Readers’ Column for the week of June 11, 2023

You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.


You can hear the beautiful sound of loons celebrating the Summer Solstice, June 21, for all the Green Energy solar panels will give us. This is when solar panels provide max kilowatts. This is absolutely the day when we need it least. Six months from now, Winter Solstice, and when we need it most, these solar panels will yield near 0 kilowatts. If solar power were something other than a racket the panel angle would change each day to optimize kilowatts. This requires a motor and there isn’t. Serious homeowners with solar panels either change angle with the change of seasons or set the angle at one that optimizes power production in the winter months. State subsidized solar farms do not. It’s just another legacy of Cuomo’s feel-good fake Green Energy racket. Local solar panels are set at 27 degrees. Now dear environmentalist, do the math and contradict this!


I received my water bill from the Town of Owego Utilities department via email and paid the bill online promptly. I just received my second water bill notice via U.S. mail for this paid bill. I wonder how much money the Town could save if this process was fully automated?


I was always under the impression that the United States flag was all-inclusive; you know, ONE NATION, under God; INDIVISIBLE; with LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL. Doesn’t that just about cover it?


The couple that purchased garden tractor tires at the Anderson Hill Road yard sale in Candor on June 2, the lady laid down her cane to look at something and forgot to pick it back up. We have her cane. You can contact us at (607) 687-5398 (leave a message) and we can make arrangements to get it back to her.


Whenever I hear the ranting of the lunatic environmentalists my head explodes. Our planet burns whether the uneducated useful idiots want to ban natural gas range tops or not. In the past 15 years the elm, ash, and spruce have all been eradicated. Now the hemlocks are being destroyed. One massive effect is to heat up the ground and dry it out. Not only does this wipe out the existing flora and fauna, it is truly a factor of global warming. Democrat professional politician Hochul could lead some actions to address this, but does not. Gas range tops are an existential threat, but it will make the ignorant happy. Fracking will turn our environment into a wasteland. 


Does anybody need a full size mattress and box springs? If you do, it’s free. Call me at (607) 727-8942. Thank you.


I wish the cemetery on Waverly Road would have the same rules as Maple Grove Cemetery in Candor that were listed on the back of the Courier this week. Especially the one where several of the monuments in the Owego cemetery are way over decorated with ornaments such as figurines and lights and metal doodads. Just limit it to three per gravesite, which would be so much nicer.


Evergreen Cemetery in Berkshire looked beautiful this year for Memorial Day. It’s never looked better. I want to thank everyone that is associated with it! 


Hello fellow citizens, this is an advisory to never lose a cashier’s check. Be prepared to fill out an indemnity, a claim form, and wait 90 days for the bank to honor the stop payment because it’s drawn on the bank and not your personal account. I hope this never happens to anybody else, so I thought I would try to do a service for y’all.


I’m calling you because I really am extremely upset over this mascot ordeal. You tell me I can’t be an Indian anymore; so in honor of our illustrious board of education, which really has not done a thing to keep the Indians, maybe they should be called chickens since they’re afraid to do anything. So we should be the chickens in honor of our board of education. 


It just seems strange to me that gas stations can give somebody a $0.10 a gallon discount because they’re a member when they should be happy when people are just stopping there to buy gas. 


What’s the use of having a code enforcement officer if they never get back to you, never check on what is going on, and maybe they should have to live near junk cars and junkyards. If they had that in their own backyard or close to it maybe they would do something. They do not care. 


I appreciate that our Tioga County leaders have done an emergency ban on asylum seekers and migrants; not only can we not supply them with housing, we can’t give them the medical attention they would need. We can’t supply them with meals in a struggling county. It would be foolish to allow anybody here that would depend on us to support them when we can’t. I appreciate our county leaders for being realistic. 


I wish all you rude, menacing; tailgating bad drivers would go back to where you came from and take all your bad habits with you.


Kudos to the Owego Free Academy Marching Band. The music was beautiful, so patriotic. The whole town looked so nice, what a lovely way to spend a morning on Memorial Day.


I am looking for someone to clean my house in the village of Owego. I’m not looking for a cleaning service. I’m just looking for somebody that might be willing to clean my house. My phone number is (607) 677-0926, thank you very much. It is not 687-0926; it is 677-0926.


If all of this smoke is down here, why can’t we send some firefighters up to help the Canadians? We must have Military firefighting teams too. Send them out.


I see on the news where the governor is trying to sue the people in Tioga County and Broome County for not allowing immigrants to come here. Come on, they aren’t American citizens yet. And American citizens don’t seem to have any rights anymore. We moved here, were raised here, came here from across the border and came here the legal way. What is wrong with this governor of New York State?


