You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
OFA’s Class of 1963 reunion will be on Aug. 19, from 5-9 p.m. Any alumni interested in attending should call Joyce at (607) 687-3791 or Gary at (607) 687-2835 by no later than Aug. 12.
I would like to see the backs of the buildings on Front Street painted in bright different colors like I’ve seen on TV. Wouldn’t that look nice as you come across the bridge?
Attention climate change deniers. 175 million Americans are now under excessive heat warnings along with dangerous extreme storm warnings. Pull your heads out of the very hot sand and recognize global warming is real, and find out how you can help save the planet before it’s too late to save our future generations.
This is an answer to the question about where the farmer’s market coupons can be used. You can use them in Owego at the farmers market that’s in the Walgreens parking lot every Tuesday and Friday morning. I think it runs from 10 a.m. to noon.
I was reading something about somebody driving with a gray sticker on their car. How about a vehicle that drives around with no bumper and no license plates? Stands out like a sore thumb, but nothing is being done about that either. I guess our policemen are busy with something more important than vehicles that are illegal and drivers that have no license.
I have about 25 canning jars that I want to give away. If anyone wants them, just leave your number in this column.
Thanks for letting me express myself. Listen, why don’t we use the fairgrounds for the homeless people? Under the grandstands is a great place that has a bathroom, running water and so on, or we could use the cow barns and the 4H building down there to help some of these people out, at least in warm weather. So anyway, I think that would be a good place that is close to town. They could get to the grocery stores and so on. We need to help these people.
Yeah, I’d like to respond to the person that called in about the climate denier. Well, let me explain something to you. Back in 1974 it was 110 for 18 straight days in a row in Phoenix during the summertime. It is bogus! You know it and I know it.
Can anyone out there tell me why can’t it be made so that the low income homeowners, especially those on Social Security income, be able to put our land taxes on a six month payment plan, even if we were to pay a small interest rate, it could make it easier on some of us, I believe, instead of paying it all at once when it is due.
To whoever called about the climate deniers; in 1993, how many homes were there? Now, 30 years later, everyone wanted to be warm all year long. They have built homes with concrete and blacktop driveways. Driveways take away a lot of water that goes down into the sewers. I guess that you think it’s all right for solar panels; they poison the land. Leave Mother Nature alone!
In this country you can go to Walmart and use the barcode on a $20 item for $10 and you will have every law enforcement in the entire country after you. Your picture will be on the phone, your picture will be in the paper; but in this country you can screw an honest landlord who’s offered you a place to live out of thousands of dollars, and when you go to the court system, the first thing they’ll ask you is if the individual still lives in your county? Oh, we’re so sorry we can’t locate him. You will never see the American flag hanging on my front porch until these things are resolved.
Somebody wrote last week about the farmer’s market coupons. She couldn’t find a place that would take them. The farmers market in Vestal, and in the library parking lot on Wednesday and Saturday, there will be some vendors there that will take the coupons.
Due to the influx of homeless, I’m afraid our art park would become a campground. I wish we would pave it and make it much needed parking.
I have about 25 bales of mulch hay to give away. I live in Berkshire. Call (607) 657-8035. If there is no answer, please leave a message. We will call you back.
I don’t deny that the world is warmer. Scientists have been trying unsuccessfully to influence the weather for hundreds of years. It can’t be done. Now they are saying that we have influenced the weather for the worse. They want us to take the blame for the warmer weather and spend trillions of dollars supposedly fixing the problem. It’s likely that the weather is just warmer naturally. It can change by itself anytime. Look at all the required regulations that have been put in place in the last 100 years or so. They have obviously made no difference. Natural sources, such as volcanoes, emit four times more carbon dioxide than man. I don’t buy the hype.
Farmer’s Market coupons can be used at the Broome County Regional Farmers Market on Upper Front Street in Binghamton (next to Applebee’s) every Saturday, year ‘round; from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. EBT/SNAP is welcome, too!
