Readers’ Column for the week of Oct. 23, 2016

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

I understand that the Owego Fire department got Ferdinand fixed. Would like a comment from Chief Gavin on when it is to be used. Is a plan in place and when will the residents be informed?


To the person or persons who picked up two white metal trays in the Campville area. Please call (607) 621-8020. These trays are part of an expensive corner birdcage. We are unable to replace trays from manufacture stock. It would be wonderful to get them back. These were lost in our moving efforts as the tailgate opened and they slid out. We will make all necessary arrangements to get them shipped to us if you would just be a good soul and give us a call. The trays are white heavy duty metal. Approximately 2′ x 2, x 3′ triangular shaped. Be a good person and return them. Please.


This election has exposed Republicans and Fox News as sexual deviants, authoritarians, and anti free market. It’s amazing to watch and realize they have no actual positions or standards.


Can you believe that Donald Trump? Or the people in line that go to his campaign rallies? They were made for each other. He would get a standing ovation from the slack jawed yokels if he only belched out the alphabet or made rude noises with his hind parts. Fleecing rubes is the only thing he is good at.


I definitely am not a fan of either of our two most prominent and disgraceful citizens who are running for president. But I must say that women should not be an issue. If you pick up almost any book on the best seller lists by women authors you will see the raunchiest and most filthy language that is printed or spoken anywhere. Their language and talk of unnatural sex by both men and women is a disgrace and it is available in all the bookstores and libraries; everywhere except religious shops.


Makes one wonder how much the Clinton Foundation has paid these women to come forward and claim abuse, with absolutely no proof! The Clinton Foundation is a “non-profit” organization set up to help those in need. In this case, that’s HILLARY!


No folks, Congress did not free the slaves by passing a law to amend the Constitution. Amendments (in this case the 13th) are proposed by a 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress and then subsequently ratified by 3/4 of the states.


If I get the drift of many recent comments, no defense attorneys should be allowed in court.


I’ve heard a lot of talk recently about people who just can’t vote for Trump because he made a terrible statement a long time ago. Well, using that logic I don’t understand how anyone could vote for Hillary, who is also on records as saying some extremely offensive things. Trump sure isn’t perfect, and I hate to say I support him, because in different circumstances I would never do that, but the alternative is unthinkable and horrible. If you want to know what she plans to do read the Democrat Party Platform. If you don’t want to then here are some points about her that bother me: Hillary’s staff is on record for using very derogatory statements about Catholics and Evangelicals. I wonder what effect she’ll have on their right to worship? She is on record as admiring a woman who was a eugenicist and bigot (she even accepted an award in this woman’s honor). She believes it’s okay to abort babies up to the moment of birth, even though babies at 22 weeks gestation are able to live a full healthy life. I wonder how she feels about other human rights? If you don’t have a right to life, what other right do you need? And, as far as abortion is concerned, even if you don’t have a moral objection, why don’t people object to paying for the natural consequences of other peoples actions? Why don’t the same people pay for me to sit home all day and live like a queen?


There has to be a cheaper way to find the two very worst humans in America. Also seems to be one or two lonely old men in Tioga County with nothing better to do than email this column with their silly and incessant support for a career criminal.


My tax map shows it as Huntington Creek, would be interesting to know where the name Monkey Run originated.


Where has BINGO gone? Please reply to this column with the location and times for local BINGO. Is there a place to play in Owego anymore?


The world is calling these millennial the ‘downbeat’ generation. I think that is wrong. This is the ‘beatdown’ generation if I ever saw one. The computer age has them working full time all over the country and when they are not working, they are thrusting their kids into sports. Imagine teaching kids hockey in second grade and going to some type of schooling at age two or three. This generation is working and running themselves to an early grave.


I am voting for Trump because I am tired of being trashed by the Democrats. Shaming us to keep us quiet, labeling us with every bad name in the book: racists, bigots, homophobes, misogynists, and deplorable and irredeemable. Things no one wants to be called. I am tired of countries calling us “The great Satan”, or hearing “kill America” and then giving those countries financial aid! I am tired of illegals and non-citizens getting more benefits then I do; sanctuary cities, instate tuition, turnstile deportations, subsidized healthcare and free schooling. Even felons voting; thanks Virginia! Trump is a street fighter who will fight for me, and does not put up with this nonsense! By the way, what kind of Christian is Hillary, to call someone irredeemable? I thought Christianity teaches us we all can be redeemed! Are you Democrats too blind to see that the party you follow so faithfully doesn’t give a hoot about you! They just want to keep getting reelected to their positions of power and good money. Open borders to let in vowed enemies, illegals, and give them handouts to get their vote! Maybe two votes each? Even better! Open your eyes!


