911 Museum and NYC bus trip planned

On April 11, a 911 Museum and New York City bus trip will be available for the community to participate in. Travel to New York City and take the day to see the newly opened 911 Museum, shop, sightsee, or catch the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox Game.

The trip will depart from the Sayre K-Mart at 6 a.m., and arrive in the city at approximately 10:30 a.m. Spend the day taking in the very touching 911 Museum; go shopping, sightseeing, or head to the Bronx to catch the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox game. Note that the game tickets are not included in the cost of $80 (adults) for the trip. Ages over 65 or under 18 can take the trip for $75.00. The price includes the 911 Museum.

The bus will depart from the city at 7:30 p.m. For those wishing the bus trip only to the city, the cost is $55.00.

For Reservations or more information, contact Dave Curtis by calling (607) 598-2358 or e-mail to dcurtis1971@yahoo.com. There are no refunds unless your seat on the bus is re-sold. The trip is open to everyone.