What’s Happening – send dated church, school, social or non-profit event information (50 words or less) to the Owego Pennysaver, ATTN: Wendy Post, P.O. Box 149, Owego, N.Y. 13827, e-mail wpost@owegopennysaver.com or drop it off at our office, 181-183 Front St., Owego. Space available, your event will appear. **Note: We will only be running the revolving events (listed in the beginning) on the first Sunday of every month. This will allow room for more weekly postings to be published.
Tioga Opportunities offers Tai Chi Classes, Mon. and Thurs. from Aug. 14 to Oct. 5, 10 to 11 a.m., 9 Sheldon Guile Blvd., Owego. For more info or to register, call 687-4120, ext. 331.
Candor Farmer’s Market, every Thurs. thru Sept. 14, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., Candor Town Hall, 101 Owego Rd., Candor.
Richford Farmer’s Market, every Sat. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Jun. 24 to Sept. 9, Town Barn Road, Richford. For vending info, email Richfordmarket@gmail.com or for forms go to richfordmarket.weebly.com.
Tioga P.E.N. Meeting, 2nd Friday of the month, 9:30 a.m., Elderwood Assisted Living, 44 Ball St., Waverly. For more info, call Jo at (585) 208-7499 or Nicole at (607) 565-6221.
LEGO Club for young people ages five and older, fourth Thursday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Apalachin Library, 719 Main St., Apalachin.
Fellowship Meal followed with a Bible Study, every Sunday. The meal is at 6 p.m. and the Bible Study is from 7 to 8 p.m., Bostwick Auction, 1121 Rte. 96, Candor. For more info, call Pastor Ed Hart at 761-4313 or email to hartmail64@yahoo.com.
Open Bible Fellowship Bible Study, every Thursday, 7 p.m., Fellowship Dinner at 6 p.m., Bostwick Auctions, 1121 Owego Rd., Catatonk.
Clothing Closet, Monday thru Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Apalachin United Methodist Church, 303 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin. All items are free for people in need. For info, call 625-2733.
Lollipop Kids Program, ages one to five, Fridays from 10 to 11 a.m., Owego Gymnastics & Activity Center, 748 St. Rte. 38, Owego. For info, call 687-2458.
Owego Zumba Gold, every Tues. and Thurs., 5:15 p.m., 72 North Ave., behind the Family Resource Center, Owego. For an up to date schedule, visit Owego Zumba Gold on Facebook. First class is free, $5 class drop in or punch pass of 10 for $45. For info, call Donna at 222-4685 or email dlvgibson6@gmail.com.
United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Southern Tier NY Base Meeting, 1st Tues. of the month, 7 p.m., American Legion Post 1700, 305 Maple St., Endicott. For info, call 687-2358 or email D39.L41@gmail.com.
Families Anonymous 12 Step Fellowship, Wednesdays at 7 p.m., Saturday mornings at 10 a.m., St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 200 Jefferson Ave., Endicott. For info, visit familiesanonymous.org.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting, Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Sayre Christian Church, Lincoln Street, Sayre. For more info, call (570) 882-9716.
GFJ Library free Monthly Workshops offered at GFJ Tech Center, Endicott. For info, list and registration for the workshops, visit gfjlibrary.org and click on the blue GFJ Tech Center tab or call 757-5350.
Alzheimer’s Support Group, 3rd Tuesday of the month, 1:30 to 3 p.m., Countryside Community Center, 9 Sheldon Guile Blvd., Owego. For info, call 687-4120, ext. 338 or 344.
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group, last Thursday of every month, 6 to 8 p.m., St. John’s Lutheran Church, 207 S. Hopkins St., Sayre. For info, call (570) 888-9053.
Lyme Disease Support Group Meeting, 1st Tuesday of each month, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Spaulding Memorial Library, Athens.
Free Fencing and Swordplay Lessons, every Friday from 6 to 8 p.m., Newark Valley High School. Free and low-income options available, all ages welcome.
Owego Golden Age senior group meetings and dish to pass, 2nd Thursday of each month, 11:30 a.m., First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, Owego. All who are 50 years and older are welcome to join.
