You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
What an awesome school little Tioga Center has. They set up to let families come in and keep warm during the power outage and they had food for them. Food and shelter, that’s what was needed. Thank you to all who were involved in setting this up and helping the community. Thank you Tioga Center, you have a great little school.
There are kids getting first aid training. I don’t think they are getting it in school and all I know is that if you are in the scouts you might be getting training there, or maybe 4H. All I hear is call 911 from my grandchildren. That’s not an option if someone is choking or bleeding to death or can’t breathe unless they live right next door to 911. This does not make any sense. Why aren’t these kids getting trained?
We need more population control. Every new child, including illegal immigrants, requires a lifetime of food, lifetime of transportation, medical costs and education, everything to be paid for. All costs are ours. What cost will we have in 30 years?
This is an answer about the snow-laden tree that was in the Pennysaver this week. If it was only snow that brought it down, it’s an act of God and the homeowner is responsible for the cleanup. If the tree is rotten, that is the property owner’s responsibility to clean up after the mess. I had this happen to me in Sayre. A huge limb from a neighbor’s tree fell on my backyard. The tree was rotten and she was supposed to clean it up but was elderly and had problems, so we cleaned it up ourselves.
Here’s something positive to think about. How would it be if Amtrak had a passenger rail service going through Owego like they had many years ago? I think considering the outrageous gas prices these days it would be a good idea. Any comments on this, post in the column.
I’m responding to the person that said someone is earning $2,200 dollars a week for a 15-hour part time job with Tioga County. If you do the math, that is outrageous. I don’t believe that is occurring.
The cable companies are getting greedy again. They raised their rates again by another $5. Oh my goodness. You know what gets me about the whole thing? It’s like me going into the supermarket and pushing my cart down the aisle and somebody filling up my cart with all this garbage that I don’t want in the first place, and yet I have to purchase it. I don’t want the sewing channel, the art channel, the food channel, yet you have to pay for this. Where’s our government? Are they asleep at the wheel again?
This call is for some kind people of Owego, Deputy Sheriff 549, Ed and Marge Valentine, Wendy Post, Terry Rudin, Cloyd and Bev Manzer, Lucy Silverstein, and Kim Rudin. Thank you all for being very kind in an unkind world.
One of the readers was looking for a Defensive Drivers Course being held nearby. Berkshire Senior Citizens will be sponsoring another course on May 28. For more information, call Jackie or Bill at (607) 657-2536.
It is forecast, not forecasted.
Something happened at the Town Square Mall in Vestal. People were arguing on social media as to whether it was a fire alarm at TJ Maxx or a bomb threat at Walmart. Not one was bright enough to think it could be both. It was both. I hope they will learn from this, but I’m not holding my breath.
So having to wear a facemask is government control but having to stop at a red light isn’t? People in Owego want to give the village the power to tell trains to not block crossings – isn’t that government control? Air traffic controllers tell planes when they can land so it isn’t a free-for-all. Isn’t that government control? Oh wait. I get it. Government control is really okay, but only if you personally agree with it.
“To leave the world better than you found it, sometimes you have to pick up other people’s trash.” — Bill Nye
National Political Viewpoints
I was reading the paper about those people worried about republicans raising the taxes. My God, I’ve lived in New York State for 50 years, look at the taxes! We’ve got the highest taxes in the entire country and democrats run it. Go get your car inspected. See what happens then when it rejects it. Democrats, yeah, they’re wonderful. They will bury us all!
In November I hope all the taxpayers remember the first lady governor of New York, the climate control, and how hard it is to get your car inspected as she makes it harder and harder. The climate; she wants to save the earth, save the world, no more plastic, but does she stop and think about all the trees being cut to make paper bags and people cutting all the timber off their property to pay the high taxes? I’m going republican this time. Tyrants!
So Trump is Putin’s paid puppet. That’s not news to me. It’s probably news to all you blind people that follow him blindly. Now do you see it? He’s a thief and you guys have been fooled. Nobody likes to admit you’ve been fooled and that you are wrong.
Nobody said that the votes were counted incorrectly in the stolen 2020 election. They were saying the illegal votes were counted. Period! By mail in, drop boxes and so on. You can count the votes correctly, but if they’re not real votes it’s still stealing an election. The big lie is that Joe Biden got 81 million votes. I mean, you’ve got to be kidding. Was the Easter Bunny there to help him gather those votes?
So a Texas Ranger border patrolman died trying to save two illegal aliens from drowning. They turned out to be drug smugglers and he died and saved them. What’s wrong with this picture?
This comment is to the left-winger that says there was no voter fraud. I suggest you read Rigged, by Molly Hemingway, then talk to me about a vote that was nothing but fraud.
I watched the Marjorie Taylor Greene question on CSPAN about her involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection, Greene couldn’t remember her actions very much when questioned, and to think that she works for us in Washington. One thing she did remember was to put a holy cross around her neck for the whole world to see. She wants people to think he is pure, honest and holy. No one like her belongs in Washington.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Biden drive a gas-guzzling Corvette on all his vacation days, which are far too many? Why is it that everything that man touches turns into a disaster? Thanks Biden fans.
Never attribute malice to that which could be adequately explained by stupidity.
