Readers’ Column for the week of Sept. 17, 2017

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

Last week’s caller looking for assistance from the Master Gardeners at Riverview Nursing Home was not sent in by an employee or representative from the home. The home has staff that cares for the grounds.


Help needed to find a lost black kitten. The owner was traveling through the area in the vicinity of 17C by Lockheed Martin and Miller Beach Road. The cat is micro chipped. Call (607) 759-7467.


I lost my cell phone on my walk in the area of Main Street in Owego. If found, please call 972-7532.


Just called Spectrum to upgrade our channel and was asked if I wanted to switch from Time Warner Cable to Spectrum. If you don’t call Spectrum to switch to them and trade Time Warner Cable equipment for theirs, technically you are still with Time Warner Cable. Sounds nuts but must be some legality with the buyout.


Free garden supplies including some small pieces of fencing, a kneeling pad, a garden hose holder and a lot of other miscellaneous things. Call 642-3403.


To the person who thinks the drive between Deposit and Delhi in Autumn is supposed to keep you all warm and fuzzy in November, December, January, February and March, you’re nuts. If you think I need to know where the door is, believe me I know where the door is. All you have to do is follow the sunshine. The door is anywhere out of New York State and I’m on my way, believe me. Good-bye and good riddens!


I was reading this column last week and you must be my neighbor! I have cat smell of pee. I cannot go outside at all, I smell the urine all the time. Oh yea, my neighbor has dogs and cats both and they like to crap in my yard. 


I can only hope that we get snow and cold this winter like they are predicting so us people who choose to stay in the north can enjoy winter recreation. Signed, snowmobile fan.


I have quite a few National Geographic magazines. If anyone would like them, please leave your number in this column.


I have a small area on Dean Street where I need some weed eating done. Small job, but very important to me so I can get to my bird feeders! Call 687-5620.

I see pictures of the flooded areas of Texas and Florida and all the thousands and thousands of automobiles that have been abandoned just because they got wet in the flood. I wonder what it would cost, added to the purchase price of an automobile, to make it waterproof. I’d be willing to pay several hundred dollars if I lived in a flood zone to waterproof it so I don’t have to abandon my car just because it got wet.


Why is it when you call the Owego Pennysaver and make a complaint about how the roads are being done it is totally ignored. It is all the time with this paper. We have a bus turnaround in Willseyville that’s been damaged in the flood two years ago and it still hasn’t been repaired. The Candor Highway Department had all kinds of time to put a new road into their new building and here we have roads that need to be addressed and they’re not. Why is this paper always negating to put things in about the roads?


Thank you to the Ti-Ahwaga Theatre for bringing a live play to Newark Valley. It was wonderful. Thank you so much Ti-Ahwaga!


Is there a grief support group in the Owego area that I could attend? Please call me at 687-5854.


We have an unvented gas fireplace logs that we would like to give away free of charge, includes glass doors in front, we have been using it with propane. It works very well, located in Berkshire. Call 657-8035.


I just wanted to say thank you to Ti-Ahwaga Theatre for bringing a play to Newark Valley. We went to it over the weekend and it was so funny. I really like the fact that Ti-Ahwaga can reach out to the communities. Thank you so much!


Does anyone know how to contact Wal-Mart? They have been bothering me with ads for months and all I get is a laundry list when I try phone or email to get off their list. I hate them! Thanks.


Are they drilling for gas again on Thorn Hollow Road? Ten years ago or so they stopped and closed up the well about a half-mile up from Glenmary Drive. Today, the tower is now standing again, and there has been a lot of activity going on.


In response to last week’s comment on dryer sheets, the scent is only an indicator of the real problem with this item. Just like the cat and dog excrement odor you mentioned, it is annoying and hard to live with, but the scent itself is not the only source of toxicity. The VOCs and HAPs in dryer sheets permeate the skin of the clothes wearer and air of breathers in the neighborhood, exposing the ‘non-user’ to senseless harm. Why senseless? Because ads convince us that they are required for soft, static-free clothes when in fact, a quarter cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle will do the same without promoting respiratory disease and cancer.