Woman’s Club of Endicott Monthly Meeting, last Monday of each month, 1 to 3 p.m., First Presbyterian Church of Endicott, Grant and Monroe, Grant Avenue entrance to downstairs meeting room. All women are welcome and refreshments are served.
Candor Valley Riders Snowmobile Club Meeting, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m., Candor Ambulance Garage, Candor. For info, visit candorvalleyriders.com.
Pancake Breakfast, 8 to 10 a.m., 2nd Saturday of the month, West Candor Maple (a.k.a. Beebe Sap House) Route 96, Candor. Good will donation. For info, visit candorvalleyriders.com.
Candor Food Pantry, Wednesday, 3 to 5:30 p.m., 1 Water St., Candor. Bring proof of residency to sign up.
Nichols Senior Citizens Club meetings, 2nd Monday at 10 a.m. for bingo, bag lunch (from home) and brief business meeting. Also the 4th Monday at noon with a dish to pass lunch, entertainment and brief meeting. They collect $.50 at each meeting. If interested or for questions, call Janet at 699-6039 or Art at 699-3114.
Supper Among Friends, 3rd Thursday of every month, 4:30 to 6 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, Nichols. Donations accepted.
Owego Rotary Club Luncheon, Tuesdays at noon, Owego Treadway Inn, Route 17C, Owego. The cost is $9 per person and the public is invited.
Blind or Visually Impaired Support Group, 3rd Thursday of the month, 10 a.m., Countryside Community Center, Sheldon Guile Boulevard, Owego.
Lockheed Martin Owego Toastmasters Meeting, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 7 to 8 a.m., St. Patrick’s Church, 300 Main St., Owego. Open to all. For info, call 953-9844.
Faced with a drinking problem? Perhaps AA can help. Call 1-800-307-4285 or visit www.ny-aa.org.
Meal on the Run – Eat-In or Take-out, 3rd Friday of every month, 4:30 to 7 p.m., Westbrook Lodge, 150 S. Main St., Nichols. Cost is $6 per person.
All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast, 2nd Saturday of every month, 8 to 10 a.m., Owego United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 261 Main St., Owego. Cost is $5 for adults, and the cost for 12 and under is $3. Sponsored by OUMC Men.
Free Dinner every Thursday, 6 p.m., Owego United Methodist Church, Main Street, Owego. All are welcomed. Sponsored by Allied Christians of Tioga.
Wing Night, every Tuesday, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego.
Toddler Story Hour, every Wednesday (September through June) 10:15 to 11 a.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Fiber Arts Club (knitting, crocheting, etc.), every Thursday 6:30 to 8 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Emerging Writers, 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Mystery Book Club, 1st Thursday of the month, 4:15 to 5 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Monday Afternoon Book Club, 2nd Monday of the month, 1 to 2 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Bluegrass Gospel Jam, 2nd Saturday of the month, 7 to 9 p.m., Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 731 Hooper Rd., Endwell.
Endicott Toastmasters Club Meeting, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., basement of George F. Johnson Library, 1001 Park St., Endicott. For info, call 953-9844.
Tioga County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board of Directors Meeting, 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m., Tioga County SWCD office, 183 Corporate Dr., Owego. For questions, call 687-3553 or email tcswcd@co.tioga.ny.us.
The Newark Valley Senior Citizens Club meets the 3rd Thursday of each month, 11 a.m. meeting, 12 p.m. meal provided by the church, UCC Church in Newark Valley. Age 50 and over are welcome. For questions, call Carol at 642-5213.
GED (Adult Education) Classes, Tuesday and Thursday, 5 to 8 p.m., Candor High School, Academy Street, Candor. For info, call Susan Donatelli at 257-1555.
Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous weekly meetings, for information on times and locations call (607) 595-7381, (607) 351-9504, or visit foodaddicts.org.
Quilting Classes, Mondays at 1 p.m., FCF Church, 27 Beach Rd., Apalachin, $7 per session. For info, call (570) 623-4402.
Sweet Adeline’s Carousel Harmony Chorus Rehearsal, Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Calvary United Methodist Church, 3505 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal. For info, call Linda at 669-4233 or visit carouselharmony.org.
