Readers’ Column for the week of Sept. 11, 2016


Trump supporters, please put on your thinking caps.


As I read this column each week, I worry about the upcoming election. It seems half the readers hate Clinton and the other half hate Trump; the supporters assert that their choice will resolve the “perceived” woes of our nation. I must confess that I am not a fan of either, but some decision has to be made this November.


To the person who wrote that people couldn’t name any accomplishments that Hillary had while New York State Senator or as Secretary of State, here are a few. She advanced women’s rights in countries around the globe, she had a major role in killing Osama bin Laden, managing polices that produced a 50 percent increase in exports, she has worked aggressively on climate change, and she was the principal author of the sanction on Iran that brought them to the table; but her biggest accomplishment was to healthcare and guiding Congress Through the Children’s Health Insurance Program, that brought health care coverage to millions of children. She also did this for New York children. Ask someone with children in Tioga County about that, they were grateful. She also worked with republicans to provide full military health benefits to reservists and National Guard members. She was involved in creating the Lilly Leadbetter Act (equal pay for equal work). Finally she helped get federal funding for NYC after 9/11. There is more, too many accomplishments to include here.


My friend Greevis spoke to me about my witless rubes comments. First, modern day driving instruction places the hands at three o’clock and nine o’clock. Second, although not expressly described in the constitution, nose picking may qualify as a religious freedom. Yes, we all would be happier if they practiced it at secluded stop signs or at night. And lastly, I referred to them as witless rubes. I could have said Donald Trump’s poorly educated or feeble-minded dullards of the first water, but I did use witless rubes. And for that I am sorry.


Do you want tea party and Trump supporter Tom Reed for Congress? Does he really think it might be a good idea to entrust Trump with the nuclear codes after declaring recently “If we have them, why not use them?” Trump said this recently in a briefing on nuclear weapons with a foreign policy expert. John Plumb has the military experience, knowledge and background to understand the consequences of using nuclear weapons. For heavens sake people, think. Reed has been around too long, time for a change.


I’d be willing to remove the term “Islamic Terrorists” on the 911 memorial, if Islam would remove from their Koran the following passages: 2:191, Slay them wherever you find them; 3:149, We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers; and 5:51, Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. “The best defense is a good offence,” is what I am seeing! A religion of peace indeed!


Tom Reed has voted for all the trade bills since he has been in Congress. Now all of a sudden he doesn’t like the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Could be because Trump doesn’t like the bill? Reed will follow him on everything. Thank goodness we have a choice for a thinking Congressman, John Plumb.


The Village (taxpayers) purchased several flood-damaged properties for demolition, which are to be “forever green”. Why then is it okay for one of these “forever green” grassy lots to be used by a resident for parking?


When Hillary was appointed Secretary of State, she was informed she needed to attend meetings having to do with classified items, use of devices, etc. She refused to attend, saying she knew all that stuff. And now she’s forgotten, has seizures, memory lapses dizzy, yeah. That’s just what we need in the White House.


Unauthorized immigrants cannot get Social Security benefits, but if they obtain legal status, there are limited ways through which they can collect benefits, said Tom Jawtez, vice president for immigration.


Come on fellow Republicans. We are making ourselves look stupid with our continual attacks on Hillary. Whether we like it or not, she broke NO laws! She is a typical politician, nothing more, nothing less. We have to somehow make the clown we nominated look presidential. Tearing down his opponent may be fun but it doesn’t make Donald look any better.


I would like to ask Judge Paul Friedman of Virginia if he would like to be an immediate neighbor to the man who attempted to murder the President of the United States. If he says ‘yes’ he is in a very small minority and If his answer is ‘no’ then he made a grave mistake in freeing Hinckley.


You know that things are not running too well in the Village of Owego when the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor each break their arm patting themselves on the back by writing a LETTER TO THE EDITOR telling us all what a wonderful job they are doing.


Trump strikes out. His address tonight on immigration was Trump playing the fool. How does he possibly think that all Americans are possibly concerned so much about immigration that they’re not interested in any other issue that this guy tries to dodge constantly? Keep your eye on the ball, not the buffoon.


Can someone please explain to me why Hillary is so against the American people? Why is she so cogent about bringing in so many refugee immigrants and illegal’s?


Hillary said getting countries to work together was her job as Secretary of State. Well that’s easy to work together when foreign countries make donations to her foundation in exchange for favors. What a win-win situation for the foreign country and her foundation.