I am very angry and hurt! I live in America where everyone is supposed to have the freedom to express his or her views. Yet, yesterday, I proudly put a political sign in my front yard supporting the candidates of my choice. Within AN HOUR my sign was GONE! STOLEN! I see signs in other yards supporting their choices. Although I disagree, they have the right to express their view. I would never believe it is my right to go into THEIR yard and REMOVE their sign! Why can’t others grant me the same American rights? In response to the letter from last week, stating they had not seen one Hillary sign; this is probably the reason you don’t see Clinton / Kaine signs. Those of us who support them have had our American rights stolen from us!


There is an article in the Press on Oct. 19 that says an average NYSEG bill for someone using 600 kilowatt hours will be down to $41 per month his winter. I find that a little tough to swallow. For example, I used 387 kwh in July and my cost was $51.11. I just do not believe their numbers, but who can prove it? I’ll let you know next spring.


Came across this election sign in Newark Valley. This is one of the best: God Help Us 11-8-16 Pray!


You cannot be surprised Donald Trump’s performance in the final debate. Republicans have yet to fully accept the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency, as evidenced by the birther movement or their latest unwillingness to even meet with his Supreme Court nominee. Senator John McCain has already suggested that the Republicans will do the same when Hillary Clinton is president. This not respecting election results is not Trumpism, it is Republicanism. Everything you see and hear from Donald Trump is the Republican brand. They created it. They nurtured it. Now they can openly own it. It is fair game to ridicule, belittle or heap scorn upon Republicans because they earned it.


They did not add an administrator at Tioga Central. They still have fewer administrators than any other district in the region. They simply took administrators and moved titles and responsibilities around. This did not cost the district or taxpayers an extra penny. A simple phone call or stopping by the school and this info is easily accessible. The taxpayers are being duped? Tioga Central taxpayers pay the lowest taxes – by far – in the entire Broome-Tioga BOCES district. I know it’s not nearly as fun and it gives you one less thing to be outraged over, but maybe – just maybe – the administrators and school board are actually trying to efficiently and effectively run the school. I know, CRAZY!


The Board of Regents is scheduled to meet Nov. 14 and 15. Will they consider the CONTRACT in terms of page 15 from the New York State Common Core Task Force Report? The last sentence, “It is time to fix what is broken and provide all shareholders the time and support they need to create a system of standards, curriculum and assessments that works for students, parents and teachers.” Should they consider the “gag” statement found in RFP15-008 and in the CONTRACT? All materials must be held strictly confidential and must not be copied, duplicated or disseminated by any manner or discussed with anyone except as authorized by NYSED”. To what does this apply and how? Email to Respect Courtesy Persistence Patience.

Could somebody please tell me how anybody in his or her right mind could listen to Sean Hannity on the radio? The guy is a compulsive liar!


Donald Trump has a long history of belittling women. He calls them pigs and dogs and worse. Now with the sex scandals his chicks are coming home to roost.


I understand that ex-president Bush and Jeb and family are all going to vote for Hillary Clinton. What true Republicans they are!


The caller stated that locker room talk doesn’t exist. Locker room talk does exist. In high school I found out in the locker room what girls I would date and what girls I would stay away from. In college I heard the same gross locker room talk and it kept me from dating that type of women. In the service I heard the same locker room talk. You’d have to be deaf or in a coma to not have heard it. I was a bartender once and on ladies night out I heard even worse locker room talk from the ladies bashing their husbands and previous dates. It’s the way it is; don’t try to deny it. Also, check out some of the websites on your phone and see the filth students and adults post. We do not have a totally moral society, I wonder why. Let’s ask Bill Clinton.


I don’t believe the allegations against Trump about those invented women stories. It’s business as usual for the lying Democrats. They tried the same thing with Romney and McCain without success. I’m voting for Trump.


Hillary is one of those people who would stop at nothing to succeed. She would even work hard to try to tarnish someone’s reputation.


Regarding the comment in the Oct. 16 column stating Bill Clinton must have been blind to have affairs with the women Donald Trump, supposedly according to the caller, dreamt up. What an outrageously sexist comment! It just goes to show we women are still the truly oppressed in this country and I doubt that a female president is going to change that attitude, especially in this area. Wow, remember all this happened 20 years and more ago. Twenty years takes its toll on both men and women alike which, if you want to be sexist, is why the little blue pill is so popular.


Donald Trump is correct when he says that the White House and the Clintons and the media are working together against Trump and the American people. We are not being told the real truth about the Clinton emails. It’s called collusion and cover up. If you want to hear the real truth listen to the Sean Hannity, 1290 a.m. radio, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Go Trump!