If you are old enough to remember Paul Harvey, the news reporter with a program called “The Rest of the Story” was very popular. Today we have a similar program called “Fox News” and other conservative programs. Their main theme is to give the people The Rest of the Story that the liberal media leaves out. We citizens need to listen to all the sources of factual information and think of the effects. God bless the U.S.A.
Some news for the anti-immigrant folks, we need millions of people to help fill all the empty jobs, address the shortages, and grow the economy. It’s a win-win for everyone. Immigrants founded this nation, and every American can trace their roots back to some other country. That’s what makes this country so great, its diversity and opportunities for a better life.
The conclusions of 97% of scientists agree with the views of those who finance their research. Or research funding goes to scientists with a predetermined result. With $8,300,000,000 (billion), the National Science Foundation funds 93% of American research. This is why we know that the Amazonian Red Toe Tree Eater Frog may or could or should be adversely affected by Climate Scare. This is the legacy of Obama.
Two callers are saying wearing masks and staying 6-feet away will eliminate COVID. I disagree! The third caller asked what is wrong with our government? We have so many homeless in the U.S. that we are not helping. This administration opened our borders when we were finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. We are now allowing illegals in by the millions with no testing or vaccinations required for them. We, the taxpayers, are paying for all of them, even giving them cell phones and flights to wherever. None of us know how many are in our hometowns because they are transported in the middle of the night. What diseases are they bringing with them? This open border is far more life threatening than not wearing a mask! How many of us that are fully vaccinated, masked, and have been isolated from our loved ones have still gotten COVID?
Biden has said several times that he knew nothing about his son Hunter’s business. First of all that would be irresponsible, as vice President of the United States, to not make sure his son Hunter did anything to make Joe Biden look corrupt. If Biden knew nothing about Hunter’s business workings, why did he threaten the Ukrainian president with pulling a billion dollars in government loan guarantees to Ukraine unless they stopped a corruption investigation of Burisma holdings? Hunter was a board member of Burisma. Hunter’s LLC was getting paid $160,000 a month. Within six hours, Joe Biden got the Ukrainian investigator fired and the investigation was halted. If that does not influence peddling, then what does? Biden and his whole family are corrupt. Wake up Democrats, your party is rotten to the core!
Attention Republicans, why is CPAC being held in Hungary? Why does your party of choice clamor so as to imitate this dictator style of government? The threat to democracy in the United States is REAL. Donald Trump is an authoritarian wannabe and all of you that support this person and his wishes with your bumper stickers, flags, and yard signs should be ashamed of yourselves! You claim that you want to go back to the way things used to be, well our founding fathers did not write the Constitution and put into place our form of government for it to be turned into an autocracy. Trump is a liar and a traitor who has brought this wonderful country to its worst.
A former speechwriter for George W. Bush, David Frum, wrote in 2018, “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” And here we are. As if to illustrate this point, news broke today that a North Carolina official threatened to fire an election official unless she gave him access to the county’s vote tabulators. The news agency Reuters noted that this threat was only one of more than 900 instances of intimidation of election officials in what has become commonplace after the 2020 election. — Heather Cox Richardson. April 23, 2022
When John F. Kennedy became president, he was so concerned about keeping Americans alive that he sent the book, The Guns of August – by Barbara Tuchman to all world leaders. He was terrified of duplicating the blunders that lead up to WWI. This book exposed the actions and mistakes, which lead to the death of 50,000,000. Today scholars and diplomats are pointing to the lessons from The Guns of August to the European situation. Do you think our intellectual giants of Joe and Kamala have any inkling that the future of humanity is at play?
Harry Wilson finally got one thing right. The governor can fire a District Attorney, but it stops there. Violent crime is not at an all time high. While it has increased recently, it is still significantly lower than it was around 1990. And he cannot, on his own, hire more police and raise their pay because, other than the State Police, they are not part of the state government. He cannot stop cashless bail. The governor doesn’t control it. Hochul tried with very limited success because the legislature refused to go along. Harry continues his fear-mongering con job. How can someone with so little understanding of the structure of the various governments in the state and their interactions be expected to succeed?
Apparently Rand Paul thinks it’s okay for Russia to reclaim Ukraine as it used to be part of the USSR. So I guess it would then be okay for Mexico to attack the U.S.A. to reclaim Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah and California, as they were once a part of Mexico.
It’s every American’s duty to watch the Jan 6 committee open hearings starting June 9.
We know Trump knew he lost the election.Republicans that voted not to certify the election knew Trump lost before that vote.
POTUS led a coup d’etat seditious conspiracy from the Oval Office. Trump knew he lost the election and instigated maga to beat blue lives to a bloody pulp with a flag pole carrying a blue lives matter flag.
Trump watched in enjoyment as his people beat up cops.No maybe.Trump refused the National Guard 14 times. How did he keep support from police unions?
The same Disinformation from foxOanNewsmax and rightwing media that led to violent insurrection Jan 6 2021.
We know fox knew it was maga on Jan 6. Seems Hannity was deepstate all along.
Disinformation made millions of Americans change behavior.
You used to say you were a patriot. Only traitors USURP THE CONSTITUTION. That’s the goal of propaganda misinformation and disinformation.
Your family is still there for you. Trump never cared.