You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
Oh darn. Someone spilled some of their First amendment on your Patriot Day ceremony. Totally forgetting that this was a fact based event and not a politically correct one. Judging by the behavior of the Patriot Guard perhaps they should be issued some brown shirts and jack boots so that they look the part as well as act it.
More on Hillary and Owego. She was also here June 12, 2006 for a fundraiser luncheon at the Treadway. As for her knowledge of Owego, she was a strong advocate for having the Presidential helicopter and CSAR programs awarded to Lockheed Martin’s Owego site. She was key in stopping Lieberman’s efforts to void the contract. She was well aware of Owego and its need for winning them.
“To just be grossly generalistic you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islam phobic – you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.” (Hillary Clinton) Truth hurts judging by the collective vapors suffered by the press or the GOP establishment. He tore the scab off the underlying racism that has been cultivated by the GOP for years. He handily beat the clown bus of GOP candidates to capture the nomination with his every nasty utterance. Maybe not every republican is a racist or a sexist but they sure seem to be cool with it as long as it is not said aloud.
I saw him again! The masked man! He changed his mask, and this time, he was in a fistfight with someone. I saw him early Sunday morning, the masked man appeared to be winning the fight, but the other guy got some good shots in from what I saw! It was crazy! I didn’t know what to think! Did I call OPD? Of course not! Why not? Because they are not going to do a thing! I don’t know what it was about, but the masked man is protecting Owego, therefore I assume he was trying to run some druggie out of the cemetery! Thank you masked man!
I keep getting rather expensive mail from a guy named Plumb who is running for office. No way does being in the service qualify him for Congress. I do not think it is proper for all of his mail to just list the fact that he retired from the U.S. Navy so we should vote for him. I never heard of him prior to his mailings.
Ya gotta love it. Nobama in Europe delivering a speech in which he labeled Americans as lazy. He who has played over 300 rounds of golf during his “presidency”.
Did you see her mouth and tongue? It was as if she had poison in her mouth! She says 1/4 of all Americans are deplorable? A racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islam phobic! The frightening thing is: I think she believes it, and many of you-all still support her!
Looks like the Supervisor of the Owego Town Board has a case of Islam phobia.
News flash. Dissolving the Village of Owego would not change your OA school taxes. They are completely separate entities.
Hillary did not steal from the White House. The records of which gifts were to the Clintons personally and which were to the U.S.A. were not kept well by the government agency responsible. Once the records were corrected items were returned. Hillary was here for the Presidential Helicopter announcement so she does have a clue. If you’d like I could research if she was here other times. She was a Senator for eight years, hardly briefly. A comment in the Sept. 11 issue listed some of her accomplishments. The Clintons bought their house on anticipated income – just like most people who buy a house. Maybe you paid cash but most of us obtained a mortgage loan and got it based on the income we expected to get. You are likely correct that she wanted the Senator position as a stepping-stone. However as we do not have a monarchy it wasn’t to become queen. So basically you were ten percent correct.
Wendy Post’s article concerning Cal Harris’s harassment charges needs to be updated, as I was a witness to the ranting, screaming and badgering Mr. Harris in the Price Chopper a few weeks ago. I was two people ahead of him in the cashier’s line as the person involved blatantly took it upon himself to go up to Mr. Harris and say some nasty words. He was not only relentless in his actions, but was harassing Mr. Harris as I stood there. I was shaken by this man’s behavior. Honestly, if the judge had witnessed, as I witnessed, this man actions, he would have been sending him, too, to anger management classes. As I see it, this man’s ruthless behavior sent a bad taste in my mouth. I am neither a fan of or know nothing about the Cal Harris cases, as I lived out of town at the time. My view of anyone is this: I do not and will not judge anyone. I will treat everyone with due respect. I believe everyone else should do the same.
I’ve been going to this “experienced” automobile mechanic who’s been in business for 30 years. The problem I have is almost every time I go to him for a repair, he doesn’t do it right and I have to go back and have him fix what he didn’t fix the first time, or fix what he screwed up. And, I think he’s expensive and is overcharging me. I’ve been going to him for eight years now and I’m wondering if I should continue to rely on him in the future?
