The weather is turning nice and it is gardening time. There are so many opportunities for learning and growing.
If you would like to learn how to grow your own vegetables, join Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Family Resource Center on June 5 and June 12 at 5:30 p.m. for a class that will teach you how to grow. The Center is located on North Avenue.
The Center will provide childcare, as well as plants and seeds so you can have your own small garden this season. Call Donna Vergason-Gibson at 687-1571 to register for this class. Space is limited, so call today.
There is also a brand new community garden in Tioga Center. Thanks to the efforts of Michele Bidwell and Lindy Pierce and their families, and Tioga DPW, ten garden beds were built and filled with good topsoil.
Two Girl Scout troops are growing vegetables in some of the beds, but there are still a few beds available to use. You can even have a few coaching sessions to learn about growing your own food.
Contact Barb Neal of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tioga County at 687-4020 to reserve a garden bed.
Did you know Tioga Central School has a new farm? Over an acre of produce, mostly potatoes, will be planted this year and the crops will be used in the school lunches next fall. If you would like to learn more about this community project, or to get involved with the farm, check out Tiger Farm on Facebook.
Plant a row for the food pantry this season and help put fresh, healthy food on more families’ plates. There is a Harvest Share vegetable stand at the Tioga County Rural Ministry that serves as a drop off place for excess garden produce. If you have more than you need, simply put it on the Harvest Share stand. No need to “ding, dong, ditch” those summer zucchinis; now you have a great place to drop them off. There is also a Harvest Share vegetable stand at Inspire in Spencer.
Don’t forget the Master Gardener Plant Sale on June 3 from 8 a.m. to noon. Come early for the best selection. The plant sale is a fundraiser for the Master Gardeners and the gardeners will be available to help you choose just the right plant or plants for your garden. The sale is located at 56 Main St. in Owego.
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