Design a Christmas card after Worship on December 11 at the First Presbyterian Union Church

The First Presbyterian Union Church, located at the corner of North Avenue and Temple Street in Owego, is hosting a Christmas card making event for all ages after worship this Sunday, Dec. 11, at 11 a.m. All are invited to come and worship, stay for refreshments, and make a simple card for someone in need.

In a press release, Pastor Bruce Gillette wrote, “Many families are looking for meaningful ways to teach their children empathy and compassion, especially at this time of year. This activity is a good one for parents who want to nurture their children in caring for others.”

Join church members and friends, children, youth, families and individuals of all ages to make Christmas cards for nursing home residents, homebound church members, and immigrant families.  

Christine Crossgrove, retired teacher with a collection of unique card-making supplies, is coordinating this event. She will bring all the items you need to make beautiful Christmas cards to include special card paper, stickers, markers, pens, hole punchers and scissors with patterned designs, ribbons, sample Bible verses, Christmas card sayings, and more. 

The pastor added, in the release, “Bring your imagination and your love for others. You can choose to make a card for a friend, or you may leave your card at the church so it may be delivered to someone who is sick, homebound, or a recently arrived person seeking refuge in the United States.”  

This card-making activity is for all ages.

Some of the cards that are made on Sunday will go to people who have recently arrived in our country. The Presbyterian Church (USA) supports Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) in inviting congregations to design holiday cards for new friends who are seeking refuge in the United States. 

LIRS states, “The holidays should be a magical, wondrous time for children. But this year in America, thousands of children and families will be spending the holiday behind bars because they crossed the United States border seeking protection. LIRS is proud to run its eighth-annual ‘Hope for the Holidays’ program, which collects cards and gifts for distribution at immigration detention centers across the country, sharing holiday hope and joy with individuals and families seeking safety in the United States.” 

Everyone who comes to this Christmas card-making activity is invited to make an additional card or cards for someone new to this country that “needs a message of hope.”

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