No press conference from Hillary in over 300 days. What’s going on? But I wouldn’t face the American people either if I was caught in as much of a scandal as she has. Sixty-six percent of the people say she sold influence to those who donated to her foundation. Maybe if we all get together, make a healthy donation to the foundation, she or Bill will speak to a group of us. Any takers?


I think Hillary Clinton will visit the floods and damage in Louisiana if she is president, just a little bit late. Also, she will dissolve the Clinton Foundation if she is elected president, just a little bit late. What a caring woman she is, always looking out for the people.


Many of us have family members who were immigrants. Believe me, these immigrants vote. They will not be voting for that clown Trump. Use common sense, vote for Mrs. Clinton – an experienced contributor to the well being of our society.


Our local Owego paper printed the conditions of the enhanced Star program as applicable to homeowners, but it didn’t explain how. Can the homeowner who is elderly and making less than a half million dollars a year still claim an enhanced Star exemption after the house is put into her kids’ name. Even if she does still lives there, she doesn’t own the house anymore. So how can that exemption apply?


Republicans, please give us voters a break, will you? We are not up against a wall as Donald Trump tries so viciously tries to make everyone believe. Certainly there are more important issues facing the well being of the United States than some wall that’s going to cost the taxpayers at least $25 billion if that monstrous clown raises his flag over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Please Republicans, give us a break!


Hillary is in the Hampton’s and Los Angeles raising money from famous people. How much money does this woman need? Trump, on the other hand, is going to Mexico, Louisiana, holding rallies and press conferences. Now he’s in touch with the hard working American people. How refreshing!


Follow the news. Why are Donald Trump’s well-known Mafia connections only becoming front-page news today?


When you listen to Fox news remember they have always been sneaky, snaky, Republican people. They are paid to speak a certain way that makes dirt look clean. Keep that in mind because it’s a fact and they only print or speak exactly what makes them feel good for their Republican Party.


National Security is key in this election and Hillary cannot even protect our confidential emails. She is not fit to be president. She has been in politics for over 30 years and she has nothing positive to show other than how good she lies. She’s just as good as Pinocchio, maybe better.


I disagree with last week’s caller saying Hillary’s health should not be considered, because when she was interviewed by the FBI she answered, “I don’t know, I had a concussion, I can’t remember.” I don’t think we want someone like that for president. When asked questions she hasn’t a clue!


Follow the news. CNN has uncovered another fraud Trumpster. Reverend Burns is not the Reverend he claims to be.


The reason our country is in such bad shape is because every time Congress comes up with a great idea, the Obama machine mows it down. Vote for Trump and he will work with Congress and solve the problems.


How can our children look up to Donald Trump the clown when he swears and uses dirty language? Very, very bad values. What do the churches think of this? Not a word, it’s unbelievable. It think they are afraid of Trump. He should take his show and family to Las Vegas and stay there. What a con artist, can’t wait for Hillary! And I’m sick and tired of hearing about the damn emails. Stop it already!


Ninety people murdered in Chicago in August. No one can be comfortable with this. Chicago has more gun laws on the books than any other place. It only goes to prove that more gun laws will not fix the problem. Where is Obama in all of this? Silent, as usual.


I paid for a subscription for Entertainment magazine and I have gotten six of them at various times. It comes through the mail, I paid for it, and somebody else is getting it. Considering all the mail, the mailmen are amazing at what they do, but if I get someone’s else’s mail I put it right back in the mailbox to the rightful owner. To the person who is reading my Entertainment magazine – please put it back in the mailbox so it gets to me.


First of all, you misspelled a word on North Avenue, you put North Street and I live in Vestal on Norris Avenue off of Old Owego Road. The speed limit here is 30 mph but I guess people can’t read that sign. Norris Avenue is just an old raceway off from Old Owego Road in Vestal. We have a racetrack on our street. I’ve called Vestal Police trying to get help before a tragedy happens. I talked to a sergeant and he said he was going to put a speed trap on Norris Avenue, that was three weeks ago and we still have not gotten any help. I would like someone to tell me how I could get help. If they could find out and leave me a message in the Owego Pennysaver, I’ll read it. I would be glad to get some help!


To the smarty pants caller who stated that if Hillary said Owego is a town in Tioga County, New York, a bunch of folks would call her a liar. Sir or Madam, do you fully realize Hillary purchased her brief stint as New York State Senator using us only to further her goal to become queen of the United States. So being broke when she left the White House, she sure seemed to come up with the substantial bucks to buy a home in Chappaqua. Maybe she sold the White House furniture she stole. During the brief time supposed being a Senator, I personally see no evidence where she did it dutifully for me or any other working taxpayer in New York State and frankly, I don’t think she ever had a clue where Owego or Tioga County is or even that it exists. Any vague knowledge she may have had of Lockheed long disappeared long with her thousands of deleted emails; but you go right ahead and believe her when she says Owego is a major city in Orange County, California.


