Readers’ Column for the week of July 31, 2022

You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.


I have a converter box for an older television, but do not have the cable that connects it to the TV from the box. The analog converter is still in the box with the directions. If interested, let me know how to get a hold of you.


This is a follow up report for the Town of Owego highway department concerning Mead Road and Hakes Road. You used a stone rake and a roller about a week ago in an attempt to improve Mead Road. The little time you spent doing this only further exposed the cobblestone base of the road. Minimum effort produces minimum results. Mead Road residents have done a better job of attempting to improve the road than you have, and at their own expense. Hakes Road remains as it was, in pathetic condition. I recall a highway department spokesman saying that the department planned to do things differently than the previous administration. I guess they are, but not in a positive way.


To the lady looking for a black cat in the Village of Newark Valley. There are hundreds of them running at large. It’s very annoying to me that as a dog owner I let my dog run loose without a leash or it barks; it’s the end of the world. However, people feel obligated to get a cat and let it run free, causing it to be a nuisance to your neighbors. I’m sure if you can’t find yours, you can snatch one running loose. However, keep it inside.


Route 434 is a State road. Main and McFall in Apalachin are not. They are not cared for by the same departments.


Worshipping “golden idols” is the behavior of a cult. People need to pay attention to the facts and listen to all of the information.


It’s called your responsibility when you have any kind of pets, not only to care properly for the animals but being a responsible neighbor and keeping them in your own yard. 


This is for the person who believes that civil servant phone numbers should be disclosed. You forgot to leave your phone number. I’d like to discuss this with you, maybe at 2:30 a.m. this Sunday morning.


Thank you to everyone who works diligently to keep our roadway shoulders clean and picked up. It’s great to see the beautiful nature without garbage, broken car parts from accidents, animal carcasses, and general debris everywhere you look. When traveling to other states, one can see how they take care of their roadways compared to ours. Thank you again to everyone that helps keep the area looking nice, including everyday citizens, just by not throwing anything out of your vehicle windows.


I’m calling in reference to last week’s comment about someone looking for a converter box for an old television. I’ve got one; my number is (607) 785-8782. 


I’m the one who usually calls about getting the yellow lines painted on Glenmary Drive when it starts to get dark in the morning, but low and behold they are done! Thank you, but it seems like a lot of roads around are being done, which is a great help. Again, thank you so much!


I’d like to offer some help for some of you with federal student debt loans. Pay up! If you have a mortgage and owe money, pay up! If you have a car loan and owe money, you pay up! If you owe taxes on your property, you pay up! You enjoyed the time after high school drinking in the bars, learning new skills, being educated to do a nice job. You didn’t go to a noisy, dirty factory. You didn’t go to a cold muddy construction site. You’re probably sitting in an office right now with your feet up waiting for the donuts to get there. Pay up!


National Political Viewpoints

Issues not discussed in the Constitution are the prerogative of the legislatures in the states or Congress as an exercise of self-governance. The original text passed by Congress on Sept. 25, 1789. Ratified on Dec. 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments were formed on the Bill of Rights and incorporated into the Constitution. It is in the 10th amendment after the first 9, which states; “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States. Those powers are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  The Federal Courts are bound by the law and the Constitution. The Supreme Court has final judicial say on their rulings. The framers deliberately shielded Article III from “public sentiment”. When Justice Elena Kagan warned that the court risked its “public confidence” in issuing opinions that diverged too much from popular “sentiment” she failed her oath to adhere to her rulings based on the Constitution. The court was created as a bulwark against mob rule and mob justice, and it redirects public passions back to the representative branches of government, the states. The facts and the law are all that matter in federal courts. If public sentiment cuts against a decision, then voters can elect officials that will pass laws that reflect public sentiment, and can even amend the Constitution if that sentiment has enough consensus to succeed.


Recently, in this column, was a quote from Marxist American History (questionable) Professor from Boston College, H. Richardson. She states Trump “decimated the legal landscape, slashed power of the Federal Government, and gave the Republican minority power to impose its will.” The Reader and Boston College Elite Intellectual are clueless of History, Founding Values, and Principles of our Republic. They should only regurgitate in Communist China, where the Government is God. The constitution exists 1) to keep the judicial system free of political control [no court packing], 2) empower the Feds only those limited powers, those EXPRESSLY GRANTED, and 3) to protect minorities from tyranny of the majority. “The smallest minority on earth is the individual,” a quote by Ayn Rand. For my children, if Trump made the slightest reduction to the malignant growth of the Feds (The Swamp) power I would sleep better at night. The Founding Fathers failed to anticipate today’s increase in longevity, whereby politicians would nest (accumulate power) in office for as many as five decades, like Joe, McConnell, Pelosi and Ginsburg, as members of a royal junta forever corrupting our Nation’s founding principles. Trump’s total time in all public offices was four years. That is less than 1/10 that of Joe. Imagine AOC and Squad in office for half a century! As to legal system decimation, think of all the George Soros elected District Attorneys releasing violent criminals back onto the public. Government should not exist to purvey free stuff and dependency.


