Not many places are fortunate enough to have that one person in the community who exemplifies America, what it stood for and where it needs to get back to. The person, who could at any time say to you, “I told you so”, but was respectful enough to not embarrass you.
The person who, understood most political ploys, how society is being manipulated through so called education and the new societal norms and could undress any politician or administrator by just placing the facts in front of them. The person who has so many national contacts, many of whom you read about every day, yet you never know of the connection.
That person lived right here in Apalachin, N.Y. – her name was Joan Battey.
Many of my friends have heard me refer to her as my second mom and her husband Fred, my second dad. We go back 21 years now. I met her at her door as I embarked on my first political campaign. I remember it like it was yesterday.
In 1993 I had submitted my petitions to the Board of Elections for a position on the Owego Town Board. I was new to the area and the political process. My petitions were challenged (rightfully so) and I was knocked off the ballot. I was so angry about it; I decided to run a write in campaign. Being an amateur and naive, I let that anger translate into the literature I was handing out.
That fateful day, I knock on Joan’s door! She was on the telephone. I handed her my literature and was on my way. On my way back up the other side of the street, Joan was outside waiting for me! I remember the call, “Young man, young man come over here!”
She read me the riot act, stating, “You cannot be negative like this if you want to get into politics.”
And the lecture went on. I explained my side and while she understood, she did not back away from her point. We exchanged pleasantries and I was on my way.
I don’t remember how we began to be in contact, but we did.
She spoke at local Republican functions. I would think this lady had some extreme ideas, but I listened. She never said anything that she could not back up with facts.
As time went on our relationship grew. She provided more information than anyone could read. If you needed anything, she and Fred would have it at their fingertips (that is true to this day).
The more I read the more outraged I would get. The country I was raised to love and respect was/is being dismantled from within. When you start to look how agendas are connected, you have a whole new perspective.
I think the most important thing Joan taught me was to connect the dots. Do not look at issues as silos. The connections are there for anyone who wants to find them.
I do not want this to be a political piece, so I will stop there!
Joan Battey reached out and did more for this Country than most Americans. She touched the lives of so many people, but she never had any idea of how many. I would feel bad when she would get frustrated because I knew she felt like what she did was for nothing. Results don’t happen overnight. She has created more patriots then she will ever now.
I would consider her the Matriarch of the Tea Party in many ways; and most people who know her would agree! She was the Tea Party when the Tea party wasn’t cool! This is why I have faith in the next generation.
The educational email loop she and Fred organized and shared information with from parents, school board personnel, and politicians from almost all 50 states was second to none. The columnists, many of which you read, officials from within the Reagan Administration, right down to the next door neighbor were all part of her network. No one was too little or too big.
I was blessed to have met Joan and Fred. This community had one of America’s greatest defenders living within it. Not many people knew and that is how she would want it.
The prize was not fame or notoriety, it was getting back America to the country it once was. Joan’s job and accomplishments are finished. It’s time for the next generation to take the mantle.
Over the next couple of months I am going to try and find a couple of my past columns that Joan inspired within me. I am sure the naysayers of the past will see the reality of today.
Ronald Reagan stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
Joan understood that, do you? God Bless you Joan and rest in Peace. You deserve it after a job well done.
Joan E. Battey, of Apalachin, N.Y., passed away on Friday, Nov. 28, 2014.