In the New Year Think in a New Way; Change the world of darkness into a world of light

In the New Year Think in a New Way; Change the world of darkness into a world of lightBrahma Kumaris illustration.

By Sister Chirya —

Think in a new way, and you will become a new person. Newness means understanding a new identity. What we see in the mirror is not who we are. However, we forget. We see the physical form, not the content; the body, not the soul; the matter, not the mind.

We have to keep reminding ourselves a hundred times a day: I am a soul – not a body, I am an eternal spirit – not a perishable piece of meat. I am spiritual light, I am quality, not quantity. See the material world in this spiritual light, and life becomes fulfilling.

Focus your attention on what you want to become and remove it from what you want to overcome. We may have forgotten or never noticed, but an aspect of the soul, our intellect, our conscience, watches our thoughts coming and going from the mind. We need to reconnect with the observing capacity of the soul to see what we are thinking.

In the New Year Think in a New Way; Change the world of darkness into a world of light

Brahma Kumaris illustration.

The quality of our life depends on the quality of our thoughts. As we observe our thoughts and how one thought leads to another, we can see if we are heading down a healthy path. If unhealthy, change directions; focus your thoughts on the brightness of each day, on warm and happy faces, on voices that speak from the heart.

Go within to develop newness through the study of spiritual self-knowledge, by discovering our virtues and specialties, through the practice of meditation and reflection.

Thus, accumulating inner strength of willpower. When we begin to ‘listen in’, even difficult situations become an excuse to do something new. Our mind is a powerful thing! It is a garden and requires cultivating. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, and life will begin to change.

Good feelings are created in the mind, transmitted through our attitude, and reflected in our eyes and smile. When our thoughts and feelings are filled with good wishes, others will begin to sense a deeper beauty emanating from behind our eyes and face.

Don’t hide this inner beauty. Let the real you show through. Wear the glasses to see only specialties. Nothing else should be visible. When wearing glasses with red lenses, even something green will appear red. When connecting with everyone, adopt the vision of seeing only their specialties, and you also become special.

One does not necessarily become new through making resolutions or become soul-conscious by trying to be good, but by finding and embracing the beauty, truth, and  goodness already within the self – just a bit buried! 

Be willing to embrace the new you. You are changing every moment. Focus on the treasures within, become light-hearted, and our interactions will be full of love.

All 8 billion of us souls are the children of God. We all have the same Father, our imperishable Friend. The feeling of friendship gives people inner strength and hope.

“Do prove you are with us, you will not let us go, and then life will win over death, and light will win over darkness.” – President Zelenskyy.

God takes us beyond the concerns of this world, helps us create a strong inner stage, have friendship with everyone, and experience fortune in every step. Recognize ‘God is doing’ and we souls are instruments helping Him get everything done. Send your thoughts of love and power to those in need, and help change the world of darkness into a world of light.

(Contact Yvonne Chirya Risely at or To register for ongoing meditation classes and retreats, call [518] 589-5000.)

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