Guest Editorial: April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Contributed by Tioga County Mental Hygiene Alcohol and Drug Services —

Every month of the year has some sort of awareness attached to it. Bringing awareness to specific subjects and information is vital for living a healthy lifestyle. These months of awareness bring key information that may not be discussed otherwise. 

One of the most important awareness months to me is April because it is Alcohol Awareness Month. Did you know that more than 140,000 deaths occur in the U.S. due to excessive alcohol consumption every year? 

In April it’s a time to raise awareness and understanding of alcohol misuse. Over time, alcohol misuse can cause the development of chronic diseases and other serious issues that affect your quality of life and physical and mental health.

With continued consumption of alcohol, dependence can happen quickly. Symptoms of withdrawal can include sweating, anxiety, headache, insomnia, depression, etc.

Different factors in a person’s life may lead them to become addicted to alcohol. Heavy drinking can have detrimental effects on one’s ability to maintain positive mental health and make it hard to deal with stress, and natural emotions. 

With April being recognized as Alcohol Awareness Month, if we all start to have conversations, educate ourselves and openly make changes, we can work together to have a much healthier community. Together we can remove the stigma and bring awareness to everyone around us! 

Here are some steps you can take to ensure that alcohol doesn’t become a problem for you or your loved ones:

Show compassion. Share your concerns and support with loved ones. Have an honest, clear, and direct conversation about their habits and drinking patterns.

Understand alcoholism. Educate yourself about the impact of alcohol consumption and discuss it with friends and family. Parents, talk to your children about the dangers of alcohol and drug use.

Limit alcohol consumption. It’s a good idea to discuss different options with a healthcare professional, a friend, or someone else you trust. “Sober curious” is a new healthy goal. 

Stay occupied in a productive way. Get active by exercising or find enjoyment by learning a new skill or hobby that doesn’t involve alcohol. Meet with sober supporters. 

Minimize temptation.  Engage in social outings and events that do not encourage or are centered on alcohol.

Seek additional support. Connect with trained medical professionals for additional help, resources, formalized treatment options, and counseling.

You can contact Tioga County Mental Hygiene Alcohol and Drug Services, located at 1062 State Route 38 in Owego, by calling (607) 687-4000 for confidential assistance and support.

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