American Red Cross Blood Drive, call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit redcrossblood.org for dates, times and locations.
Write Now Writers Group, 1st Wednesday of the Month, 7 to 9 p.m., Candor Free Library, corner of Bank Street and Main Street, Candor. For more information, call Carol at 659-7661 or email carolhenry@frontiernet.net.
Library Story Hour, Tuesdays 10:15 a.m., Candor Free Library, Bank Street, Candor.
Candor Town Board Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of the month, review and sign vouchers at 6:30 p.m., meeting begins at 7 p.m., Candor Town Hall, Route 96B, Candor.
Open Hearts Dinner, every Wednesday, 5 to 6:30 p.m., McKendree UMC, 224 Owego St., Candor.
Candor Fire District Regular Meetings, 2nd and last Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Candor Fire Station, 74 Owego Rd., Candor. For more info, call Tim at 659-3341.
Village of Candor Board Meeting, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Candor Village Hall, Main Street, Candor.
TOPS Chapter 418, every Friday 10 a.m., Calvary United Methodist Church, 3505 Vestal Parkway West, Vestal. For questions, call Barbara at 748-3443.
TOPS Chapter 306, every Thursday, weigh-in starts 5:45 p.m., meeting at 6:30 p.m., Wesley Methodist Church, 1000 Day Hollow Rd., corner of Day Hollow Road and Boswell Hill Road, Endicott. For information, call 754-6913.
TOPS Chapter 1036, every Tues., 5:30 to 7 p.m., Newark Valley Post Office, Newark Valley.
TOPS Chapter 1128, every Thursday, 6 p.m., Candor Town Hall, 101 Owego Rd., Candor. For info, call Jean at 659-9969.
TOPS Chapter 646 meets Mondays, Weigh-ins from 8:30 to 9:20 a.m., Waverly United Methodist Church, corner of Chemung and Waverly Streets, Waverly. Meeting follows weigh-in. For info, call (607) 857-4503 or (570) 888-4244.
TOPS Chapter 0768, meets every Saturday, 7 a.m. weigh-ins, 7:30 a.m. meeting, Municipal Building, 83 Main St., Van Etten. For more info, call Ruth at 589-4515.
Friends of the Library Meeting, last Thursday of the month, downstairs meeting room, Candor Free Library, Bank Street, Candor.
Candor Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting, 1st Wednesday of the month, 6 p.m., Candor Free Library, Corner of Bank and Main Street, Candor. For more info, call Sue at 659-3022 or email candorwriter@yahoo.com.
Newark Valley Food Pantry, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 4 p.m., Senior Pantry every 2nd Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m., Methodist Church Ministry Center, Newark Valley. Open to people in the 13811 area. For more info or anyone wishing to volunteer, call 642-8102 or 642-8587.
The Clothing Center, Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon, Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Central United Methodist Church, 17 Nanticoke Ave., Endicott. Free clothing and various items, they also accept donations. For questions, call MaryAnn at 786-9040.
Candor MOPS (for moms of infants through kindergarten age), 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, Candor Congregational Church parsonage, Main Street, Candor. For info, call Maryalice at 659-5191.
Constitution Chat, 2nd Thursday of every month, 7 p.m., Candor Congregational Church, Main Street, Candor. For questions, call Melvin at 659-4785.
Music Night with “Donna and the Mystics with Kenny Derr”, 4 to 8 p.m., The Country Dinner, 45 E. Tioga St. Spencer. Bring lawn chairs and umbrellas.
Jews for Jesus to speak, 6 p.m., South Apalachin Baptist Church, 4116 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin. No admission charge. For info, call 625-4367.
Gospel Bluegrass / Country Concert on the Green with The Williamson Branch, 6 p.m., downtown East Smithfield. In case of inclement weather, concert will be held in the Federated Church sanctuary. Love offering to be received to benefit the group. Check out their website at williamsonbranch.com or for more info call Bernie at (570) 596-3202.
Retired USAF Colonel and former Attache to the American Embassy in Finland to Speak in Newfield, Pass a Dish Luncheon at 1 p.m., Program at 2 p.m., Newfield Fire Hall, 77 Main St., Newfield. Public is welcome!