I can’t believe someone had so little going on in their lives that not only did they call the Sheriff and state troopers about a neighbor having an expired car inspection sticker, but even went so far as to take note of when he leaves and returns and to write to the Pennysaver about it. What did you expect them to do, set up a roadblock at his house? Both the deputies and the troopers are often stretched thin to start with, with several townships that lack any local police and have to request service from elsewhere. More importantly, you have no idea what the circumstances are.
“Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” (2 Peter 3:3-4)
Standing On The Promises Of God, there’s no better place to be.
National Political Viewpoints
You Democrats say Republicans don’t pay attention to the Constitution. Are you serious? Have you watched what Joe and his group has done for the last two years? They censor everything that they don’t agree with. They have open borders for criminals that come in and take over our country. They don’t pay any attention to the Constitution. They want to interpret it the way they think it should be, not the way it is. Look in the mirror, people.
In response to all the haters on Joe Biden, he may have some senior issues, most of us do. However, I’ll clean it up for the column, he’s not bat crap crazy like a certain tangerine, but I can’t understand why people still support Mr. T. He’s insane! Clinically freaking insane. And you people still support him. America’s going to Hell unless we wake up.
Newsflash! The boneheads who swallowed the Democrat lies and elected the big guy are now seeing the collapse of the Biden regime. The astute and honest judge has now abrogated the phony Hunter Biden forgiveness deal, which Hunter’s own lawyers admitted was unprecedented claptrap. The democrats lose to whomever the Republicans pick. Hopefully it will be the greatest president of the last 100 years, Donald Trump, who will bring the deep state Democrats to their knees and clean house for good.
Does anybody out there really think the FBI doesn’t know or can’t figure out who left the cocaine in the White House? Sounds like another difficult Democrat cover up.
Finally, an honest judge and lady of Honor has put the Biden crime family buffoons between a rock and a hard place by throwing out the Justice Department phony plea deal. So what happens now? Will Obama, Hillary, and the corrupt Attorney General be called as witnesses in a Hunter Biden trial, which would clearly show Hunter and Joe as acting Chinese agents? I bet not. Good chance Joe will pardon Hunter and not run for president. You are witnessing the most corrupt government in U.S. history.
Whoever remains in what’s left of the once respectable Republican Party no longer believes in democracy. Google Republican Accountability PAC, it is run by Republicans and conservatives that believe the direction of the GOP must change. Donald Trump lost in 2020, and many of his hand-picked candidates lost in key swing states in 2022. He has been one of the worst party leaders in decades. It’s time for a change.
More indictments! My goodness, when are they going to indict Trump on jaywalking?
The banks have noted 170 suspicious activities against Hunter and Joe Biden over the years.
Are you using DIRECTV? If you are, recently a liberal Congressman wrote and demanded from AT&T that they terminate conservative TV channels so you have two less channels, but I’m sure they haven’t reduced your rate.
According to the UN Secretary General, global warming is now global oiling. We must accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The World Meteorological Organization’s State of the Climate reports that 2015 through 2022 is the worst on record in the last 173 years of records. This July is on pace to be the hottest month ever recorded.
For years, Joe said he never discussed business with his son, but now that he’s been caught on film through emails and eyewitnesses history has changed to I’ve never been in business with my sons. Now, how do you explain the tens of millions of dollars that have been laundered through several banks to the Biden family, including his grandchildren? Hey Joe, can you tell me exactly what your grandkids do for these organizations to get paychecks? What a joke, how stupid do you think people are?
Just think about all of the good we could do for U.S. citizens if the Democrats didn’t keep giving billions and billions of dollars to illegal immigrants. The people coming here are breaking the law and we treat them like they’re kings. What’s wrong with this picture? Unbelievable.
It’s interesting to see how the fake news channels ignore the impeachments of Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, and Garland. I guess they’ll probably fill their time talking about Tom Brady and his dating life and the overrated Taylor Swift concerts, like that’s news.
So Biden is touting how inflation has come down, but he’s the man that brought it on. We did not have inflation like this with President Trump. And I see gas is going through the roof, a big thank you again to the Biden supporters.
