The Athens Senior Citizens Club held their St. Patrick’s Day lunch meeting on March 8 at the Airport Senior Community Hall. The President, Ted Benjamin, led them in the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer before they enjoyed a dish to pass meal.

The meal consisted of a large sheet pizza, a Reuben pizza, chicken salad sandwiches, potato and macaroni salads, coleslaw, green jello, fruit, stuffed shells, garlic bread, hot cross buns, and many desserts. Also served were the famous homemade eclairs, made by Gerry Leahy’s sister-in-law, Judy.

The meeting was called to order 12:30 p.m. with 19 members present. The secretary’s minutes and treasury reports were read and approved.

March birthdays included Sylvia Fuller and Dana Smith on March 8. The club lost a dear member and friend, Doris LaDue, on Feb. 23, 2023. A donation was sent to the Ulster United Methodist Church in her memory.

Two door prize winners, Bob Whipple and Mary Shangraw, were drawn. The 50-50 winners were Bill Wall and Tina Gabriel.

Although the Irish music had to be rescheduled to another time, Ginny told two Irish jokes.

Leprechauns are so old they remember when rainbows were black and white.

On St. Patrick’s Day a man walked into a bar and started ordering martini after martini. He removed the olives and put them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and he’d finished all the drinks, he started to leave. As he did so, a curious customer asked him, “Excuse me, but what was that all about.” “My wife sent me out for a jar of olives.”

They discussed moving their meeting location. Burt Cole will be looking for a new place to meet. The April luncheon meeting will be held at noon at the Fortune Chinese Buffet, located on Elmira Street in Sayre.

The group closed with a prayer for the seniors who cannot get out, those that are sick, and others that need comfort and support. The meeting concluded at 1:20 p.m.

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