Yes, Mr. Castellucci, thank you for keeping the words Islamic Terrorists on the monument. United States Marine Corps Veteran here, and I approve this message.


I’m a senior citizen living on a fixed budget. I was wondering, does anyone know if and of the gadgets sold on TV or in stores to eliminate your cable or dish monthly bills actually work? Please reply to this column. I would really appreciate your answers.


With the past eight years with Obama, so many people have gotten in the hole. With Hillary, the situation certainly wouldn’t be helped. I think she would make it so people would get even further in the hole.


Elder Abuse is a sin.


It’s Monday, Sept. 5, Labor Day, and my wife and I went to Nichols to the Old Home Days and I’ve got to tell you, it was the most fantastic parade and put together event that I’ve ever seen! Many, many thanks and kudos to Tom Field and his crew for what they did. I understand at one time last year it was questionable whether they would even have the field days this year, but Tom Field picked it up and I just can’t say enough of how wonderful it was!


I just wondered with winter coming up, it seems to be our Highway Superintendent for the town of Owego should be out there checking the roads. As a taxpayer and a voter I don’t like having to pay the top man on the clock overtime for doing his job and checking the roads.


Some people say Donald Trump is against immigrants, and in fact he is. He is against the immigrants who come to America to do harm. He is against the terrorists, the drug lords, the criminal immigrants that do nothing good for America by raping, killing, robbing, breaking the law and not living up to American values. He is for the immigrants that will accept America as their home and follow our rules and laws and become model citizens. Like many of us, Trump’s father came here as an immigrant from Germany and lived the American dream as a patriot and a businessman. Donald Trump and his wonderful family, including his immigrant wife, are following suit and as a descendant of immigrants myself, I will be proud to pull the lever for Donald Trump for president.


Hillary does not hold a press conference in 275 days and when she does, she comes out and coughs for over two minutes. Her health is an issue. Then she goes on to say she’s missed the reporters and is happy they are there. Just another lie.


I agree with last week’s caller that Hillary needs to tell young girls and women she is a multi-millionaire. There’s a big difference between being a millionaire and a multi-millionaire.


Whether Obama was asked or not asked to come to Louisiana is not the point. As president it was his duty to show up and assist those with the recovery efforts. He just does not care, and neither does Hillary.


People just don’t listen. Trump does not hate immigrants. He wants rules and regulations followed. Those that are already on the books, he wants to weed out bad people. He is also not asking the American taxpayers to pay for a much needed wall. America is currently spending approximately $130 billion on illegal immigrants a year. Trump will stop this flow and if he needs money to build a wall these billions will do it.


Voting for Donald Trump is like hiring an auto mechanic to work on your car who has never changed a spark plug. Trump has zero experience in government. He has never served as a veteran, seeking deferments. He has absolutely no relevant experience to the job of presidency of the United States. Why would you hire a mechanic with no experience to do an important job for you? Lack of experience is no qualification for the presidency.


Nice to see Trump is not being beaten. Latest polls show him beating Hillary Clinton, on top of the fact that he has a 20 percent lead of the Independent voters. Vote Donald Trump!


Follow the news. Pennysaver readers have been complaining about Obama for more than eight years. It has been a losing campaign. Are they now complaining about Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman? Wake up, use common sense.


Does anyone out there teach banjo? I have someone who would like to take lessons. Call 642-3403.


Follow the news. The corrupt and politicized FBI gave Hillary cover once again by releasing scandal information on Labor Day weekend. Hillary lied when she said she had one iPhone. She had 13, which were hammered into oblivion. She said she had only one personal server – she had three. She said she could not recollect any security briefings on what classified meant because her concussion prevented that. She said she did know what “C” on the document meant. Maybe it means crook! She has serious medical problems as evidenced by her latest five minute coughing jag. She is either a liar or so stupid, as is her followers, that she thinks the “C” classified headings means “cookies” to her. Hillary has not had a real press conference in 270 days. She fears any questions concerning the criminal Clinton Foundation, Benghazi scandal or her criminal email handling of confidential information. Let’s all hope together that Mr. Trump wins in a landslide and retires hypocrite Hillary.