En Plein Air Art Show & Sale, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Draper Park, Front Street, Owego.
JULY 16 to 20
“Galactic Starveyors” Vacation Bible School for Waverly / Sayre Valley Kids, 6 to 8:45 p.m., Athens Wesleyan Church, 3903 Wilawana Rd., Sayre. For kindergarten through sixth graders, registration is at 5:30 p.m. each or any night, no charge. For info, call (570) 888-6734.
“Barnyard Roundup” Vacation Bible School, Sun. from 5:30 to 8 p.m., Mon. thru Thurs. from 5 to 8 p.m., Apalachin United Methodist Church, 303 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin. For children ages four to going into fifth grade. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. on July 16. For more info, call 625-2733.
VFW Auxiliary Post 1371 monthly meeting, 6:30 p.m., Main Street, Owego.
Cars and Trikes, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Waverly Family Resource Center, 4460 Broad St., Waverly. For info, call Joan at 565-2374.
Farmer’s Market coupons available for older adults, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., Community Care Network of Nichols, 139 Roki Blvd., Nichols.
Annual Gathering of OFA Classes of ’58 and ’59, meet at noon, eat at 1 p.m., Hickories Park, Pavilion #3, Owego. Bring your own drinks, a dish to share and memories too.
Chemung County Solarize Workshop, 6 to 8 p.m., Inspire Spencer-VanEtten Community and Fitness Center, 57 E. Toga St., Spencer. Free and open to the public. To register, call 734-4453, ext. 215 or 202.
Free Library Summer Program “Animal Adventure”, 11 a.m., Coburn Free Library, Main Street, Owego.
Ice Cream Social, 6 to 8 p.m., Whittemore Hill United Methodist Church, corner of Whittemore Hill Road and Teeter Road. For more info, call 785-5761.
Drone Discovery at the Tappan-Spaulding Memorial Library in Newark Valley, 3 p.m. Call 642-006- or visit tsmlibrary.org for more information. This is part of the Build a Better World 2017 Summer Reading Program.
Outpatient Therapy 1-Year Anniversary Celebration and Open House, 4 to 6:30 p.m., 37 N. Chemung St., Waverly. Tours will be available with light refreshments.
Men’s Bible Study and Fellowship, 10 a.m. to noon, Village Chapel, 28 Main St., Candor. For more info, call Faye at 687-5403.
Live Chat to answer questions on Medicare, 2 to 4 p.m., visit www.tiogaopp.org, click on the “Chat” box on the right-hand side of the website. For questions, call 687-4120.
Farmer’s Market coupons available for older adults, 9 to 10 a.m., North Waverly Chapel, 38 St. Rt. 34, Waverly.
Farmer’s Market coupons available for older adults at Open Hearts Dinner, 5 to 6 p.m., McKendree United Methodist Church, 224 Owego St., Candor.
Moreland the Magician, 1 to 2 p.m. Cady Library, Nichols. Free and open to the public.
Jazz Happens Band and Chicken BBQ, BBQ begins at 5:30 p.m., entertainment begins 7 p.m., The Depot, Newark Valley. BBQ tickets for $8 will be sold by advance sale only. They are available at any of the Depot Friday Night programs or by calling 642-9516 and leaving a contact number on or before July 17.
Kid’s Picnic, noon to 4 p.m., Marvin Park. Free for children of all ages. There will be free food, drinks, bounce house, horse and tractor hayrides, a free bicycle giveaway and more. Sponsored by the VFW Post #1371 and American Legion Post #401.
Free Concert featuring Next To Kin, 6 to 9 p.m., Trout Ponds Park, Newark Valley. Bring family, friends and lawn chairs.
Flintknapping II, Percussion with Mike McGrath, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Bement Billings Farmstead, 9241 Rte. 38, Newark Valley. The cost is $65 for NVHS members and $70 for non-members. Scholarships are available. Register by calling Leslie at 642-5412 by July 5.
3rd Annual Berkshire Blueberry and Book Festival, main event from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fresh Blueberry Pancakes from 7 to 10 a.m., Berkshire Library, Community Hall and Fire Station, Route 38, Berkshire. Also Bake Sale, chicken barbecue, food truck, music all day, an art show, classic car and truck show, and Connelly Antique appraisals at 2 p.m. There will be 30-plus vendors and 40-plus raffle baskets.