I noticed in this column where someone mentioned taking care of the homeless and the veterans; well, there are veterans who are homeless. They should be taken care of too. We should take care of our people first.


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


National Political Viewpoints

I see where Joe Biden thanked the Air Force Academy graduates for placing service over self. It’s too bad he was a draft dodger who was exempt for childhood asthma. I served with people who had asthma but did the right thing and got waivers from their doctors. Joe’s response was self over service.


Can someone explain why our governor is strong-arming us into renaming the OFA mascot (Indians) when one of the BRAND NEW rest areas on the New York State Thruway is named “Indian Castle”?


The Republicans who couldn’t stop talking about Hillary’s email server are notably silent about Trump’s “accidental” flooding of the server room at Mar-a-Lago, where all surveillance video was stored. It’s hardly surprising, though, and it’s why I encourage people to de-register from their political party. The two-party system is a travesty. It suppresses thoughtful political discourse, and replaces it with a dysfunctional system in which people speak only in vapid, repetitious talking points and copious insults. If it’s too much work to formulate your own opinions and / or debate the merits of an opposing argument, you can always pull the eject handles and bail out with, “Well at least I’m not a dumb [whatever party you hate]!” That’s basically the level of discourse in this country, and it continues to plummet. 


The military budget is approaching 1 trillion, yes, 1 trillion dollars. In the new so-called bipartisan budget deal, one Stinger missile costs about $400,000. Ukraine wants 500 missiles per day. That’s $20 million per day. Four of the biggest companies getting the military budget money goes to, guess what? Pharmaceutical companies. Can you imagine that? Can anyone find out? How much payment did Doctor Fauci get from Pfizer? President Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex in his farewell address. How right he was. 


Some of Trump’s radicalized cult followers have now been prosecuted, some for sedition, and the convicts now number above 1,000. It doesn’t pay to follow Trump. Just ask incarcerated and misled minions that are now convicted domestic terrorists. Trump tried to have our democracy overthrown. The Trump bubble has now burst and our fragile democracy has held true. Thank goodness!


Everybody, pay close attention to what’s happening in the news and every place else about the Green Deal, the climate change, the clean energy, the dirty secrets are coming out about California and soon it’s going to be New York. I’m telling you people, come election time you best vote! Do not fall for anymore of this nonsense. This is the biggest farce so far the Democrats have pushed on anybody.


To the Democrat who likes to hear themselves talk and gave a 10 page explanation about what their definition of a living hell is, blah blah blah. We really don’t care. What the person is trying to say is life under Hochul and any Liberal Democrat is hell. She’s done to New York State what Joe Biden has done to this country.


Anybody would be a fool to vote for Biden a second time.


The 2024 election ought to be interesting. Democrats pay close attention. People are so sick and tired of your lies. They are definitely going for Republicans, myself included. I’m so tired of having that climate stuff shoved down my throat and having so much in New York State regulated, like a car you can’t even get passed because of this nonsense. That governor should go along with that idiot in the White House. Keep pushing that trash. The truth is coming out. People are seeing it. It’s going to end and I hope the Republicans take it all and get rid of these idiots. Democrats, it’s done.


I suggest the Pennysaver start limiting the amount of words that are in this column. Some of these are just so long and they make no sense. This one here I just started to read about why I left the Republican Party. It makes no sense and it goes on and on and I’m not even going to read it.


I would like to thank Jim Outman for the letter to the editor. He was spot on and I could not have said it better myself. Thank you for a great letter to the editor. 


When will they take the channel that has The View off? That is such a worthless show. I hope people do not waste their time watching it. Nothing but nonsense. 


The White House says Biden confers with Kamala Harris on issues that matter to the American people. That is not comforting as I look at the mess this administration has caused our country.


Trump has now been charged with 34 felonies that the serial liar has pleaded not guilty to. Looks like the Trump train is falling off a Cliff. More state and federal charges are pending. What do his cult followers who are blindly following their IDOL Trump do now? Repent and correct their wayward ways? Let’s hope so.


All of those climate saving foot soldiers that voted for Joe must be eating this Canadian smoke right up. Gave them a chance to use their mask again.


Well, people, here we go again. First they want your gas stoves, now they’re coming for your furnace. What is next? I’m telling you, in 2024, if you don’t get Mickey Mouse out of the White House, I feel sorry for the entire country. And guess who’s following next? Newsom and Hochul. She’s another one of the climate, Oh my God, the climate, the climate; Chicken Little The Sky is Falling! Please people, look it up. Pay attention to the scientists, not these people in office. There is nothing wrong with the climate. Nothing! It is a scare tactic. Don’t believe me? Look it up. They silence the scientists so you people don’t hear the truth. 

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