Our property rights are under attack

Dear Editor,

Our property rights for minerals are under attack along with killing jobs, local farms, and business and economy! Having attended a statewide rally in support of fracking, attendance was over 500 (not the 200 that was reported in various media outlets).

The rally was very informative and confirmed that unless there is a turn around our economy in Tioga County is very bleak.

Many don’t realize the chain reaction that will occur if fracking is allowed. Not only will it bring more jobs, it will also allow us to have lower taxes, have homes fixed up – paying local contractors to do the work, increase property values, allow residents to drive better vehicles and afford medical, etc.

The State’s decision was purely political and not based on facts or scientific records. Why are there 35 states allowing it when even the President has recommended less carbon pollution? Natural gas is an answer instead of wasting dollars on solar and wind power.

There have been so many “fears” instilled that are unjustified.

Dr. Theodore Them, M.D., PhD in chemistry, MPH, FACOEM, and chief of Sayre, Pennsylvania’s Guthrie Clinic’s Occupational and Environmental Medicine Department stated, “There is not one single reported case of adverse human health impact in any of the states or databases I investigated; not one, zero.”

In a 27-year study in Australia of their oil and gas drilling, only skin melanoma from the sun was reported – nothing regarding the environment.

With the loss of fracking and a casino in our area, you can bet Tioga County will deteriorate and have a loss of population; hence raising our property tax level that none of us will be able to afford.

What can you do? Speak Up! Call the office of Governor Cuomo at (518) 474-8390; leave a message and voice your concern of how his decision will affect you.

Visit the Joint Landowners Coalition of NY website to receive their newsletter or join their email list. The website is located at www.jlcny.org; scroll down to sign up for their newsletter.

Contact your state officials and voice your concern. WE CAN NO LONGER KEEP QUIET!


Sandy Gumble

Apalachin, N.Y.