You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
The Earth was flat a long time before questions about ships and shadows led to a different conclusion. Recent thoughts about scales and weight led to a similar conclusion. P.S. The earth was flat until it needed to be round to foster other explanations and fortunately it was. Questions asked and answered.
Nonsensical rants will continue until accurate information is provided. It may be determined. Foregone conclusions have proven destructive. Energy facilitates weather, hence climate. What, where and how management is possible if it can be based on accurate and complete information.
A solar energy critic and caller asked for facts. Here are some facts from our experience. In 2013 we installed 24 solar panels on our south-facing roof. Since then those solar panels have produced enough electricity to meet 100% of our electrical needs, plus a small surplus. Every year we have paid only $17.82 delivery fee and taxes to NYSEG each month. After eight years the project has paid for itself. The solar panels and work have a 25 year warranty.
I saw a Chevy truck with no license plates on it being driven around. I saw it when I was getting gas. I saw it in Nichols with a load of White appliances of some sort on it and still no license plate and the person driving is very short. Looks like a little boy almost. I don’t know. Somebody told me that it was a female, but are people allowed to drive around with no license plates on their vehicle? Does this person even have a driver’s license? It’s not fair to the ones that do pay for their license plates and insurance etc.
Thank you to everyone that participated in or supported the Owego Strawberry Festival. This is a great example of small town America and the 20th anniversary of the coolest little town in America, Owego.
The trouble is the people who are breaking the law do not own the property that they have junk and old cars on. If they did, it would be a different story, but they do not own it. They are just squatting there and not even paying rent, so I am told, since 2019. Mind your own business. If you lived next to them it would be a different story. If you had to drive by it everyday it would be a different story.
There were signs at the Strawberry Festival that said no smoking please. Next year add no dogs allowed with the exception of service dogs. This is no place to come to show off your dog. It’s always crowded and generally always hot. No dog likes being in large, confining crowds with strange people petting them. I saw one dog owner having to pull his two dogs away from another dog, which could have turned into an aggressive fight. Leave Fido at home in the comfort of their own home, and safety of their home.
In regards to the person that wrote about what the will said regarding the person who was the caretaker of that parent for years. I can almost assure you they probably are not in the will. It’s the ones that come in and leave that are generally in it.
I would like to address the comment about junk cars. I would like to say that there is no democratic way to say anything like that pertains to junk cars or any other kind of junk. When you buy a property or rent a property you know the laws and the rules concerning the upkeep of the property. Junk cars are an eyesore. It deletes the value of property around the junk places; the junk needs to go. And why would law-abiding community members move anywhere? They’re not breaking the law. They don’t need a fence, just a good lawyer and maybe the environmental department. Good luck.
Congratulations to the amazing team of local merchants and others who put together this year’s Strawberry Festival in Owego. Thousands of smiling visitors enjoyed the delicious Strawberry homemade and commercial food offerings, the quality of the beautiful merchandise, the number of bands playing such a wide variety of music on every corner, the parade so organized with such an array of colorful floats, dancers, gymnasts, musicians, and local community groups and organizations showing their love and enthusiasm for Owego, the ‘coolest small town in America’!
In March, when our OACSD BOE was asked where the Outrage was over the loss of so much scholarship money, there was total and complete silence. This year’s graduates have been short changed by your BOE. They never read the OACSD Users Manual.
ABC News told you NYC sea level rise will be between 8 and 30 inches by 2050 and make NYC uninhabitable. Because American Education is now a joke, ABC leads you to assume sea level rise is the result of Global Warming. No, the closer land is to the equation the greater its propensity to sink. The closer to the Poles the land is rising and sea level dropping (melting glaciers). Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada, Patagonia, and Alaska are rising due to isostatic rebound. California land is rising faster than the East Coast is sinking. Yin and Yang. Water has its greatest density (least volume) at 39 Fahrenheit. Ocean bottom falls when water depths increase, thus pushing up land. Only, the greatly stupid uneducated useful idiots can drink the Climate porn mystical drugs. ABC doesn’t think you are stupid, they know you are.
County Road 906, a.k.a. Glen Mary Drive is not a Town Road, it is a County Highway and therefore NO ATV/UTV use is allowed. Why do some people insist on riding their NON Highway Use vehicles on it?
I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. — Jorge Luis Borges
On May 16, the voters of the OACSD approved the 2023–24 school budget. More significant is the election of three new board members. This is the first time in over 20 years a sitting (incumbent) member of the board was replaced by the voters. Congratulations to these three, your neighbors welcome you. When you are sworn in on July 10, we hope that you will strive to have board meetings become more open, public friendly, and willing to work with parents and taxpayers to assure we continue to provide for the education of our most important resource, the students who will become the next generation of leaders to business, industry and government. Education is the only way to preserve our American Culture: as our founding fathers intended, our patriots died for, and that many of us have given our blood, lives and time Defending! We ask that you give the time spent on the board your finest effort. Keeping in mind the best interest of our students, community and country. AND MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA.
National Political Viewpoints
In all my life, I have never seen a former president being treated as badly as Donald Trump has been. It’s disgusting!
