Woodcarvers highlight the annual Candor Fall Festival

Woodcarvers highlight the annual Candor Fall FestivalPictured is Roger Westgate, founder of Catatonk Valley Woodcarvers, and coordinator of the Candor Festival show for the past 26 years. Westgate did not have a table display this year, but had smaller carving for sale. Here, he is pictured with his carved moose. (Photos contributed by Jim Raftis, Sr.)
Woodcarvers highlight the annual Candor Fall Festival

Roger Westgate is pictured with his carved bird.

Over the weekend of Oct. 8 and 9, Candor, N.Y. celebrated fall with the annual Fall Festival.

One of the highlights each year is the Woodcarver’s display at the Candor Fire Hall. This year did not disappoint, as there were 27 tables of woodworking displayed by 31 woodcarvers.

Roger Westgate has coordinated the Woodcarver event for 26 years. Westgate is also the founder of the Catatonk Valley Woodcarvers.

Other activities throughout the weekend included fall activities at the Iron Kettle Farm, quilt displays, goat farm tours and activities, and much more.


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