We have to congratulate the Stoughton’s on their farm non-smoking policy. With the exception being the parking lot, a prominent sign stating the following would be appropriate, “Smokers, if you believe you are mature enough to smoke, you should also be mature enough to pick up the butts after yourself. Thank You.” When we owned a business we would patrol the half-acre property and pick up every piece of litter and butts we could find. The butts are hard to pick up on a gravel surface. Smoking and littering don’t have to go together, however it seems to be that way.
Common Core ELA test passages cont’d. Pg. 58, “#2 Be of general interest” To Whom For Whom By Whom “#3 Sufficiently represent the diversity that exists within N.Y.?” geology, geography, shore lines, professional sport teams, demographics chosen by? “#4 Only include illustrations, photographs, or charts if used to measure specific skills.” Does this allow for unique individual interpretations and application? How? “The contractor shall complete the Passage Review Criteria document in a manner that … 4. Clearly justifies inclusion on the NYSCCLS ELA test as a passage that is worth reading and supports measurement of particular standards.” “NYSED staff will review and approve passages prior to their being reviewed by teachers and will have the final authority over passages selected for use on the tests.” Contractor justifies then NYSED staff review and approve teachers review NYSED – final review and accept. Is this really necessary? Draft items for 2017 ELA field test staff cost $637,480.50. The governor and the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Education strangely support the Common Core and this contract. It was approved by the Attorney General and Comptroller. Who needs 826 more pages of this to be added to the N.Y.S. education. Boards of Education, Superintendents of School, teachers, special service providers, parents, children? Should residents seeking election to legislative responsibilities be familiar with the contract?
Follow the news. When they debate about military preparedness, Donald Trump proposes increasing the military to the tune of $90 billion each year in additional spending. This falls on the top of his wall, which will cost $25 billion to start! What is wrong with Mr. Trump? Where is his common sense? The taxpayers are not a bottomless pit for him to dig into. Unfit? He gives the word unfit new meaning with no regard to finances. Oh yes, let’s not forget the guy is personally $650 million in debt, no banks will lend him money. Maybe that’s why he’s so chummy with Putin in Russia. Use common sense, vote Hillary Clinton in November.
Mr. Castellucci deserves to be man of the year for standing his ground on the Owego Memorial. Let the politically correct buffoons stew in their own corrupt perfidy.
Question for the Republicans. Does Donald Trump still think the Sandy Hook massacre is a grand hoax?
If you get a call from a Police Association and on your TV it says Ithaca, N.Y. and the man comes on and tells you he is representing the state police, mind you, here in New York State he will turn you over to an associate to take your donation of $45 or $55. When that lady comes on, ask her where she is located, and she tells you New Jersey! What is wrong with this picture? My God, even the state police association is being scammed! Just give to your local policemen, they need it too.
Hillary continues to look so foolish that she tries to lie her way out of the emails and the Clinton Foundation scandal. Every day there is more unfolding. Does anyone know why she won’t admit her mistakes and admit that she is not fit to be president? Please respond.
Did anyone notice Hillary Clinton never made it to Louisiana to see the flood victims. The main reason was that Louisiana, in the general elections, always goes Republican. She is not a very passionate person, and she does not care about people. Everything with her is money and politics.
Wake up America! Are you willing to gamble all your hopes and dreams and your country on someone who is corrupt as Hillary Clinton?
Someone in this column is describing Tioga Trump supporters as rubes. Let’s see, didn’t Bill and Hillary Clinton come from Arkansas? Wasn’t that one of the Confederate states? Wasn’t Jed Clampett and his family on the Beverly Hillbillies from Arkansas? Wasn’t Bill Clinton impeached as governor of Arkansas for his usual sex offender ways? I guess rubes of a feather stick together.