Christian Music Festival “Summerfest to Impact Hunger” and Pulled Pork Dinner, 1 to 7 p.m., Sayre Christian Church, 427 S. Keystone Ave., Sayre. Dinner is $8, and there will be a Chinese Auction, bake sale and dunk tank. For more info, call (570) 888-2683.
Riverow Bookshop to Host Animal Tracker, 3:30 p.m., 187 Front St., Owego. For more info, visit them on Facebook or call 687-4094.
Motorcycle, vintage vehicles, street rods, customs, and anything road worthy ride, departs from The Loom, at 439 Waverly St. in Waverly at 10 a.m., benefit to follow at 2 p.m. at 32 Lyle Rd. in Smithboro. Cost of the ride is a monetary donation. There will be games, food, music, a 50/50 and silent auction. Campers are welcome, and 100 percent will go to Kevin’s Guest House. For more info, call Kim at 972-7704.
Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for the Nichols Family, 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12. To donate, call Marcie at 857-1901 or Chrissy at 239-2260.
JULY 24 & 25
AARP Driver Safety Course, 1 to 4:15 p.m., Community Center, 9 Sheldon Guile Blvd. Owego. Call Erica at 687-4120 to sign up.
Free Talk by Lisa Coniglio and Meisha Lohmann: “Can We Teach People to Think, Part 2: Cognitive Bias”, 6:45 p.m., Coburn Free Library, Main Street, Owego. Become better critical thinkers.
The Science of Addiction: Drugs, Brains and Behavior, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Inspire S-VE community and Fitness Center, 57 E. Toga St., Spencer. For more info, call 223-4066, or find them on Facebook and Twitter (@Tioga ASAP).
Senior Luncheon, noon, S-VE Community & Fitness Center, 57 E. Tioga St., Spencer. Menu is tuna noodle casserole, a side dish, dessert and beverages. Reservations are required; call Carmel at 687-4120, ext. 320 before noon on July 21. Suggested contribution for ages 60 and older is $4; under age 60 is $6.
Free Library Summer Program – Farmer Tom’s “A Celebration of Reading”, 10 a.m., Coburn Free Library, Main Street, Owego.
Jedi Academy at the Tappan-Spaulding Memorial Library in Newark Valley, 6:30 p.m. Call 642-9960 or visit tsmlibrary.org for more information. This is part of the Build a Better World 2017 Summer Reading Program.
Farmer’s Market coupons available for older adults, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., INSPIRE S-VE Community and Fitness Center, 57 East Tioga St., Spencer.
Tioga County Public Health Rabies Vaccination Clinic, 6 to 8 p.m., Spencer Fire Station, Main Street, Spencer.
Farmer’s Market coupons available for older adults, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., Waverly Free Public Library, 18 Elizabeth St., Waverly.
Game Truck, noon to 2 p.m., Cady Library, Nichols. Free and open to the public.
Understanding Long Term Levels of Care, 9 to 11 a.m., Rollie Noble Room, Village Municipal Building, 9 Park St., Newark Valley. To reserve your seat for this free presentation, call 687-4120, ext. 331.
Valley Harmony Men’s Quartet, 7 p.m., St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 17 Main St., Candor. Historic Marklove Organ Restoration Benefit.
Silk Ribbon Embroidery with Mercia Stocking, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Bement-Billings Farmstead Museum, 9241 St. Rte. 38, Newark Valley. Materials provided, bring 8-inch embroidery hoop and sharp scissors. Register with Leslie by calling 642-5412 by July 14. The cost is $25 for Newark Valley Historical Society members and $25 for non-members. For more info, visit nvhistory.org.
Music Night with “Dean Goble and Friends”, 4 to 8 p.m., The Country Dinner, 45 E. Tioga St. Spencer. Bring lawn chairs and umbrellas.
13th Annual Bedrock Cruise-in and Chicken BBQ, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., NY/PA State Line on Route 187, Windham, Pa. All vehicles are welcome with awards at 3 p.m. For more info, call (570) 247-2512, or email wtvfc@cableracer.com.
