to allege corruption in Troop C, the police unit that conducted the investigation into Michele Harris’ disappearance in 2001, and to express his innocence.
“I’m not going to walk on egg shells, and I’m not going to hide,” said Harris about his arrest in Oneonta. He called Troop C an “arrogant, cocky culture,” and viewed the incident in Oneonta as a setup.
He said that everything he went through with four trials and the legal troubles was because of Senior Investigator Sue Mulvey, from Troop C.
He noted that Mulvey’s late father worked for him and was fired, and that Mulvey should not have been a lead on the case; that it was a conflict of interest. “I blame Sue Andrew Mulvey,” Harris added.
Harris also told the media that he has done a lot of work trying to find out what happened to his wife, Michele. “I’ve handed Stacey Stewart over on a silver platter to [district attorney] Kirk Martin,” said Harris, “So let’s see what he does with it.”
Harris, at one point, also conveyed a message to the media for Governor Andrew Cuomo, asking him to send investigators to look at Troop C. He talked of an investigation 25 years ago by Nelson Roth – a prosecutor from Ithaca at that time that uncovered corruption in Troop C, according to a New York Times article published Feb. 14, 1995.
Harris vowed to bring lawsuits to the former district attorney, Gerald Keene, Sue Mulvey, and the investigators from Troop C that were involved in the case.
“They have no problem spending taxpayer dollars,” concluded Harris. “Because of last night there will be another lawsuit.”
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