Take Good Care of Your Mind; To rest the mind, apply a FULL STOP for one minute every hour

Take Good Care of Your Mind; To rest the mind, apply a FULL STOP for one minute every hourBrahma Kumaris Illustration.

By Sister Chirya —

Why take care of your mind? Your thoughts take care of your body, your relationships, your work, your life, and even your destiny. Every thought creates vibrations. Vibrations are like sound waves; no obstacle can stop them. So we cannot afford even a single wrong thought. Having good mental energy is a daily necessity, not a random luxury. 

The best time to awaken both body and spirit is in the early morning, and when the vibrations of the world are at their calmest. Remind yourself, I am a powerful being, and I remain stable, calm, and happy in every situation. The good vibrations you create and nurture within at the start of each day will silently touch everyone with whom you come into contact. 

Take Good Care of Your Mind; To rest the mind, apply a FULL STOP for one minute every hour

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

Regular rest and recharge helps our mind function at its full potential. If we don’t rest our mind, it becomes tired from the creation of clutter of wrong thoughts and emotions. Pause to look within to check and see if your mind is fine. 

Practicing self-care by regulating the traffic of thoughts and rejuvenating the mind takes 1 minute after every 59 minutes, and is an easy and effective way to return to peace and happiness. When we do this, the rest of the hour will automatically be taken care of! 

Take Good Care of Your Mind; To rest the mind, apply a FULL STOP for one minute every hour

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

If your mind is disturbed, talk to yourself and feed it a few powerful thoughts. By counseling your mind, it understands and calms down; it learns which thoughts are right and which are not. Thus, whenever an external negative situation unfolds, the mind has already been cleaned and recharged and does not need to consciously create right thoughts. It automatically starts thinking in the right way and empowers you to go back into the scene being powerful and protected.

The practice of 30 minutes of meditation in the morning plus one minute of traffic control of the mind after every hour, and 10 minutes of meditation before sleeping keeps you energized at work and even after returning home in the evening. Follow this, see how your tiredness disappears and how efficient your mind remains throughout the day.

(Yvonne Risely, of Owego, can be reached via email to bkchirya@gmail.com or chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org. Sister Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She is published in several international publications to include the Daily Guardian in Delhi.)

Take Good Care of Your Mind; To rest the mind, apply a FULL STOP for one minute every hour

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

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