Love is in the Air

Love is in the AirBrahma Kumaris Illustration.

“Love is a state of being. Your love is not outside; it is deep within you. You can never lose it, and it cannot leave you.” –– Eckhart Tolle.

When we are in a good space, we love everything; and when we are not, nothing seems to be going right or seems perfect. It is we who create the dramas with our own thoughts. We accept weak bodies easily, yet we expect everyone to be strong in the mind. When another has hurt our heart, remember that Love didn’t hurt you, someone who doesn’t know how to love hurt you. Don’t confuse the two.   

We speak of a ‘love in the air’ feeling, but who creates that love in the air spirit?  Does it just pop up from nowhere? No. We are the creators of our thoughts and feelings, and whatever thoughts we create, they vibrate and spread into the world.  

The beauty of the world in which we live is the perfect reflection of the inner world of our minds. Begin again that love affair with your true self, not the fake image in the mirror, because the mirror reflects only the physical image back to us. When I connect to my original and eternal nature, I do not have to think about giving love. I know that ….I am love …I am peace …I am joy.  

Love is in the Air

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

“We can truly love others, when we know and love our self.”

Daily we need to recharge our spiritual battery; otherwise our spiritual light grows dim, covered by the weaknesses and negativity from the soul. Under the influence of the vices, the knowledge and memory of my true eternal identity has faded and is almost forgotten. Due to numerous and racing thoughts my thinking becomes fuzzy and decisions doubtful.  

We don’t choose to be under the influence of the vices, but unknowingly we are. Keep check on what weaknesses like intolerance or impatience are within the self. If I do not like what I see, change myself by paying attention to the quality of my thoughts.   

The secret key to the greatest door called Love is acceptance – first of your self, then others, and eventually all. Love can never be exclusive; the sun does not choose to shine on some flowers in the garden and not others. The master sun of spirit, the Source, God, invisible to our physical eyes, is only one thought, one second away. 

Meditation connects our spiritual center, an inner place of pure radiant spiritual light, to this Source of unconditional Love. Our mind becomes quiet and focused.  We can then access the real fragrance of pure love, and the beauty of truth and wisdom the soul craves. These positive vibrations then fill the atmosphere, creating that wonderful ‘love in the air’ feeling!

Resource: Peace Village Bookshop at

(You can contact Sister Chirya Risely, from Owego, at or at 

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