Owego VFW Post 1371 with its Auxiliary, and Owego Hose Teams, Inc. are hosting Monte Carlo Night on Saturday, Nov. 11, from 7-11 p.m. at the Owego VFW Post 1371 Hall, located at 207 Main St. in Owego. A donation is asked at the door, but $10 is recommended.
Proceeds will be split by the hosting organizations. The Hose Team will use funds to support its 1866 Amoskeag Steam Fire Engine restoration and Steamer House project. The VFW uses funding for a variety of community programs to include its annual Christmas party and movie for area children.
Games will include Blackjack, Big Six Wheel, Beat the Dealer, Money Wheel, Chuck-of-Luck, 50/50, and Turkey/Ham Raffle. Food, drinks, and entertainment will be provided. DJ Tom Donovan, Jr. of Flat Rats Adventures will be spinning your favorite tunes of today and yesteryear.
The Hose Team, VFW, and VFW Auxiliary host two Monte Carlo events each year, one in the spring and one in the fall.
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