After reading last week about Biden taking responsibility for the Afghan Evacuation disaster I reread his speech. Yes, he did take responsibility, but did so much like my 12 year old would, blaming everyone else. He blamed Trump, his military advisors and the Afghan security forces; never once stating he was advised by experts not to follow through with the plan. Like it or not, the buck stops with the president, no matter who it is.


Biden and his fellow liberal democrats have nothing positive to use for the upcoming midterm elections so their only strategy is to continue the Trump smearing policy filled with lies and twisted information. The best illustration of this concerns allegations that Trump physically tried to force the Secret Service agents to drive him back to the capital during the alleged Jan. 6 riots. Multiple witnesses from the Democratic Lie camp testified they “heard that this happened” so that their quantity of witnesses who “heard this happen” gives the illusion of truth. However, when the actual Secret Service members THAT WERE IN THE CAR volunteered to testify that this WAS NOT TRUE, they were ignored! This is one simple example of how the Democrats continually recreate Lies into Perceived Truth. It is so sad that the current administration, under Puppet Biden, has deteriorated so much of our country with their terrible policies that their only recourse is to keep smearing Trump. Try to save our country and minimize the deterioration by getting as many Liberal Communist Lying Democrats as you can out of office in the November Midterms.


In response to the person who said that Donald Trump took no responsibility while in office, you are absolutely correct. President Biden may not make all the correct decisions, but he puts in the effort and accepts responsibility; he has repeatedly said that the buck stops with him.


Climate change, climate nonsense is just a bunch of boloney. It’s the good Lord; He’s doing this. He’s making it warmer because of what you’ve done. You’ve taken him out of the classrooms, you’ve taken him out of the church, and you’ve closed the churches – the house of the Lord! You Satan followers, you are disgusting. You all should burn in hell for what you are doing. You know the polls are killing you so watch Schumer; he’s going to pull a fast one, a rabbit out of a hat. Watch Chucky Schumer! Vote them out of office come November. End this nonsense and take back our country!


People in this column don’t like this word, dumb. The idiots running the state of New York and the mayor of New York City and the New York welfare rat policies are bringing immigrants from Mexico to New York. The governor of Texas is not sending illegal immigrants to New York. 


If Trump does not go to jail after this Jan. 6 riot on the capitol building, I will be going to jail because I am going to start breaking laws left and right. 


How come fake news, and even this paper, never mention the facts on all the studies that have been done, 15 more recently, that have shown that wearing a mask has done absolutely nothing. There is no positive evidence that wearing a mask does not combat the virus. If anything, it’s proven to be destructive. So let’s start reporting this. I know it does not agree with your narrative, but it is what it is. Masks do not work, period. Let’s follow the science democrats, like I always hear from you.


I’ve never seen a party like the democrat party that works so hard to divide this country. It’s never been like this. The republicans must win in November. Joe ran on unifying us. He must not know the meaning of the word. They are all out there preaching violence and if you don’t agree with their way then you are no good. This has got to stop; republicans have to win in November.


I’m going to make a comment, but am pretty sure you won’t print it because all of you are a bunch of liberals, but here it goes; if everybody’s entitled to an opinion, my opinion of Joe Biden is that he is a card carrying, paid member of the communist Chinese Party and he gets paid through crooked deals from China through his kid, Hunter Biden, and infiltrated this and they are taking over. You won’t print it. I don’t even know why I call.


To the person who is disgusted by Judge Jeannine, I’m pretty sure you would disgust her. If you want to fact check her, go ahead. She doesn’t lie, she tells the truth, and if you pay any attention at all it’s just been over 15 studies that came out that say wearing a mask does absolutely no good. That’s your science. So stop watching The View, stop watching CNN, and watch a little more Fox and you might actually hear that. Go Judge Jeannine! And if you want to go 120 mph, who cares?


How many more people have to die from fentanyl before Joe Biden and the democrats decide to close our borders?

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