To whoever left a small trailer on my property, please identify and explain why it was parked next to my wood, which was in process of being cut up. Respond in this column with a contact number and I will call you.

National Political Viewpoints

Obama, like Hillary, needs to sit quietly. He made a mess and now Mr. Trump is working hard to put America back on the right track. Hillary continues to blame everyone else for her November loss. What will it take for her to understand she has no one to blame but herself? I must say though, she truly fits the mold of a politician, no accountability. 


I applaud Mr. Trump’s DACA decision. There is no such thing as a deserving dreamer. Many law abiding Americans and legal immigrants are born into less than favorable conditions. People need to be held accountable and take charge of their lives. No one deserves to be in the United States by side stepping the law. Citizenship is a privilege, not a right. People need to follow rules and regulations regarding legal citizenship into our country. Stop the “give me” demonstrations that we’re tired of that are happening around the country, especially outside Trump Tower in New York City.


These Marxist Democrat losers are a joke. Their attacks on our great President Trump are pathetic. President Trump has created more jobs at a much higher “rate” than nobama ever thought possible. Trump is rebuilding our military, which the Democrats tried to destroy. We now have a Supreme Court justice who is a strict constitutional justice. Our enemies fear Trump and laughed at noboma whose foreign policy was benign neglect or cowardly acquiescence. The average DACA child is now 25 years old, hardly a child. The economy is coming back strong with Trump and Trump has to fight both the obstructionist Democrats and the Republican old guard. Go Trump! Trump’s populist revolution has just started.


Well you people don’t believe in climate change? All these hurricanes are a little bigger than before. Not normal, is it? The snowstorm we got this late winter, not normal; and they are setting the record all the time. You Trump people, you stop and think what you’re going to do. 


Go Hillary, are you kidding? I know where she can go. She can go crawl back under her rock where she belongs and she had the nerve to call Trump a creep? Well it takes one to know one. 


Not only should Melania Trump speak better English after being in the United States for so many years, she should learn to walk in her spike shoes going up the stairs on Air Force One. 


The long lines are forming are forming at all book stores to buy Hillary Clinton’s new book, “What Happened”, for which she was paid over $4 million. Like the Clinton’s need more millions! I will save you some big bucks, Hillary was a deplorable candidate and the dimwit Democrats cannot get rid of her. I also understand at least four books were sold so far.


The lame stream news media has just announced that the Democrats have stated the looters in Florida were just trying to rescue Nikes, TV’s and smart phones from drowning. It was also reported that the local police did not buy that particular explanation.


I believe Trump will incite a riot. It’s just a matter of time. His rallies divide people and get them excited, and sometimes violence occurs. It’s the “us versus them” strategy. It appears that he feeds off this. It would not surprise me at all if the rebellious take action and revolt. God let me be wrong.


Hillary’s new book titled “What Happened” is incorrectly titled; she should have titled her book “The Blame Game” or “The Blame Book”.


Now let me see, Donald Trump claims to have ten thousand million dollars and he is giving just one million dollars to aid hurricane victims in Texas. Generous.


Compare and contrast. Instead of managing the Clinton Foundation ($500M in assets) Hillary ($100M net worth) writes a book blaming everyone accept herself for why she lost. President Trump, taking a salary of $1 per year, donates $1 million of his own money to Houston relief. Hillary’s and CF contributions are $0. Hillary’s true disappointment lies in the fact that neither has anything left to sell. No longer is the Lincoln bedroom, American Uranium, access, pardons, etc. up for sale. The Bill and Hillary Hillbillies are the only past presidential couple to remain in the public light forever. Except maybe Obama, who is already following in their footsteps with his new Barack H. Obama Foundation. 


The conservatives in congress who tell us we can’t afford universal health care have voted to spend 600 million dollars just to design a new presidential plane.

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