Sundaes at the Farm showcases Tioga County’s Agricultural Roots, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tri-Kay Dairy Farm, 481 West Creek Rd., Owego. For more info, call 687-7440.
Older Adult Health Fair, 4 to 7 p.m., Newark Valley Senior High School, 68 Wilson Creek Rd., Newark Valley. Admission is free with great door prizes. For questions, call 687-4120, ext. 331.
First Presbyterian Union Church Celebrating 200 Years of Worship, 7 p.m., front lawn of the church, North Avenue, Owego. Old time Hymn sing followed by an ice cream social.
AUGUST 3 & 4
AARP Driver Safety Course, 1 to 4:15 p.m., Community Center, 9 Sheldon Guile Blvd. Owego. Call Erica at 687-4120 to sign up.
Animal Adventure, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., Cady Library, Nichols. Free and open to the public.
Guthrie to Host “Food Farm Family Festival”, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Howard Elmer Park, Sayre. Free community event.
3rd Annual Tioga Ridge Runners Golf Tournament, sign in at 8 a.m., tee time at 9 a.m., Pheasant Hill Country Club, Owego. Captain and Crew format, $300 per team. For more info, visit tiogaridgerunners.com or call Jeff and Theresa at 786-9749, pre-registration is required by July 31.
Magic Moreland at the Tappan-Spaulding Memorial Library in Newark Valley, 3 p.m. Call 642-9960 or visit tsmlibrary.org for more information. This is part of the Build a Better World 2017 Summer Reading Program.
Marc Black – History of the 50s to 60s through Popular Music, 6 to 7:15 p.m., Kirby Park, Nichols. Free and open to the public.
AUGUST 11 & 12
Angels Over Afghanistan and Iraq Annual Yard Sale, Owego Elks Lodge, 223 Front St., Owego. They are currently accepting clean and nearly new items, which can be dropped off at 48 Talcott St., Owego.
Music In The Square, free concert with “Steve Southworth and The Rockabilly Rays”, 6 to 8 p.m., under the Gazebo in Van Etten. Rain or shine.
Tioga Arts Council Miniature Golf Smackdown fundraiser, two tee times, 3 p.m. or 6 p.m., Tioga Mini Challenger, next to Metro’s Restaurant, Route 96, Owego. All teams must register in advance at TAC or call 687-0785. Cost is $110 per team of four adults.
Tioga County Public Health Rabies Vaccination Clinic, 6 to 8 p.m., Berkshire Fire Station, 12515 St. Rte. 38, Berkshire.
Become a Trainer for “Six Steps to Better Balance”, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tioga Opportunities, 9 Sheldon Guile Blvd., Owego. Class is designed for those working with caregivers or older adults such as Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, RN’s, Home Health Care professionals and staff at senior centers. For info, call (248) 562-7111.
Terry Patrick & Busybird’s Free Concert, 6 to 9 p.m., Trout Ponds, Newark Valley.
Music Night with the Matthews Family Tradition, 4 to 7 p.m., The Country Diner, 45 East Tioga St., Spencer.
Owego Gymnastics Center’s Golf Tournament, Captain and Crew format, Pheasant Hill Country Club beginning at 10 a.m. Visit www.owegogymnastics.com or call 687-2458 to sign up or to become a sponsor.
Meeting to Discuss Stories about Human Rights compiled by Amnesty International Free Read, 7 p.m., Apalachin Library, 719 Main St., Apalachin.
Colby Cheese making with Laryssa Zahajkewycz, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Bement Billings Farmstead Museum, 9241 Rt. 38, Newark Valley. The cost is $35 for Newark Valley Historical Society members, and $40 for non-members. Call Leslie at 642-5412 by Aug. 16 to register.
Open Hearth Cooking with Leslie Kiersted and Deb Lum, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Bement Billings Farmstead Museum, 9241 Rt. 38, Newark Valley. The cost is $45 for Newark Valley Historical Society members, and $50 for non-members. Call Leslie at 642-5412 by Aug. 25 to register.
Music Night with Triple Play, 4 to 8 p.m., The Country Diner, 45 East Tioga St., Spencer.
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