Michelle Obama, you degraded the position of First Lady with your speech about Donald Trump’s language. Of all the powerful issues you could speak passionately about during this election, you ranted and over reacted about some locker room talk from Donald Trump. This kind of man to man braggadocio has been around for years in locker rooms, classrooms, on college campuses, in bar rooms, at water coolers, in executive offices, political offices, from farm hands to kings and now in it’s most explicit form, between teenagers of social media. And yes Michelle, women do it to. Just go to a Trump rally and witness the vulgarity of the anti protestors, including women complete with the middle finger salute. Michelle, really, cut the theatrics and rant about something worth ranting about like the women Bill Clinton actually abused and when he was done Hillary abused them again with threats and much more.


First of all, I want to thank you for putting in some of the pieces I have called in and that’s very respectful of you and kind. Now I would like to put another piece in about Donald Trump and Russia. We better look out! Keep that in your mind, what goes around comes around and Russia may come to the U.S. by Donald Trump’s invitation.


Follow the news. The Republican Party headquarters in North Carolina was vandalized and set on fire. Julian Assange’s email leaks showing the true nature of Hillary have been temporarily disabled. Now, which Democrat operatives are guilty of these heinous acts? Let’s all hope for Julian to release some of Hillary’s erased emails just before the election, but expect the lame stream media bias to expose Hillary’s lies and disgraceful actions as shown in these emails.


I’m a senior citizen and I used to think when the news was reported it was accurate and honest. Now I don’t believe anything I hear because the networks have been bought by the Democrats and they have lied and twisted the news to benefit them.


Mrs. Bill Clinton must really be running scared. Now the Democrats have fire bombed a Republican office in North Carolina. This is what the Clinton’s do when you disagree with them. They are dangerous people. You can disagree about what Trump says but nobody has died. Remember, there were four in Libya and one in Arkansas years ago, Vince Foster, that was associated with the Clinton’s and look how they ended up.


I think IBM should be ashamed to produce the instructions that they have for their retirees for them to choose a health insurance company. I’m sure lawyers would not be able to understand the instructions. It is ridiculous! It is a totally ridiculous package to be sent to elderly people for one thing. It would be stupid to send it to anybody. It looks to be if they screw around enough people won’t be able to understand it and they won’t claim their money.


I’d just like to make a comment on Mr. Trump. It’s not hard to tell when he’s lying. It’s when his mouth is running. That is the way it is.


I heard reports on TV of dead Democrats voting. This is not the first time and it won’t be the last. A reversal of this happened a few years ago in Berkshire, N.Y. A Democrat, who shall remain nameless, was running for Town Council. He died three weeks before the election. Everyone knew he had passed but he still got 165 votes. It shows you the Democrats are not very bright.


I’m an educated woman who takes voting very seriously, call me deplorable if you wish. I believe there may be a woman in the oval office some day but certainly not Hillary. Voting for her just because she is a woman proves you have not given any thought to any her policies. Who is she putting into the Supreme Court? It could be a disaster for our country for decades. She follows the ideas of Saul Alinsky. His eight rules are: Healthcare, control healthcare and you control the people. Poverty, you increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and they will not fight back. Increase the debt to an unsustainable level, that way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty. Gun control; remove the ability to defend themselves from the government, that way you are able to create a police state. Welfare, take control of every aspect of their lives; food, housing and income. Education, take control of what the people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school. Religion, remove the belief in God from the government and schools. Class warfare; divide the people into the wealth and the poor. This would cause more discontent and it will be easier to take and tax the wealthy with the support of the poor. Does any of this sound like this is happening to this United States? Please folks, think before you vote. Donald may have a potty mouth but if you’ve ever read any books about Hillary, she does too.


I have an angora bunny that was found along side the road. My son picked it up and brought it home to me. I was wondering if anyone would like this bunny. He is very friendly and loves to be pet. I have his pellets and alfalfa chunks that I would gladly give if someone would want to adopt him and be good to him. I would rather have him with older children. He’s free, call 351-2143 if interested.


Well the Democrats have done it again. They have blamed Hillary’s surfaced emails and on the Russians and Putin is mad at the United States of America. The Democrats and the Secretary of State have continued to dissolve good relations with us, and the Russians. Russia is not a country to fool with. We need a great leader like Donald Trump NOW!


Trump supporters, don’t believe the poll numbers we have been getting from the crooked media. Trump rallies are overflowing with supporters and Hillary’s rallies have only the people they can drag off the street for a sandwich and a beer. Seeing is believing. We see it and it’s happening. On Election Day the real numbers will emerge and Hillary can get back to her sick bed and Trump will be our new President.


Give me a break. Donald Trump has no one to blame but himself for the hell that he has created for his campaign and his family. If you go beyond the best recording of infamy, all you need to do is listen to countless tapes of Howard Stern to see this guy’s true character. He is not a victim, he is portraying himself as he is, a base animal tinged with paranoia which is going to cause his downfall. He has done this to himself and to the Republican Party. There is no vast conspiracy to destroy him as this buffoon alleges.


