Apalachin Library knitting and crochet group extends act of kindness to people in need

Apalachin Library knitting and crochet group extends act of kindness to people in needPictured are several scarves inside the Apalachin Library with a message attached, "I am not lost! If you are stuck out in the cold, please take this scarf to keep warm.” The "scarf project" by the Apalachin Library's Knitters and Crochet Group, reaches out to people in need.
Apalachin Library knitting and crochet group extends act of kindness to people in need

Pictured are several scarves wrapped around one of multiple pillars at the Apalachin Library located at 719 Main St. in Apalachin, N.Y. The “scarf project” by the Apalachin Library’s Knitters and Crochet Group, reaches out to people in need.

On the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, a group of craft-minded people gather at the Apalachin Library, located at 719 Main St. in Apalachin, N.Y., to share conversation, sip on a cup of coffee or tea, and participate in an activity that they all enjoy. The Knitting and Crochet Group meets to work on projects together, and welcomes new members, both experienced and newbie crafters interested in picking up a hook or needles for the first time.

Apalachin Library Director, Cathy Sorber, explained that a new project the group has been working on is knitting and crocheting scarves for people who are cold and need them. The “random act of kindness” idea is spun off from an endeavor out of Binghamton whereby multiple scarves were hung at various spots within a park. The library group hopes that their efforts will raise awareness of a greater need in the community.      

Several scarves are now wrapped around the pillars to the entrance of the Apalachin Library. Each scarf bears a note that states, “I am not lost! If you are stuck out in the cold, please take this scarf to keep warm.”

Intended for anyone, the needs list is open. For example, if someone finds themselves stranded because of car problems or for individuals out walking or bicycling for sport or because of no transportation, the scarves are there to offer warmth, as well as for those individuals who may be the unsheltered homeless.

Apalachin Library knitting and crochet group extends act of kindness to people in need

The Apalachin Library, located at 719 Main St. in Apalachin, N.Y., is an excellent resource, which offers multiple programs and is a hub of community activity. For information on all of the offered programs, visit their website, apalachinlibrary.org, find them on Facebook or call (607) 625-3333. (Photos by JoAnn R. Walter)

One scarf could change the life of an individual, and especially for those who need a helping hand in finding local assistance.     

“The Library is a gathering place for all,” Sorber explained, and added, “People that are cold do come into the Library to get warm. Our project is a way to reach out.”

According to the 2015 report, “Homeless Shelters and Homelessness in New York State,” generated from the office of the New York State Comptroller, Thomas DiNapoli, and posted on https://www.osc.state.ny.us, homelessness increased by 41 percent in New York State from the period 2007 to 2015. Although the majority is cited as concentrated in New York City, the report also shares a significant fact that, “… 400 locations visited outside the City confirm that communities in virtually every corner of the State are dealing with the homelessness problem on a daily basis.” 

As a way to foster community spirit, the Knitting and Crochet group also wants to find other places throughout Apalachin to hang the scarves for those in need. Sorber made mention that scarves hung out in inclement weather will become wet. However, for someone in extreme need, a wet scarf eventually dries, and it is the act of kindness that remains.

The Apalachin Library is an excellent resource, which offers multiple programs and is a hub of community activity. In the midst of some exciting changes, such as a lobby makeover, the library is gearing up to offer four computer stations soon. The increase of two new computers is thanks to the generous support of the Mildred Faulkner Truman Foundation. With Wi-Fi services available, now more visitors can use the computers to search for information or job opportunities.  

The “Friends of the Apalachin Library” is looking for new volunteers in 2017. The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017 at 2 p.m.

For additional information on all of the offered programs at the Apalachin Library, visit their website, apalachinlibrary.org, find them on Facebook, or call (607) 625-3333.

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