Common Core Continued – Page 15 Appendix A-3 M/WBE, 12% MBE, 8% WBE. BE – Business Enterprise, M-Minority, W-Women. Does this relate to test scorers – Degree with at least 9 hrs. English and 9 hrs. Math – unemployed college graduates motivation and dedication? Appendix B – Budget – Predicted expenditure pg. 26 Developing State Assessment Cost Proposal “Draft Items for 2017 ELA field test Total Staff Cost $637,480.50.” Pg. 33 – Bid item – provide online practice tests and sample items in the test delivering systems Dec. 15. Total staff cost $27,639. How many days will be used for online practice tests? Appendix D – Work Plan page 55 “Each operational Grade 3-8 ELA Test will be made up of three test books. The Test books are administered as three test sessions over three successive school days. Each Test book follows the design below.” Grade 3 Book 1, Day 1, 5 Reading, Book 2, Day 2, 1 Reading, 2 Writing, Book 3, Day 3, 3 Writing. Can the scorers read grade 3 “cursive writing”? Page 56, Grade 4 introduces new terms informational passage, literary passage, embedded passage and embedded MC items. Pg. 58 “All questions on NYS Common Core ELA tests are passage based”. #1 “Be authentic based and come from reputable sources – field test” Who decides the reputability of the passage? The test providers? Thoughts on that one.


When the National Anthem is being played or the Pledge of Allegiance is recited patriotic American citizens should stand in honor of the brave military and police who gave their lives for this country, and us, and we should show our gratitude for them. Our National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance should not be used in any other cause. Find another way to express your agenda. If you think that freedom means you can disgrace American patriotism, move away, America will be better off without out you.


I was kind of hoping the Candor Highway Department would fix the Candor bus turnaround on Vanderpool Road before school started, but evidently that’s not going to happen. I guess the only thing the Owego Pennysaver cares about is printing all these political comments that we have to deal with every week.


I’m just reaching out to anyone who has a sleep apnea machine. I’m wondering if anyone has had severe problems with runny nose, runny eyes, causing problems with their kidneys. Is there anyone else out there that is having all kinds of problems with their breathing machine, would you please write in and tell me? We’re having a lot of severe problems with ours and they can’t seem to diagnose things right at the hospital so we are just curious.


If Mr. Trump has nothing to hide as he says he does, let’s just give him the benefit of the doubt. Why is he not releasing his tax returns like every presidential candidate has done as long as I can remember? He’s got to be hiding something and the sad thing about it is nobody is calling him out on it! He’s obviously hiding something.


I’d like to give kudos to Donald Castellucci for defending the use of the words Islamic Terrorists on the 9/11 Memorial. He is 100 percent right in doing so and I give him credit. He’s a credit to the community for not being politically correct.


To the person looking for blank VHS tapes. I have eight Polaroid T120 VHS tapes. If interested I can be reached at (570) 888-6227.


Does anybody know when they are going to paint the stripes on Gaskill Road? It’s been a long time since the paving was finished and we really need it, especially since the days will be darker.


I would like to ask the people who are responsible for having horrendous smoking fires going on East Beecher Hill Road to please stop it. We came home from work today and the air was absolutely white from the smoke around East Beecher Hill Road. I don’t know who it is, but I am just asking to please stop it. It’s the day before school starts, we had to take our kids indoors and our eyes are literally burning and all the windows are closed. Please consider us.


When Trump wins in November I can only hope the Hollywood people don’t go back on their promises to leave this country. I know Canada doesn’t want them either.


We are in a sorry state when our children watch reality TV or loud mouth athletes and call them idols. Now Obama has defended Kaepernick’s National Anthem protest! Boy, I don’t know what’s going on.


Hillary’s health sure looks to be failing. She needs help sitting, going up and down steps, looks worn out, and now she is having coughing jags. She sure doesn’t look like someone who practices yoga, like she’s mentioned in her email.


Response to the koolaide drinker’s claim of their village of Owego tax going down one dollar. Open your eyes and compare to other areas. Here are some reasons the Owego Village needs to be dissolved: 1. Owego Apalachin School District cannot control spending. Their rate per thousand is $27.17 compared to Spencer Van Etten’s $18.40 per thousand and Candor School District at $22.16 per thousand. 2. Owego Village cannot bill fairly per consumption of sewer used. 3. Owego Village has created about five livable wage jobs since the flood of 2011. 4. Houses cannot be sold for assessed value. There is no new construction of any kind, residential or commercial, in the Village of Owego. 5. Owego Village and Owego School District cannot continue to spend frivolously through the wallets of the residents of the poorest counties in New York State.


To the gentleman who that bought a 3-tiered round shelf at the garage sale in Owego on Front Street. You were coming back to pick it up, you already paid for it and it’s still here waiting for you.

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