I strongly disagree with last week’s comment regarding reasons for voting for Trump. I am a college-educated woman who is sick and tired of establishment government that’s all about politicians and no one else. The last thing this country needs is another Clinton in the White House spraying corruption and scandals. I get it as do thousands of others and will be voting for Trump. I will have to say it’s the uneducated, uninformed people who are waiting for entitlements and handouts that will be pulling for Hillary.


In response to last week’s caller, drunk or not, there’s no denying Bill Clinton’s many, many affairs. As the song says, they all look good at closing time.


I have to laugh when callers do nothing more than quote Hillary verbatim regarding Trump. Can’t they pay attention and think on their own? While Trump has lost money in business, he did not let that stop him. Look what he has accomplished along the way. His money was earned and not just handed to him for an overpaid speech that was full of lies. He speaks the truth and will stand with and for the American people, something the Clinton’s cannot ever say.


Obamacare is on the verge of collapse. Why can’t Obama and Hillary see this and admit it? Hillary’s corrupt idea will also collapse. I agree with last week’s caller. Her idea of a single pair plan is nothing more than a taxpayer plan where your premiums will just skyrocket. She also wants to provide coverage to illegal immigrants while not helping out beloved vets. How can someone’s thinking be so off the mark? Obamacare is not the affordable act; it should be called the unaffordable act.


Hillary’s new slogan is great, allies don’t trust us foes do not fear us, and she can thank Obama for not clearing the path on that one.


Wouldn’t it be nice and perfect if we just had the time right now to put Trump in one of those big machines that they are trying to work out a problem with overseas and let him get a real taste of what those men are doing. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?


Perhaps we ought to look at the presidential elections from another view. We have an outsider, a businessman who supposedly had difficulty keeping his hands off of a few women in the past, and a woman who tells Wall Street, foreign leaders, and her daughter one thing and tells the public something entirely different. In the long run, which one can do the country the most harm?


Election whining. I’m about 90 years old and have been through more presidential races than most of you have experienced. Nothing can match the presidential conduct of the Republican buffoon who is already complaining and whining about a cabal against him on his way to defeat. By the way, the first person who goes to jail in a Trump lead insurrection will be the Donald himself. Put Donald behind bars for his own good. He needs adult protection; believe me.


Senior Citizens will be receiving about $4 more in their Social Security checks beginning the first of the year. With this administration, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Seniors, vote Trump if you want a real change.


How can anybody deny that Donald J. Trump, Republican candidate for President, is not a stooge for Russia’s Putin. After repeated comments from the buffoon about what a strong world leader Putin is, it must be that Trump is in debt to these guys. Why else would he be so utterly stupid?


As Michelle Obama says in her rant and rage speech, if you can’t run your own house you can’t run the White House. She must be referring to the Clinton’s and their dysfunctional family life. Thanks Michelle, for supporting Trump. He does have a solid and lovely family with a dignified and committed wife and two very supportive and intelligent children.


Can someone please explain to me, I thought it was illegal to hack into someone’s personal email account? If it is, and I believe it would be, why is it our so called patriots of this country seem to think it’s okay if it benefits them. You know whom I mean by being the patriots, the Republican Party who lies, cheats and steals.


Yes Mr. President, there is voter intimidation and voter fraud. There is video proof from James O’Keefe on Facebook and Twitter and more. The mainstream media will not tell us about it yet. James O’Keefe went undercover and joined the group of anti-protestors at the Trump rallies and found out they are paid by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton is the boss. On videotape they brag on how they engineer rally destruction and how they recruit people fraudulently. They use the names of the deceased and double and triple votes in many precincts. On the video it stated this practice has been going on by the Democratic Party for many years. The truth can no longer be covered up and we, the people, are being tired of being lied to and scammed. Mr. President, you asked for truth, and here it is. Vote for Trump, he’s the leader our country needs.


Hillary is going to win in a landslide. Get used to it.


Donald Trump, you told it like it is and has been and Hillary looked weak in the debate. Go Trump!


I just watched the last debate. Hillary fought for herself and Donald fought for our country. I’m voting for Trump.


Follow the news. Donald Trump plans to make American great again by moving to Russia after he loses this presidential election. You heard it here first.


I guess I’ve seen and heard it all. I just saw an ad on TV to call Obama and have him do the right thing. Are you kidding? Don’t people know it’s way to late for that? He’s done so much to divide this country that it may never come back.

1 Comment on "Readers’ Column for the week of Oct. 23, 2016"

  1. Debbie Fritts-Boyce | October 24, 2016 at 11:48 am | Reply

    First off, if a cure for cancer or any other chronic disease is found, it will never be released to the public, due to it cut back on big drug’s profits.
    Also, you don’t want to vote for Hilary or the Donald, vote for Johnson/Weld. Check out their web site.

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