I am so frustrated that our government is spending a fortune of our tax dollars to prosecute criminals, while people continue to send that criminal their money to help his campaign while also complaining about their high taxes.
Pretty much every politician has a secret or two. But this orange guy has more than all of them combined. How the hell can people still be backing him? Does the Kool-Aid taste good?
Did you see Obama criticizing Tim Scott running for president, Republican. Look who’s talking about crippling generational poverty? Let me tell you about poverty. Take a look at New York State. There’s another one of your Democrats right there. Look at Hochul, those people living on $10 to $12,000 a year and trying to stay afloat and live paying her high taxes and she does nothing, absolutely nothing about it. She worries more about climate change and the immigrants than the people in the state of New York living on $10, $11, $12,000 a year, paying her high taxes. Fix the taxes in New York State and then maybe you can get some of those people out of poverty!
The lies never stopped about Donald Trump and his followers.
There is no way green jeans will win again unless we have another truckload of ballots going from New York City down to Lancaster, Pa., and then truck gets lost again by Chuck Schumer. But people are on to it. We’re going to watch. It’s not my father’s Democratic Party. Biden is so corrupt it’s disgusting. The whole Democratic Party is corrupt! I don’t care who you are. I will vote for Bobby Kennedy. I will vote for Mickey Mouse, anybody but Joe.
Anyone know anything about this bridge that Biden is talking about building from the Pacific over to the Indian Ocean? If so, please call in your comment because I’m very interested.
Trump faces four trials, maybe more, two criminal probes. He’s been convicted of libel and twice impeached. Republicans used to be for national security, anti-crime and family values. No real Republican would ever vote for or even want this immoral, narcissistic grifter that is a proven national security risk to ever run for president again. If ever he succeeds in stealing the presidency, as he tried to do in the past on Jan. 6, our democracy would not survive this autocrat making himself a dictator. Save America and our freedom by voting for Democrats, not a future convict. If Trump were only held accountable for his actions before now we wouldn’t have to deal with his destructive chaos anymore because he’d be behind bars, where he so obviously belongs.
Throw his son in jail, and then impeach Biden.
My comment on Joe Biden last week had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with him being a draft dodger and coward. That’s the one thing he and Trump have in common. How anyone could defend either one is beyond me.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around how anyone can still support the orange guy. I don’t get it. No politician is totally clean but that man has more than the total of all of the rest of them going against him. What is wrong with you people?
Our national disgrace – Donald J. Trump – is facing 37 serious felony counts among several other court cases. His total disregard for our national security documents he stole and brags about having and showing them to the Russians among other adversaries, proves he is once again putting his own inflated ego above our national security. When his next residence should be a prison cell, why would any patriotic American want him back in the White House?
Have you been keeping track? Our representatives’ keep sending more financial aid and weapons for Ukraine, but where are all these funds coming from? The printing presses must be running non-stop, yet domestic issues can’t be taken care of because of lack of funds, and the Pentagon is going to want new, more costly weapons to replace everything given to Ukraine. Who are the U.S. elected representatives representing? Did you know we’re still buying uranium from Russia? The economic sanctions only hurt the weak and innocent, not the government, look at Cuba since the 1960’s, and no change to the government.
“Right now, we’re in a situation where, unfortunately, across a lot of the political spectrum, including some of the left, folks think that you have to choose between aligning yourself with U.S. foreign policy and its acts of aggression or Russian foreign policy and its acts of aggression. Personally, I think it’s both appropriate and necessary to condemn war on Ukraine, and Washington’s hypocrisy doesn’t in any way let Russia off the hook. By the same token, Russia’s aggression shouldn’t let the United States off the hook for the tremendous carnage we’ve created in this century. I mean, if you add up the numbers, in the last nearly 25 years the country by far the most responsible for slaughtering more people in more lands through wars of aggression is, yes, the United States of America.” “How do we push back against the U.S. warfare state?” David Barsamian and Norman Solomon. TomDispatch. May 30, 2023.
Finally, last week there was a comment in this column that explains the left’s hatred of Donald Trump. The comment went into Trump’ wealth, the money he received from his wealthy parents, when they gave him money, the school’s he was able to attend, etc. Unfortunately, all that still leaves the reason celebrities who used to fawn over him, had him on their talk shows and even presented him with gifts after the births of his two youngest children started hating and bashing him, a mystery.
I had no idea the founding fathers were on Noah’s ark! Where have I been!
In late 1968 I was facing several major decisions in my life. Enlist, wait to get drafted, or be a draft dodger like Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I decided to enlist in the Navy and went to Viet Nam as part of the brown water navy, serving on a PCF. Now, when I look in the mirror, I see a man, not a coward like Biden or Trump. I don’t understand how anyone could defend the actions of either one.
Give me a break! To the reader who wants folks to “cool it with the Biden label” – that will happen when YOU cool it with the Trump labels. Biden is not 100% pure, my friend. Biden has been a career politician, primarily on the backs of the American taxpayer! That’s YOU and your family, buddy. How about him jetting at every opportunity on taxpayer-funded jets to places he could easily be driven to. How about wasting jet fuel to deliver and return a document he forgot to sign? I do agree, there’s no comparison between the two men.
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