It’s corruption when you have a former president that keeps being harassed and a sitting president that seems to be getting off scot-free for his crimes. If that’s not corruption, I don’t know what is.
The closer they get to throwing Joe and his son in jail with all the evidence they have, the Democrats make up some more charges against Trump to take the pressure off Biden. Huh, how does that happen?
I can’t believe people in this great United States of America would vote for Trump, who is a well-known liar and thug, who wants to be president again. What is wrong with you people to think that you’d even vote for him?
In 2014 Joe Biden helped pass a bill exempting hundreds of Chinese companies from filing financial reports required of all U.S. based companies. How much was the big guy paid for this? China is also given developing nation status to exempt them from so-called climate change requirements. This is patently ludicrous, as China is a financial giant aiming at taking the number one spot. Where is the over $30 million the Chinese have paid to the Biden regime, and for what reasons were they paid?
Democrats are now attacking DeSantis and saying things about him that aren’t true because they know he’s a big threat. He was one of the best governors in the country during COVID and did anything the liberal Democrats wanted him to do; therefore, he was a success. So now they’re attacking him because they know if Trump doesn’t get in, he’ll get in and he’ll win. They will attack anybody that they find as a threat. Look at the Supreme Court all of a sudden; Clarence Thomas and all these people are thieves and crooks. Why don’t you look in the mirror?
I can’t believe that in one of the comments last week somebody said that all we hear is impeach President Biden. Is this caller kidding? They must be living under a rock! I can start, but my goodness, I’ll probably take up four pages of this paper.
Aren’t you Democrats the least bit curious about what Joe Biden’s grandchildren did to deserve to be on a payroll from China? Hmmm, sure makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
Trump and Tommy Tuberville, an Alabama State Senator, are currently hurting our national security. Why? For their own selfish personal gain. They display and encourage ultra unpatriotic and just plain disgusting behaviors. Both are hurting our military.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has traded his black robe for a clown’s suit and has joined Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ circus. What a national embarrassment these two clowns are!
How stupid do the Biden’s think the American people are? I just can’t take any more of his lying. I refuse to listen to him, but the more they are looking into this investigation with him and Hunter, the more and more concerned I am. They never spoke to these people and now we’ve got proof. And they say all they wanted to do was talk to Joe about the weather. I can talk to my neighbor about the weather. We are not stupid; this man needs to be impeached.
Every time they get closer to putting the Biden crime family in jail the Democrats come out with new charges against Trump. How obvious can that be? What a joke.
Trump – as of Tuesday afternoon on Aug. 1, 2023, has now been indicted and charged with 78 Felony Criminal crimes by three different governmental Legal agencies. Trump is clearly running for president again to try and stay out of prison and to keep enriching himself by grifting and soliciting money from his loyal but misguided cult followers.
Trump will be convicted of many felonies from his Republican advising lawyers, his own inner circle staff, and most importantly, Trump’s own words. Republican testimony will convict their own dear Leader.
To all you Biden people, are you happy when you see him in his beach chair watching the waves, when our country is in the mess he has created in his two years? All play and no work.
Our local, state and federal governments are whom our Founding Fathers warned us about. Read the Constitution, folks; just read it!
Biden says inflation is decreasing. Simon says stick your finger in your ear. “Inflation is not caused by the actions of private citizens, but by the government: by an artificial expansion of the money supply required to support deficit spending.” — Ayn Rand. It’s called the Inflation Reduction Act. Everything in the grocery and hardware stores is much less in quantity and hugely more inexpensive. Epstein committed suicide.
I haven’t heard one reader praise the job Biden is doing as president. MAYBE BECAUSE HE IS NOT.
What’s it take to convince a Trump supporter they have a seat on the crazy train? 4 Indictments, 91 criminal cases and all they want to do is blame the other side when it was his own party who testified against him!! Get those donations IN, sell the farm, sell the children sell the body parts your boy needs saving. The ones in his own party defending him the most are guilty as hell!!