On Jan. 10, the Athens Senior Citizens Club held their luncheon meeting at the Airport Senior Community Center Hall. They had 20 members and one guest, Daryl Miller.
The Club’s President, Ted Benjamin, said grace and they all recited the Pledge of Allegiance before enjoying a dish to pass meal that included stuffed cabbage rolls, Sloppy Joe and buns, squash, mini wieners in BBQ sauce, pizza, coleslaw, chips and dip, olives, and fruit. Dessert included Peanut Butter Pie, lemon bars, cherry dump cake, and cookies and almond Danish.
Ted opened the meeting at 12:45 with January birthdays: Ginny Malone and Chester Harris (11), Marsha McCormick (18), Pete Steele (20), and Donna Beechy Cole (30).
Sick calls included Anita and Bob Whipple, Grace Geffert, and others they forgot to mention.
Ginny gave the Secretary / Treasurer reports and all was approved. Raffle winners were Daryl Miller, Donna Beechy and Ginny Malone, and they donated the money back to the club.
Guest Speaker Daryl Miller, one of Bradford County Commissioners, gave an interesting talk. He joined Doug McLinko and Zakery Gates after John Sullivan retired. They have a budget to work with and keep in balance. Large funds go to the jail and library, and only a small portion comes from taxes.
Last year Commissioner Miller joined the State City Commissioners Association. He has a vote in State and City projects. He said illegal drugs are the biggest problem. Over half the inmates have drug and alcohol and mental health problems.
Volunteers for EMS response are harder to get and keep due to their own jobs and responsibilities. Response time is slower as volunteers are scarce. In the future they hope to have a Vo Tech school to train firefighters and EMS workers. They thanked Daryl for his time, and for coming to talk to the group.
Ginny reminded the group that the Valley Chorus began practice for their May Spring Concert in January, and on Monday nights from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. in the Kevin Doherty High School music room in the back of the Waverly High School. Park out back or out front for easy access.
Ted closed the meeting at 1:15 p.m. with the group singing God Bless America.
On Feb. 14 at noon, the Valentine Luncheon will be held at Fortune Chinese Buffet, located on Elmira Street. They will have their installation of officers program and a memorial service for Doris LaDue, Howard Corwell, Sandra Keener, and Tom King. Any of their family members are invited to attend.
For more information, call Ginny Malone (570) 888-3712. They always welcome new members and guests.
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