To the person who wants to know how they get a Star exemption with their kids’ names on the deeds. The key words are “live use”. The owners’ names stay on the deeds, they live there, they pay the bills and they still own the house. They key words are “life use”. You have to go to a lawyer and have that put on deeds. After you’re done with the house, it then goes to your child.
Sept. 10, on 17C west of Tioga Center, a white pickup truck backed up twice in order to run over a large snapping turtle. I hope you are proud of yourself. You broke the turtle’s back and left him there badly injured. A neighbor had to clean up your mess. There are some sick people in this area.
Donald Trump hit a home run in the first debate and Hillary Clinton struck out three times. Donald Trump’s plan for the military is intelligent and strong and he will take better care of the veterans. His answers were concise. Hillary Clinton was making excuses and lies and got off subject constantly. She is no leader. Go Trump!
I’m one of the few people without a computer or a cell phone but I do own a cordless phone, so thanks for giving me a number to call for this column. I just want to let the Old Coot know I agree with everything he says. I hope he never gets tired of showing his wisdom.
If identified as Islamic Terrorists, then every murderer must be identified with their religion as well. There are rotten apples in every culture.
Hillary has allergies. Get over it! If Donald would release his health records I bet it would show he has minor ailments too. Just look at his puffy face.
I am a landowner with posted property on Evelien Hill Road. Being a deer hunter, I have positioned numerous year round trail cams throughout my property. Recently I unloaded a cam envisioning a nice ten pointer. Instead, what showed up were two red “Arctic Cat” ATV’s. One ATV had a male driver and the other had a female driver holding a small child. The printed photo was very clear and the individuals can easily be indentified. Is it too much to ask of people to respect the privacy and rights of landowners who pay dearly in taxes? In this case there was a child involved who might eventually also think trespassing is normal behavior. Future photos will be shared with the Sheriff’s Department. Hopefully the Tioga County Sheriff’s officers will patrol the road more often. There are too many ATV’s on this road, many unlicensed. A halt to some of their activity should curtail much of the illegal trespassing.
Newark Valley residents, wake up! You need to start asking questions. We received a grant for a new sidewalk on Whig Street so the kids don’t have to walk in the road to get to school. They did the survey and everything was all set to start, that was 10 months ago. Now we find out the money was spent on something and our kids are in jeopardy walking the road to get to school. Where did the money go? Does a child have to get seriously injured or die before they find the money for a sidewalk?
I am a Republican voter for Donald Trump and I am appalled at what Hillary Clinton called us Republicans last week. It’s obvious she is desperate and without a good agenda for America. She must believe if she can make us look bad and undesirable, then she will look much better. Nice try Hillary. Go Trump!
The Marxist Democrat Troglodytes are in a panic as Trump rises to surpass hypocrite Hillary in the polls. These nitwit sybaritic parasites perpetually have their hands out for taxpayer-funded freebies. These feeble minded Socialist Democrats know that Trump said he would disclose his taxes when Hillary discloses her so called thousands of lost emails. So Hillary, put up or shut up. As far as the patriotic Tioga residents go, stand proud. Don’t bow to the vicious Communist attack tactics the outsiders are employing. Support Fox News, the Tea Party, Tom Reed and the great and wonderful truth teller – Donald J. Trump. Loyal hypocrite Hillary supporters should rethink their vote, but obviously they lack the cerebral matter. Go Trump!
Follow the News. While you are thinking about Donald Trump’s business expertise, don’t forget that the public record shows he has been sued at least 4,500 times by business people he has tried to jip.
Now Hillary has pneumonia, let’s not say her health issues are unsubstantiated. She was seen leaving New York City stumbling off the curb.
Great Britain now wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigration. Where have we heard that before? Trump is correct to want to protect our borders and therefore our citizens. Do those people against the wall realize it’s not being built on the moon?
This is a Town of Owego taxpayer. I’m getting a little bit sick of Mr. Castellucci doing whatever he wants to and the board doesn’t back him down either. That plaque he put up, that’s a disgrace. He’s got a year and if I’m still around I’ll guarantee he’ll be out of there.
