Our country will meet a time when it will re-claim itself

Dear Editor,

Contrary to our biased news and political statements, our communities and military have integrated all races, political views, etc. into the greatest country ever formed. Its capitalistic system, started by our pilgrims, allows every citizen to succeed if they are encouraged and work to improve their lives.

Right now, our government funds many of the unemployed. They thus have more than our working middle class, which increases the load on the middle class and quenches their individual spirits to succeed by doing work.

This election is unlike any other in that Sal Alinsky’s disciples Obama and Hillary’s promise to continue the process to destroy our country by using Sal’s plans of using Satanic Genesis chaos. The roots of this chaos are visible in our debt, moral degradation, incessant rules that quench our freedoms, IRS infringements, unemployment, etc.

Her family’s character is all about themselves as shown by their growth in wealth from admitted $0 to hundreds of millions while only on government payroll. Wealthy leaders and poor people are typical in Socialist countries (Russia’s Putin).

As head of our military, their morals would cause them to be court marshaled if they were held to the standards of the Generals and others under them (General Petraeus and Monica Lewinski).

In summary, George Washington said our country will meet a time when the people will re-claim it for themselves. This is required because our leaders have lost their way. It is no longer about us, It has evolved to be only about them.

As hopeless as it seems, we, in overwhelming numbers, must lay our politics aside and salvage our country by getting out and voting against this planned destruction of our country.


John Zechman

Endicott, N.Y.

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