Readers’ Column for the week of May 15, 2016

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

I am so pleased, our fashionable First Lady, Michelle Obama, is bringing back the bustle.


In regards to the person stating there are “satanic pentagrams” in Tioga County. We do not believe in Satan. We are peaceful Wiccans, Pagans, etc. We are one with nature, and believe in Goddesses and Gods. So you may want to look it up to educate yourself.


For those of you who insist in buying the Kool-aid that Hillary is as pure as the wind-driven snow, watch the movie “13 Hours”, then tell me she AND Nobama are without guilt! As far as Bernie Sanders is concerned being similar to Trump, nope, doesn’t fly. Bernie has some mythical something paying for his goofiness, Trump has definite sources in mind. As far as Trump saying Americans are paid too much, Hillary has in mind a TRILLION DOLLARS IN NEW TAXES! Guess who gets to pay them? It ain’t Hillary, in case you need coaching.


One thing that bothers me about Trump, among others, is that he is a bully. Every school district across the country has had at one time sessions to stop bullying. Parents spend a lot of time talking and training children not to bully their classmates. Trump is a very poor role model for our children.


I can’t believe that Cal’s defense team would even hint that the guy who lived in a house would leave a victim’s clothing in his yard but would hide the body where it could not be found. Also, it does not seem plausible that there would be any thing left after being loosely in the ground for 15 years. Last but not least why did the defense wait almost 15 years to search their suspect’s premises? Horse hockey!


A rich liberal TV star awoke one morning and thought, “Wouldn’t it be fun to pretend to be a conservative and steal the Republican nomination for President?”


This is really a message directed at all the parents who will be out with their kids during the Strawberry Festival. Please, teach your kids some decent respect, and don’t allow them to throw those little popper things AT the parade participants, OR the 5K runners. There is no problem with them having fun and snapping them, but again, PLEASE do NOT allow them to throw those snappers AT paraders! It is simple common sense, and by you letting them to do so, you are encouraging disrespect towards hundreds of people – the Veterans, the volunteers, the runners, everyone. Please keep this in mind with the Strawberry Festival coming up. Thank you in advance.


I do not think that the NYS public utilities has ever seen a big business proposal that they did not give a rubber okay stamp to. In spite of the opposition they sold us out and let Iberdrola buy NYSEG. This was a BIG windfall for NYS because NYSEG stockholders were not given replacement stock but had to sell and pay a whopping federal and state capital gains tax. Five will get you 10 that Iberdrola’s raise requests for gas and electric will fly through. In prior approvals, the commission allowed something called basic service charges such as meter reads that are $15.11 for my electric and $16.30 for electric per month. That’s $31.41 for 12 months a year although they only read the meters every other month. Oh, yes, almost forgot 77 cents for postage. GOTCHA CONSUMER!


I cannot get an answer from any of our O/A school board members or their high paid spokesperson so I am asking Candy Sweppenheiser to sleuth out why we have a Post Office Box on Henry Street in Binghamton rather that on Lake Street in Owego. It seems like we should be supporting our own community and maybe save a few bucks on time and mileage for pick up.


Wanting to trade daylily plants for large, variegated leaf hosta plants. Please call if interested, 972-9934.


Get out and vote NO to the Tioga Central School budget on May 17. Your vote counts! Last year they got a 17.2 percent increase in taxes and now a year later they want a 7.63 percent tax increase?  Get out and vote NO. We voted down a 30 percent increase last year, so your vote counts. Stop the greed.


To the people out there who are in a panic over what may happen should Trump become President. Why are we to expect things to be any worse than they are now with the current President in the White House? Where’s the panic, the anger over what we’ve had foisted on us for 7.5 years now? Hillary represents more of the same nonsense, besides being a criminal! Trump just may be a whole let better than what we’ve had to endure for 7.5 years now.


I have to avoid the West Avenue tracks now because I could end up at the Chiropractor after going over them!


The dogs that were being stolen were in Tioga County and surrounding areas.


When President Clinton left office (Hillary’s husband) our national debt was zero! After Bush and the Republicans our debt is beyond comprehension!


I think people should leave Cal Harris alone. The poor man has been on trial four times in 15 years. From what I hear in the article there wasn’t enough blood spatter and she was seen arguing with another man, what’s going on? Why are people wasting time trying to prosecute this guy? He’s innocent, okay? Fourth trial, he’s innocent. Let him go back to his family.


Donald Trump deserves a lot of credit for winning the Republican nomination. Here is a businessman that defeated nine governors and six senators. That’s 120 years of service. Quite an accomplishment.


Republican Presidential candidate Trump has belittled women, belittled Hispanics, made fun of the disabled and says American workers get paid too much. You’re going to vote for whom?


Why won’t Presidential candidate Trump talk more about his connection to UFO’s? Why does he ignore the alien question?


The controls on electric kitchen stoves are placed such you have to reach over hot burners or hot pots and pans to get to them. Why is such a safety hazard not been looked into before this? Why not just have them on the front of the stove like gas stoves have.