It is truly deplorable that horrible Hillary made a hateful statement that she despises 60 million traditional hard working Americans. Donald Trump says he will be the president of all Americans and good for him. Apparently Hillary stumbled and collapsed either from a serious medical condition or because she was in the presence of the great Donald Trump. Now she says she has pneumonia, which is a communicable disease; but that did not stop Hillary’s fundraising. The National Socialist Democrats have already formalized plans to turn the White House into a nursing home if Hillary wins. Wake up American and vote for the Honorable Donald Trump.
I’m calling to thank Donald Castellucci Jr. for not removing the words Islamic Terrorists from the 9/11 Memorial at Hickories Park. Thank you for standing your ground.
Republican Donald Trump says electing Hillary Clinton is like having four more years of Obama. Is that so bad? Obama’s current positive ranking is almost 60 percent; the country has been thriving under him except for some folks we all know about.
How do you know when Hillary is lying? Most would say when she moves her mouth. Some would say when Hillary says, “I can recollect” or “As best as I can recollect.” The Clinton’s are total masters at lying. When asked by Anderson Cooper has she ever lost consciousness when she collapsed before, Hillary replied “only twice”, “only twice that I can recall.” Bill said, “Rarely but on more than one occasion.” Give me a break! The Clinton team waved off the Secret Service so Hillary would not be taken to Bellevue Hospital, which is their standard procedure. What was that? Hillary said she was “aware of her condition and can usually avoid it.” What exactly is that condition? How would that condition affect her performance as president? You decide.
Senior citizen looking for reasonable, reliable, affordable handyman to do some small painting jobs. My number is 625-2971.
The email scandal will continue as the issue cannot be swept under the carpet as some would like, Hillary included.
Immigration is a very large concern of the American people who are no longer safe in our country. Weakness invites aggression. Obama is extremely weak and Clinton has failed foreign policy. The world sees this. We need strong leadership never offered by Obama or Clinton.
Hillary Clinton, you may think us Trump supporters are deplorable, but we are going to beat you. Go Trump!
Follow the news. Hillary collapsed, not because she has Parkinson’s, or liver sclerosis, or Alzheimer’s, but because as a little known Democrat video shows, she was tripped by Trump or George Bush or maybe Tom Reed. These disreputable Republicans are always mean and greedy, and don’t forget, Hillary can’t remember anything about email security classifications because of her previous concussion so why would you expect her to remember why she collapsed? Shame on all those who expects facts, not fancy.
Trump, a giver to charity. Why is it that there are no records of Trump donations to charity? National News has reviewed the contributions to 326 different American Charities, none have received money for Donald Trump. Why is the New York Attorney General not opening up an investigation into the Trump Foundation about this alleged giving? Give us a break. This guy is a fraud, the records show it.
We have others campaigning for Hillary due to her health, and while I hope she recovers, this just proves she is unfit or incapable to be president. How low can she go? Now she even insults all the hard working Trump supporters. She has no feelings for or connections to the American people unless they are elitists as she is.
Hillary has always been on the wrong side of dispute. We cannot afford another four years of her grave mistakes. She cannot hide 30 years of ineffectiveness. Obamacare is a joke, it failed on every promise and throw Hillary’s insurance coverage plan of old in there as well. Both only hurt the hard working American people now saddled with high premiums to pay for all of this coverage. The Iran Nuclear deal has made Iran more aggressive and not in America’s best interest. None of these should be called accomplishments. Don’t forget the new Clinton norm of lying. The truth always comes out but with the Clintons, it just takes a while longer. A big thank you to Obama and Hillary for this mess.
I’m looking for somebody to seal and patch our blacktop driveway. Is there anybody in the area that does that? Leave a message in this column.
Wikileaks says the medication Hillary is taking is the same medication used for Multiple Sclerosis.
I feel like I’m at a comedy club when Hillary or one of her cronies speak. It’s all jokes, nothing of substance.
The ME Little League team has done more for New York State than Cuomo, Schumer, DeBlasio, Clinton and Obama all put together. Thank you ME for a great show and again, congratulations.
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