I don’t see how anybody in his or her right mind would even think twice about voting for Hillary. She says she’s a true New Yorker. More lies, she’s from Arkansas, she crashed the gate in New York. She promises jobs if elected. Where are the 200,000 jobs she promised New York? What a lying phony! And what’s with Bernie Sanders conferring with the Pope? Who cares what the silly Pope thinks? What ever happened to separation of church and state? Sure the Bush’s won’t endorse Donald Trump, that’s called sour grapes.


With the entire yammering going on over the elections with Democrats vs. Republicans, Republicans fighting with each other, no one has ever talked about agriculture. The American dairy farmer has lost over 30 percent of their income since December of 2014. They all run in the red now and no one seems to know about it. What the American dairy farmer really needs is some help from the consumers of the U.S. to buy U.S. dairy products, to buy New York State dairy products. Many people don’t realize that whole milk, which is favored especially mostly by children, is only 3.2 percent fat. So if you are drinking 2 percent or 1 percent, you’re not really making that much of a difference. If you try out whole chocolate milk your children will absolutely love it! So, what is more important, a dairy product which is wholesome and healthy for yourself and your children to be drinking, or something they don’t like and doesn’t have much nutritional value? Asking you all to twitter, tweet, Facebook, snap chat, whatever and spread the word to help the American dairy farmer. Buy an extra container of milk a week or each time you buy groceries buy an extra gallon, half gallon or quart, whatever it is and help the American Dairy farmer before more go out of business.


I’d like to comment about the school budgets that everyone seems to think are not in line with what they should be. People who are on the school board do the best they possibly can and they work really hard to understand the needs of the community as well as the needs of the school. If people are so upset with it then they should run for the board and see what it’s like to have to try to balance those, two-fold. The recent comments about the Tioga Center School are just wrong. I graduated from Tioga Center School and it was a great school. I don’t live in the district and I don’t know anyone that works at the school but I live in a district that pays much higher taxes than Tioga Center School does. Tioga Center is a very reasonable tax district for school. People need to understand it costs money to run a decent school. Tioga Center has one of the highest graduation rates of any rural school in the area. They have the highest grades for the state testing for math and history in high school. If you are not in there trying to vote for things at the board meeting instead of waiting for the final vote, then I don’t think you have anything to complain about.


Follow the news. Hillary Clinton and her top-secret emails, just like Bill Clinton handled females!


For the person who wants to know how to get rid of an old television, just set it out by the road and put a free sign on it and someone will take it and figure out how to fix it or use it for parts.


Trump followers; are you paying attention to Donald’s continually changing opinions? He’s not evolving, but on quick sand. He has little understanding how our government works. It’s not like business when you can declare bankruptcy and not pay your bills. Donald says he can make it without the conservatives falling in line by ignoring their values. Hello Hillary!


A look at America’s Socialist future. Others who think Sweden is the way to go perhaps they need to consider only the elitist can afford a house. Most live in an apartment because of the 40 percent tax. They cannot afford a home of their own. Citizens do not have the opportunity of many choices of merchandise because there is no Capitalistic competition and with many Islamic immigrants Sweden now has a high incidence of rape. In worse shape is the country of Venezuela; the government is so in debt they cannot purchase the paper to print money. Electricity is on a rolling brown out schedule and how is the government going to pay the workers that maintain government ownership of various industries. That’s something to think about because it’s not a pretty picture.


I wonder hat happened at 6 in morning on May 6 when the power went out. Does anybody know what happened and what was the cause of it?


Please, before you vote on the school budget for Tioga Central please ask yourself these questions. Where did the big donation go that Mr. Gural gave so generously? Does the sports team need new uniforms each year? Do we need to send buses so far away for sporting events? Does the football team need rings every year they win a championship? And why are they the only team that deserves a ring? Does the superintendent need more personal money? Do the teachers need more money in order to vacation for two months a year? As a taxpayer, do you get two months vacation a year? Do you, as a taxpayer, have the means to pay more? On May 17, let’s get out there and stop the craziness of spend, spend, spend. Vote no, along with me.


Hillary says the rich must pay their fair share. Yea right. Wall Street firms have contributed $4.2 million so far this year to crooked Hillary’s campaign. Trump got about 1 percent of that. Go Colonel Sanders!


I’d like to make a suggestion to the Owego Police Department. I think it would be a good idea putting an officer on the crosswalk on Court Street between the Court House and Tioga County Clerk’s office. Let me tell you something, I’ve been crossing that street several times and these people have no common sense. They don’t know that a crosswalk is for pedestrians. I hope they do something about this.


I live in Tioga County for anyone who is looking for goats or bunnies. I can be reached at (607) 429-8586.


I wish people would stop complaining about Donald Trump because he refers to the 911 disaster as a Seven 11 event.


Found: Older beagle on Carmichael Road. If the dog is yours, please call (607) 429-8586.